
c regex

  1. 编译正则表达式 regcomp()
  2. 匹配正则表达式 regexec()
  3. 释放正则表达式 regfree()
  4. 错误处理 regerror()
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <regex.h>  //标准c不支持,Linux常带有此文件
    int main(){
        regex_t reg;    //定义一个正则实例
        const char* pattern = "^\\w+([-+.]\\w+)*@\\w+([-.]\\w+)*.\\w+([-.]\\w+)*$"; //定义模式串
        regcomp(&reg, pattern, REG_EXTENDED);    //编译正则模式串
        char* buf = "david19842003@gmail.com";   //定义待匹配串
        const size_t nmatch = 1;    //定义匹配结果最大允许数
        regmatch_t pmatch[1];   //定义匹配结果在待匹配串中的下标范围
        int status = regexec(&reg, buf, nmatch, pmatch, 0); //匹配他
        if (status == REG_NOMATCH){ //如果没匹配上
            printf("No Match\n");
        else if (status == 0){  //如果匹配上了
            for (int i = pmatch[0].rm_so; i < pmatch[0].rm_eo; i++){    //遍历输出匹配范围的字符串
                printf("%c", buf[i]);
        regfree(&reg);  //释放正则表达式
        return 0;

1.int regcomp (regex_t *compiled, const char *pattern, int cflags)

  • regex_t 是一个结构体数据类型,用来存放编译后的正则表达式
    • regex_t 的成员re_nsub 用来存储正则表达式中的子正则表达式的个数,子正则表达式就是用圆括号包起来的部分表达式
  • pattern 是指向我们写好的正则表达式的指针
  • cflags 有如下4个值或者是它们或运算(|)后的值:
    • REG_EXTENDED 以功能更加强大的扩展正则表达式的方式进行匹配。
    • REG_ICASE 匹配字母时忽略大小写。
    • REG_NOSUB 不用存储匹配后的结果。
    • REG_NEWLINE 识别换行符,这样'$'就可以从行尾开始匹配,'^'就可以从行的开头开始匹配

2.int regexec (regex_t *compiled, char *string, size_t nmatch, regmatch_t matchptr [], int eflags)

  • 如果在编译正则表达式的时候没有指定cflags的参数为REG_NEWLINE,则默认情况下是忽略换行符的,也就是把整个文本串当作一个字符串处理。执行成功返回0
    • regmatch_t 是一个结构体数据类型,在regex.h中定义:typedef struct{regoff_t rm_so;regoff_t rm_eo;} regmatch_t;
    • 成员rm_so 存放匹配文本串在目标串中的开始位置,rm_eo存放结束位置
    • 通常我们以数组的形式定义一组这样的结构。因为往往我们的正则表达式中还包含子正则表达式。数组0单元存放主正则表达式位置,后边的单元依次存放子正则表达式位置
  • compiled 是已经用regcomp函数编译好的正则表达式
  • string 是目标文本串
  • nmatchregmatch_t结构体数组的长度
  • matchptr regmatch_t类型的结构体数组,存放匹配文本串的位置信息
  • eflags 有两个值
    • REG_NOTBOL 按我的理解是如果指定了这个值,那么’^’就不会从我们的目标串开始匹配。总之我到现在还不是很明白这个参数的意义
    • REG_NOTEOL 和上边那个作用差不多,不过这个指定结束end of line

3.void regfree (regex_t *compiled)

  • 清空compiled指向的regex_t结构体的内容
  • 如果是重新编译的话,一定要先清空regex_t结构体c

4.size_t regerror (int errcode, regex_t *compiled, char *buffer, size_t length)

  • 当执行regcomp 或者regexec 产生错误的时候,就可以调用这个函数而返回一个包含错误信息的字符串
  • errcode 是由regcompregexec 函数返回的错误代号
  • compiled 是已经用regcomp函数编译好的正则表达式,这个值可以为NULL
  • buffer 指向用来存放错误信息的字符串的内存空间
  • length 指明buffer的长度,如果这个错误信息的长度大于这个值,则regerror 函数会自动截断超出的字符串,但他仍然会返回完整的字符串的长度。所以我们可以用如下的方法先得到错误字符串的长度。
`size_t length = regerror (errcode, compiled, NULL, 0);`

c regex 用法

C++ regex


Regular Expressions (C++)

正则表达式 (C++)

