宝贝们在美工区串珠子和捏饺子。Kids string beads and make dumplings in the art area.
宝贝们在户外滑滑梯和扮演奥特曼打怪兽。 Kids playing outdoors activities, playing Ultraman fighting monsters.
宝贝们在建构区建造城堡和城堡外面的房顶。 Kids built the castle at the construction area.
魏征霖小朋友和王亚林小朋友还有周靖章小朋友再超市区扮演老板和顾客买卖东西。 The kids Wei Zhenglin, Wang Yalin and Zhou Jingzhang play the role of boss and customer in the supermarket area.
宝贝们在语言区玩过家家和用杯子建小小城堡。 Kids have played with each other in the language zone and built small castles with cups.
宝贝们在户外分组,哪组钓的小鱼更多。 Kids are doing outdoors activities, they are catching fish.
宝贝们在语言区跟李老师玩游戏老鹰捉小鸡,宝贝们玩得很开心很兴奋。 Kids are playing games with teacher Li in the language area. The eagles catch chicks. Kids are very happy and excited.
在李老师和lily还有刘老师和张老师的带领下,宝贝们上课认真听讲,好学。每天上lily的课宝贝们都会认真的听也会跟着一起读英语,还有刘老师和李老师的课程也会乖乖的跟着上,连着张老师都夸奖宝贝们很乖,我们这些老师很喜欢这些宝贝们。 Under the leadership of Teachers Li, Lily, Liu and Zhang, kids listened carefully in class and learned. Every day in the lily class, kids will listen carefully and read English together, and the courses of Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Li follow as well. Mr. Zhang praised the babies for being very good. Teachers like the kids very much.
通过一周的学习和游戏,在我们这些老师辛勤的带领下,宝贝们健康快乐地成长,我爱我的k2B班全体小朋友,相亲相爱一家人。 Through a week of learning and games, under the hard work of our teachers, the babies grow up healthily and happily. I love all the children in my k2B class and we love each other as a family.