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What is the meaning of the "connection reset by peer" error on a TCP connection? Is it a fatal error or just a notification?
It's pretty fatal. The remote server has sent you a RST packet, which indicates an immediate dropping of the connection, rather than the usual handshake. This bypasses the normal half-closed state transition. I likethis description:
"Connection reset by peer" is the TCP/IP equivalent of slamming the phone back on the hook. It's more polite than merely not replying, leaving one hanging. But it's not the FIN-ACK expected of the truly polite TCP/IP converseur.
This means that a TCP RST was received and the connection is now closed. This occurs when a packet is sent from your end of the connection but the other end does not recognize the connection; it will send back a packet with the RST bit set in order to forcibly close the connection. This can happen if the other side crashes and then comes back up, or if it callsclose()on the socket while there is data from you in transit, and is an indication to you that some of the data that you previously sent may not have been received. It is up to you whether that is an error; if the information you were sending was only for the benefit of the remote client then it may not matter that any final data may have been lost. However you should close the socket and free up any other resources associated with the connection.
org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on GET request for "http://news.panguso.com/subapi!addsub.htm?uid=2746&cid=855":Connection reset; nested exception is java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
1,如果一端的Socket被关闭(或主动关闭,或因为异常退出而 引起的关闭),另一端仍发送数据,发送的第一个数据包引发该异常(Connect reset by peer)。
2,一端退出,但退出时并未关闭该连接,另一端如果在从连接中读数据则抛出该异常(Connection reset)。
Connection reset by peer的常见原因:
如果知道实际连接服务器的并发客户数没有超过服务器的承载量,则有可能是中了病毒或者木马,引起网络流量异常。可以使用netstat -an查看网络连接情况。
如果网络连接通过防火墙,而防火墙一般都会有超时的机制,在网络连接长时间不传输数据时,会关闭这个TCP的会话,关闭后在读写,就会导致异常。 如果关闭防火墙,解决了问题,需要重新配置防火墙,或者自己编写程序实现TCP的长连接。实现TCP的长连接,需要自己定义心跳协议,每隔一段时间,发送一次心跳协议,双方维持连接。
JSP页面缺省缓存为8k,当JSP页面数据比较大的时候,有可能JSP没有完全传递给浏览器。这时可以适当调整buffer的大小。 <%@ page buffer="100k"%>
常见网络异常(转自http://www.cnblogs.com/kaixin110/archive/2008/04/11/1148671.html ):
第1个异常是java.net.BindException:Address already in use: JVM_Bind。该异常发生在服务器端进行new ServerSocket(port)(port是一个0,65536的整型值)操作时。异常的原因是以为与port一样的一个端口已经被启动,并进行监听。此时用netstat –an命令,可以看到一个Listending状态的端口。只需要找一个没有被占用的端口就能解决这个问题。
第2个异常是java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect。该异常发生在客户端进行 new Socket(ip, port)操作时,该异常发生的原因是或者具有ip地址的机器不能找到(也就是说从当前机器不存在到指定ip路由),或者是该ip存在,但找不到指定的端口进行监听。出现该问题,首先检查客户端的ip和port是否写错了,如果正确则从客户端ping一下服务器看是否能 ping通,如果能ping通(服务服务器端把ping禁掉则需要另外的办法),则看在服务器端的监听指定端口的程序是否启动,这个肯定能解决这个问题。
第3个异常是java.net.SocketException: Socket is closed,该异常在客户端和服务器均可能发生。异常的原因是己方主动关闭了连接后(调用了Socket的close方法)再对网络连接进行读写操作。
第4个异常是java.net.SocketException: (Connection reset或者 Connect reset by peer:Socket write error)。该异常在客户端和服务器端均有可能发生,引起该异常的原因有两个,第一个就是如果一端的Socket被关闭(或主动关闭或者因为异常退出而引起的关闭),另一端仍发送数据,发送的第一个数据包引发该异常 (Connect reset by peer)。另一个是一端退出,但退出时并未关闭该连接,另一端如果在从连接中读数据则抛出该异常(Connection reset)。简单的说就是在连接断开后的读和写操作引起的。
第5个异常是java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe。该异常在客户端和服务器均有可能发生。在第4个异常的第一种情况中(也就是抛出SocketExcepton:Connect reset by peer:Socket write error后),如果再继续写数据则抛出该异常。前两个异常的解决方法是首先确保程序退出前关闭所有的网络连接,其次是要检测对方的关闭连接操作,发现对方关闭连接后自己也要关闭该连接。客户端错误代码10053 Software caused connection abort(软件原因导致连接中断)