正则表达式 (C++)


regex typedefs

  • basic_regex 包装正则表达式。
  • match_results 包含一系列子匹配项。
  • regex_constants 包含各种类型的常量。
  • regex_error 报告错误的正则表达式。
  • regex_iterator 循环访问匹配结果。
  • regex_traits 描述用于匹配的元素的特征。
  • regex_traits<char> 描述用于匹配的 char 的特征。
  • regex_traits<wchar_t> 描述用于匹配的 wchar_t 的特征。
  • regex_token_iterator 循环访问子匹配项。
  • sub_match 介绍子匹配项。


  • cmatch char match_results 的类型定义。
  • cregex_iterator char regex_iterator 的类型定义。
  • cregex_token_iterator char regex_token_iterator 的类型定义。
  • csub_match char sub_match 的类型定义。
  • regex char basic_regex 的类型定义。
  • smatch string match_results 的类型定义。
  • sregex_iterator string regex_iterator 的类型定义。
  • sregex_token_iterator string regex_token_iterator 的类型定义。
  • ssub_match string sub_match 的类型定义。
  • wcmatch wchar_t match_results 的类型定义。
  • wcregex_iterator wchar_t regex_iterator 的类型定义。
  • wcregex_token_iterator wchar_t regex_token_iterator 的类型定义。
  • wcsub_match wchar_t sub_match 的类型定义。
  • wregex wchar_t basic_regex 的类型定义。
  • wsmatch wstring match_results 的类型定义。
  • wsregex_iterator wstring regex_iterator 的类型定义。
  • wsregex_token_iterator wstring regex_token_iterator 的类型定义。
  • wssub_match wstring sub_match 的类型定义。


  • regex_match 与正则表达式完全匹配。
  • regex_replace 替换匹配正则表达式。
  • regex_search 搜索正则表达式匹配项。
  • swap 交换 basic_regexmatch_results 对象。


  • operator== 比较各种对象,相等。
  • operator!= 比较各种对象,不相等。
  • operator< 比较各种对象,小于。
  • operator<= 比较各种对象,小于或等于。
  • operator> 比较各种对象,大于。
  • operator>= 比较各种对象,大于或等于。
  • operator<< 将 sub_match 插入流中。


#include "stdafx.h"  
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   

using namespace std;  

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])  

    // (1) with char*  
    // Note how const char* requires cmatch and regex  
    const char *first = "abc";  
    const char *last = first + strlen(first);  
    cmatch narrowMatch;  
    regex rx("a(b)c");  

    bool found = regex_match(first, last, narrowMatch, rx);  

    // (1) with std::wstring  
    // Note how wstring requires wsmatch and wregex.  
    // Note use of const iterators cbegin() and cend().  
    wstring target(L"Hello");  
    wsmatch wideMatch;  
    wregex wrx(L"He(l+)o");  

    if (regex_match(target.cbegin(), target.cend(), wideMatch, wrx))  
        wcout << L"The matching text is:" << wideMatch.str() << endl;   

    // (2) with std::string  
    string target2("Drizzle");  
    regex rx2(R"(D\w+e)"); // no double backslashes with raw string literal  
    found = regex_match(target2.cbegin(), target2.cend(), rx2);  

    // (3) with wchar_t*  
    const wchar_t* target3 = L"2014-04-02";  
    wcmatch wideMatch2;  

    // LR"(...)" is a  raw wide-string literal. Open and close parens  
    // are delimiters, not string elements.  
    wregex wrx2(LR"(\d{4}(-|/)\d{2}(-|/)\d{2})");   
    if (regex_match(target3, wideMatch2, wrx2))  
        wcout << L"Matching text: " << wideMatch2.str() << endl;  

     return 0;  


// std__regex__regex_replace.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   

int main()   
    char buf[20];   
    const char *first = "axayaz";   
    const char *last = first + strlen(first);   
    std::regex rx("a");   
    std::string fmt("A");   
    std::regex_constants::match_flag_type fonly =   

 *std::regex_replace(&buf[0], first, last, rx, fmt) = '\0';   
    std::cout << "replacement == " << &buf[0] << std::endl;   

 *std::regex_replace(&buf[0], first, last, rx, fmt, fonly) = '\0';   
    std::cout << "replacement == " << &buf[0] << std::endl;   

    std::string str("adaeaf");   
    std::cout << "replacement == "   
        << std::regex_replace(str, rx, fmt) << std::endl;   

    std::cout << "replacement == "   
        << std::regex_replace(str, rx, fmt, fonly) << std::endl;   

    return (0);   


replacement == AxAyAz  
replacement == Axayaz  
replacement == AdAeAf  
replacement == Adaeaf 


