TheSuomi NPP(National Polar-orbiting Partnership) satellite is part of NOAA'sJoint Polar Satellite System (JPSS). It provides essential weather observationdata to NOAA's National Weather Service and contributes to NASA's study ofEarth's climate.
NPP 卫星共搭载5 个传感器:臭氧剖面制图仪(Ozone
Mapper Profiler Suite, OMPS),高级微波探测器(Advanced Technology
Microwave Sounder, ATM),可见光/红外辐射成像仪(Visible
Infrared Im-aging Radiometer Suite, VIIRS),云和地球辐射能量系统(Cloud and the Earth’s
Radiant Energy System, CE-RES),红外探测器(Cross-track Infrared
Sounder, CrIS)。
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Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS)is the first in a seriesof advanced operational sounders that will provide more accurate, detailedatmospheric temperatureandmoistureobservations for weather andclimate applications. This information will help significantly improve climateprediction and both short-term weather "nowcasting" and longer-termforecasting.
CrISMeasures upwelling infrared radianceat veryhigh spectral resolution:
1,305spectral channels (SWIR: 3.92-4.64µm; MWIR: 5.71-8.26µm; LWIR: 9.14-15.38µm) atnominal mode (NSR), with resolution at0.625,
1.25, and 2.5 cm-1for the LWIR, MWIR, SWIR bands, respectively
2211spectral channels at full spectral resolution (FSR) mode, with resolution at0.625 cm-1 for all three bands.
Lownoise levels (NEdN)
Muchfiner resolution for improved vertical soundings increasing both radiometricand spectral accuracy.
Datais combined with ATMS to produce vertical profiles of the temperature,moisture, and pressure.
Typicaltemperature retrieval accuracy well below 1K.
Cross-trackInfrared Sounder (CrIS) is a keysensor:
FourierTransform Spectrometer providinghigh
resolution IR spectra
Fieldsof Regard each 3 x 3 FOVs
PhotovoltaicDetectors in all 3 bands
4-StagePassive Detector Cooler
On-boardinternal calibration target
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The NUCAPS suite of EDR products includes twodifferent files in Net CDF format: the Standard Product and the Cloud-ClearedRadiance (CCR) Product. The Standard Product consists of retrieved estimates ofhydrological variables such as atmospheric vertical temperature and moisture(water vapor) profiles (AVTP and AVMP, respectively), cloud fraction and cloudtop pressure,trace gas retrievals
including ozone (O3), methane (CH4), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide
(CO2), SO2, N2O, and HNO3, and a flag indicating the presence of dust and
volcano emission. The vertical sampling of each retrieved atmosphericprofile variable consists of 100 points total between 1100 hPa and 0.016 hPa.Intermediate solutions from the microwave retrieval (used primarily under cloudyconditions when the infrared retrieval fails to converge and is otherwise notaccepted) and the regression first guess are also a part of the deliveredstandard output. Full spectrum CCR spectra are also produced along with theStandard Product, as the CCR radiances are the radiances used to retrieve theStandard Product. Both the Standard Product and CCR file are generated at alllocations where the atmospheric soundings are taken. Each product fileencompasses one granule of CrIS/ATMS data, where granules are formally definedas the smallest cluster of data that is independently managed (i.e., described,inventoried, retrievable). Each NUCAPS granule contains 32 seconds of data,corresponding to 4 scan lines of CrIS/ATMS data. Each scan line contains 30Fields-of-Regard (FOR) for the ATMS instrument viewed on the Earth's surfacewith a scan width of +/- 48 degrees. Each FOR contains a simultaneouslymeasured 3x3 set of Fields-of-View (FOV) from the CrIS instrument. The CrIS FOVare circular and have a diameter of 14 km at nadir. The UTC start time of theNth granule is [146+360�(N-1)]/3600 hours.
NOAA'sComprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System
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