前言:命运究竟如丹上位所认为的“天生如此”?还是如阿甘妈认为的“人定胜天”?这无疑是一个命运论,to be nor not to be?但是无论命运如何坎坷,我始终赞同阿甘妈的态度,我们无法决定被上天安排的角色,会遇见谁?成为谁的亲人?但是我们可以选择如何对待和取舍,最后找寻自我!也许过程才是我们所认为的“命运”,它就在我们脚下,在我们心中…
1.cripple 美 [ˈkrɪpəl] n. 跛子;瘸子;瘫子;残疾
2.freak 美: [frik] n.怪物
3.supposed 美: [səˈpoʊzd] (用于被动语态)认为应该
串1:It is all part of a plan.它总有缘故。(直译:这是计划中的一部分。)
It is sth. part of sth.某某是某某的一部分。
例1:This is an extremely scenic part of America.这是美国风景非常秀丽的一个地区。
串2.nothing but 无非,只有,只不过。
例2.He said nothing but gave me a smile.他什么也没说,只是朝我笑了笑。
You listen to me.We all have a destiny.Nothing just happens. It's all part of a plan!I should have died out there with my men,but now...I'm nothing but a god damn cripple,a legless freak!Look. Look! Look at me!You see that?Do you know what it's like not to be able to use your legs?Y-Y -Yes, sir, I do.Did you hear what I said?You cheated me! I had a destiny.I was supposed to die in the field with honor!