// std__regex__regex_search.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   

int main()   
    const char *first = "abcd";   
    const char *last = first + strlen(first);   
    std::cmatch mr;   
    std::regex rx("abc");   
    std::regex_constants::match_flag_type fl =   

    std::cout << "search(f, f+1, \"abc\") == " << std::boolalpha   
        << regex_search(first, first + 1, rx, fl) << std::endl;   

    std::cout << "search(f, l, \"abc\") == " << std::boolalpha   
        << regex_search(first, last, mr, rx) << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "  matched: \"" << mr.str() << "\"" << std::endl;   

    std::cout << "search(\"a\", \"abc\") == " << std::boolalpha   
        << regex_search("a", rx) << std::endl;   

    std::cout << "search(\"xabcd\", \"abc\") == " << std::boolalpha   
        << regex_search("xabcd", mr, rx) << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "  matched: \"" << mr.str() << "\"" << std::endl;   

    std::cout << "search(string, \"abc\") == " << std::boolalpha   
        << regex_search(std::string("a"), rx) << std::endl;   

    std::string str("abcabc");   
    std::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> mr2;   
    std::cout << "search(string, \"abc\") == " << std::boolalpha   
        << regex_search(str, mr2, rx) << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "  matched: \"" << mr2.str() << "\"" << std::endl;   

    return (0);   


// std__regex__match_results_begin.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   

int main()   
    std::regex rx("c(a*)|(b)");   
    std::cmatch mr;   

    std::regex_search("xcaaay", mr, rx);   

    std::cout << "prefix: matched == " << std::boolalpha   
        << mr.prefix().matched   
        << ", value == " << mr.prefix() << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "whole match: " << mr.length() << " chars, value == "   
        << mr.str() << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "suffix: matched == " << std::boolalpha   
        << mr.suffix().matched   
        << ", value == " << mr.suffix() << std::endl;   
    std::cout << std::endl;   

    std::string fmt("\"c(a*)|(b)\" matched \"$0\"\n"   
        "\"(a*)\" matched \"$1\"\n"   
        "\"(b)\" matched \"$2\"\n");   
    std::cout << mr.format(fmt) << std::endl;   
    std::cout << std::endl;   

// index through submatches   
    for (size_t n = 0; n < mr.size(); ++n)   
        std::cout << "submatch[" << n << "]: matched == " << std::boolalpha   
            << mr[n].matched <<   
            " at position " << mr.position(n) << std::endl;   
        std::cout << "  " << mr.length(n)   
            << " chars, value == " << mr[n] << std::endl;   
    std::cout << std::endl;   

// iterate through submatches   
    for (std::cmatch::iterator it = mr.begin(); it != mr.end(); ++it)   
        std::cout << "next submatch: matched == " << std::boolalpha   
            << it->matched << std::endl;   
        std::cout << "  " << it->length()   
            << " chars, value == " << *it << std::endl;   
    std::cout << std::endl;   

// other members   
    std::cmatch mr1(mr);   
    mr = mr1;   

    char buf[10];   
 *mr.format(&buf[0], "<$0>") = '\0';   
    std::cout << &buf[0] << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "empty == " << std::boolalpha << mr.empty() << std::endl;   

    std::cmatch::allocator_type al = mr.get_allocator();   
    std::cmatch::string_type str = std::string("x");   
    std::cmatch::size_type maxsiz = mr.max_size();   
    std::cmatch::char_type ch = 'x';   
    std::cmatch::difference_type dif = mr.begin() - mr.end();   
    std::cmatch::const_iterator cit = mr.begin();   
    std::cmatch::value_type val = *cit;   
    std::cmatch::const_reference cref = val;   
    std::cmatch::reference ref = val;   

    maxsiz = maxsiz;  // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    if (ref == cref)   
        ch = ch;   
    dif = dif;   

    return (0);   


