Guideline 2.3.7 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
Your app name or subtitle to be displayed on the App Store includes keywords or descriptors, which are not appropriate for use in these metadata items.
Specifically, the following words in your app name or subtitle are considered keywords or descriptors:
审核规则:2.3.7 请选择一个独一无二的 app 名称,指定能够准确描述 app 的关键词,不要试图用商标术语、流行 app 的名称或其他不相关的短语来包装任何元数据,以此欺骗系统。App 名称必须限制在 30 个字符以内,且不得包含不属于 app 名称的价格、词语或描述。App 副标题是详细介绍 app 背景信息的绝佳之处。副标题必须遵循我们的标准元数据规则,且不得包含不当内容、提及其他 app 或做出无法证实的产品声明。Apple 可以随时修改不合适的关键字或采取其他相应步骤,以防止不当使用。
Guideline 4.3 - Design
This app duplicates the content and functionality of other apps submitted by you or another developer to the App Store, which is considered a form of spam.
Specifically, this app appears to be available in the same territories as another identical app submitted to the App Store. It would be appropriate to restrict the available territories for individual apps to those areas in which you intend to market and sell it and ensure none of the selected territories overlap.
Apps that simply duplicate content or functionality create clutter, diminish the overall experience for the end user, and reduce the ability of developers to market their apps.
The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.
审核规则:请不要为同一个 app 创建多个套装 ID。如果您的 app 针对特定位置、运动队、大学等存在不同版本,请考虑提交单个 app,并提供 App 内购买项目以提供不同的功能。同时,请避免继续在已有大量类似 app 的类别下进行开发;App Store 上已经有太多模拟放屁、打嗝声音的 app,以及手电筒和爱经 app。上传大量相似版本 app 的开发者会遭到 Apple Developer Program 的除名。
Guideline 1.1.6 - Safety - Objectionable Content
Upon further review, we still find your app's metadata contains misleading content or content that is intended to deceive users.
Specificially, your subtitle still contains the term 正版.
Please note that adding a disclaimer to the app description is not sufficient if the rest of the metadata and the app are misleading.
The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.
审核规则:1.1.6 虚假信息和功能,其中包括不准确的设备数据或用于恶作剧/开玩笑的功能,如虚假的位置跟踪器。即使指明 app“仅供娱乐”,也不能违背这一准则。支持匿名或恶作剧电话或短信/彩信的 app 会被拒绝。