. 用毒毒毒蛇,毒蛇会不会被毒死
. 领导:“你这是什么意思?” 小王:“没什么意思,意思意思。” 领导:“你这就不够意思了。” 小王:“小意思,小意思。” 领导:“你这人真有意思。” 小王:“其实也没有别的意思。” 领导:“那我就不好意思了。” 小王:“是我不好意思。
- 你这是什么意思? -> 意思:内含的含义: What dose it mean? / What do you mean ? mean -> intent to do
- 没什么意思,意思意思。->意思:目的; 意思:v 表达美好祝愿: I want nothing. I just wanna appreciate you. mean -> value
- 你这就不够意思了 -> 意思:心意;: You didn't treat me as your true/genuine friend
- 小意思,小意思 -> 意思:心意 That is so small that it can't express my meaning. / No problem 小事一桩 It a piece of cake 意达形不达
-- https://www.sdmydcr.com/jianzheng/74.html
- 你这人真有意思 -> 意思:有趣,趣味 You're humorous
-其实也没有别的意思 -> There isn't other meaning
- I feel bad. I get you wrong
- No, it's my fault
- 轻微的道歉,表达内心感到愧疚。影响程度比较浅,如只是叫人让一让。对不起,就比较正式了,影响程度比较大,需要使用对不起
- 如果在需要用对不起的时候,用了不好意思!反而是表达自己的傲慢,满不在乎
- 情景:
-- https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1631766575118628828&wfr=spider&for=pc&isFailFlag=1
-- 会麻烦到别人的不好意思
--- excuse me
-- 致歉
--- sorry
-- 感觉过意不去的不好意思-- 别人帮助了自己,想做一些事补偿 -- 愧疚
--- feel bad
-- 不好意思去做什么 -- 不情愿
--- can't bring myself to do sth
-- 不用不好意思
-- Don't mention it / Don't worry about it
. Mean
. To have sth as a meaning
. Intend to say on a particular occasion
. To have sth as a purpose or intention 重要
. Intend sb to be or to do
流程 procedure:
- Subject
-- How to translate Chinese into English
--- I suppose that we need to build a bridge between English and Chinese.
--- by using the simple words to describe the complex words then find the similar English words to replace Chinese words according to the English grammar
- 1. How can you translate? What does the word '意思' mean in each sentence? And try to translate
- 2. Extend
- 3. Try to translate a paragraph