// std__regex__sub_match_compare.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   

int main()   
    std::regex rx("c(a*)|(b)");   
    std::cmatch mr;   

    std::regex_search("xcaaay", mr, rx);   

    std::csub_match sub = mr[1];   
    std::cout << "matched == " << std::boolalpha   
        << sub.matched << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "length == " << sub.length() << std::endl;   

    std::csub_match::difference_type dif = std::distance(sub.first, sub.second);   
    std::cout << "difference == " << dif << std::endl;   

    std::csub_match::iterator first = sub.first;   
    std::csub_match::iterator last = sub.second;   
    std::cout << "range == " << std::string(first, last)   
        << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "string == " << sub << std::endl;   

    std::csub_match::value_type *ptr = "aab";   
    std::cout << "compare(\"aab\") == "   
        << sub.compare(ptr) << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "compare(string) == "   
        << sub.compare(std::string("AAA")) << std::endl;   
    std::cout << "compare(sub) == "   
        << sub.compare(sub) << std::endl;   

    return (0);   


// std__regex__regex_error_code.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   

int main()   
    std::regex_error paren(std::regex_constants::error_paren);   

        std::regex rx("(a");   
    catch (const std::regex_error& rerr)   
        std::cout << "regex error: "   
            << (rerr.code() == paren.code()   
                 "unbalanced parentheses" : "")   
            << std::endl;   
    catch (...)   
        std::cout << "unknown exception" << std::endl;   

    return (0);   


// std__regex__regex_iterator_difference_type.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   

typedef std::regex_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "axayaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   

    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   

// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   

    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   

    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   

    return (0);   


#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   

typedef std::regex_token_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "aaxaayaaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("(a)a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   

// show whole match   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
    std::cout << std::endl;   

// show prefix before match   
    next = Myiter(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx, -1);   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
    std::cout << std::endl;   

// show (a) submatch only   
    next = Myiter(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx, 1);   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
    std::cout << std::endl;   

// show prefixes and submatches   
    std::vector<int> vec;   
    next = Myiter(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx, vec);   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
    std::cout << std::endl;   

// show prefixes and whole matches   
    int arr[] = {-1, 0};   
    next = Myiter(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx, arr);   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
    std::cout << std::endl;   

// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   

    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   

    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   

    return (0);   


// std__regex__regex_traits_char_class_type.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   

typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr;   
int main()   
    Mytr tr;   

    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a');   
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl;   

    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A'))   
        << std::endl;   

    const char *lbegin = "abc";   
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin);   
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin);   
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl;   

    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend);   
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl;   

    const char *ubegin = "ABC";   
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin);   
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) <   
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend))   
        << std::endl;   

    const char *dig = "digit";   
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5);   
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha   
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1))   
        << std::endl;   

    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha   
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5))   
        << std::endl;   

    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl;   

// other members   
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5);   

    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc();   

    return (0);   



#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
int main()
    std::string s = "Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "
        "\"I know, I'll use regular expressions.\" "
        "Now they have two problems.";
    std::regex self_regex("REGULAR EXPRESSIONS",
            std::regex_constants::ECMAScript | std::regex_constants::icase);
    if (std::regex_search(s, self_regex)) {
        std::cout << "Text contains the phrase 'regular expressions'\n";
    std::regex word_regex("(\\S+)");
    auto words_begin = 
        std::sregex_iterator(s.begin(), s.end(), word_regex);
    auto words_end = std::sregex_iterator();
    std::cout << "Found "
              << std::distance(words_begin, words_end)
              << " words\n";
    const int N = 6;
    std::cout << "Words longer than " << N << " characters:\n";
    for (std::sregex_iterator i = words_begin; i != words_end; ++i) {
        std::smatch match = *i;
        std::string match_str = match.str();
        if (match_str.size() > N) {
            std::cout << "  " << match_str << '\n';
    std::regex long_word_regex("(\\w{7,})");
    std::string new_s = std::regex_replace(s, long_word_regex, "[$&]");
    std::cout << new_s << '\n';


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
int main()
    std::string str = "zzxayyzz";
    std::regex re1(".*(a|xayy)"); // ECMA
    std::regex re2(".*(a|xayy)", std::regex::extended); // POSIX
    std::cout << "Searching for .*(a|xayy) in zzxayyzz:\n";
    std::smatch m;
    std::regex_search(str, m, re1);
    std::cout << " ECMA (depth first search) match: " << m[0] << '\n';
    std::regex_search(str, m, re2);
    std::cout << " POSIX (leftmost longest)  match: " << m[0] << '\n';

boost regex

1 boost::regex_match


2 boost::regex_replace


3 boost::regex_search


#include <iostream>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>

void main()
    std::string str = "chinaen 8Glish";

    boost::regex expr("(\\w+)\\s(\\w+)");

    //+ 用来表示重复一或多次
    //d-digit 任何0-9之间的数字
    //s-space 任何空格字符
    //u-upper A-Z之间的大写字母。如果设置了地域的话,可能包含其他字符
    //w-word 任何单词字符-字母数字下划线

    std::cout << boost::regex_match(str, expr) << std::endl;//匹配1,不匹配0

    boost::smatch what;

    if (boost::regex_search(str, what, expr))//正则表达式检索
        std::cout << what[0] << std::endl;
        std::cout << what[1] << std::endl;
        std::cout << what[2] << std::endl;
        std::cout << what[3] << std::endl;
        std::cout << "检索失败" << std::endl;



//s-space 任何空格字符

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>

void main()
    std::string str = "chinaen 8Glish";

    boost::regex expr("\\s");//s-space 任何空格字符

    std::string tihuan = "____";

    std::cout << boost::regex_replace(str, expr, tihuan) << std::endl;//把expr替换



#include <iostream>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>

using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    //( 1 )   ((  3  )  2 )((  5 )4)(    6    )   
    const char *szReg = "(\\w+)://((\\w+\\.)*\\w+)((/\\w*)*)(/\\w+\\.\\w+)?";
    const char *szStr = "http://www.cppprog.com/2009/0112/48.html";
    {    //字符串匹配
        boost::regex reg( szReg );
        bool r=boost::regex_match( szStr , reg);
    {    //提取子串
        boost::cmatch mat;
        boost::regex reg( szReg );
        bool r=boost::regex_match( szStr, mat, reg);
        if(r) //如果匹配成功
            for(boost::cmatch::iterator itr=mat.begin(); itr!=mat.end(); ++itr)
                //       指向子串对应首位置        指向子串对应尾位置          子串内容
                cout << itr->first-szStr << ' ' << itr->second-szStr << ' ' << *itr << endl;
        if(mat[4].matched) cout << "Path is" << mat[4] << endl;
    { //查找
        boost::cmatch mat;
        boost::regex reg( "\\d+" );    //查找字符串里的数字
        if(boost::regex_search(szStr, mat, reg))
            cout << "searched:" << mat[0] << endl;
    { //替换
        boost::regex reg( szReg );
        string s = boost::regex_replace( string(szStr), reg, "ftp://$2$5");
        cout << "ftp site:"<< s << endl;
    { //替换2,把<>&转换成网页字符
        string s1 = "(<)|(>)|(&)";
        string s2 = "(?1<)(?2>)(?3&)";
        boost::regex reg( s1 );
        string s = boost::regex_replace( string("cout << a&b << endl;"), reg, s2, boost::match_default | boost::format_all);
        cout << "HTML:"<< s << endl;
    { //使用迭代器找出所有数字
        boost::regex reg( "\\d+" );    //查找字符串里的数字
        boost::cregex_iterator itrBegin = make_regex_iterator(szStr,reg); //(szStr, szStr+strlen(szStr), reg);
        boost::cregex_iterator itrEnd;
        for(boost::cregex_iterator itr=itrBegin; itr!=itrEnd; ++itr)
            //       指向子串对应首位置        指向子串对应尾位置          子串内容
            cout << (*itr)[0].first-szStr << ' ' << (*itr)[0].second-szStr << ' ' << *itr << endl;
    { //使用迭代器拆分字符串
        boost::regex reg("/");  //按/符拆分字符串
        boost::cregex_token_iterator itrBegin = make_regex_token_iterator(szStr,reg,-1); //使用-1参数时拆分,使用其它数字时表示取第几个子串,可使用数组取多个串
        boost::cregex_token_iterator itrEnd;
        for(boost::cregex_token_iterator itr=itrBegin; itr!=itrEnd; ++itr)
            cout << *itr << endl;
    { //使用迭代器拆分字符串2
        boost::regex reg("(.)/(.)");  //取/的前一字符和后一字符(这个字符串形象貌似有点邪恶-_-)
        int subs[] = {1,2};        // 第一子串和第二子串
        boost::cregex_token_iterator itrBegin = make_regex_token_iterator(szStr,reg,subs); //使用-1参数时拆分,使用其它数字时表示取第几个子串,可使用数组取多个串
        boost::cregex_token_iterator itrEnd;
        for(boost::cregex_token_iterator itr=itrBegin; itr!=itrEnd; ++itr)
            cout << *itr << endl;
    return 0;

正则表达式 boost Regex

.NET 正则表达式



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Regex 类






正则表达式 30 分钟入门教程


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