
冥想是种意境(Meditation is an artistic conception):

1、冥想是不费力气的专注与觉知(Meditation is effortless concentration and awareness):

在冥想的过程中,我们让心念放下对问题的思考、分析、回忆、判断,以及对过去的执著、对未来的期待。我们减缓心念的思考与感受速度,并用内在的觉察和专注力来取代它们(In the process of meditation, we allow our minds to let go of thinking, analyzing, recalling, and judging problems, as well as our attachment to the past and expectations for the future. We slow down the speed of thinking and feeling in our minds and replace them with internal awareness and focus.)

因此,冥想并不是对问题进行思考或对现状进行分析。它也不是幻想、白日梦,或是让心念漫无目的地飘荡。冥想不是自我的对话或争辩,也不是某种强化思维的过程,它只是一种非常简单、安静、不费力气的专注与觉知(Therefore, meditation is not about thinking about problems or analyzing the current situation. It is not a fantasy, daydream, or letting the mind wander aimlessly. Meditation is not a self dialogue or argument, nor is it a process of strengthening thinking. It is just a very simple, quiet, effortless focus and awareness.)

在冥想时,我们应该尽量避免胡思乱想、浮想联翩,连那些平时稍纵即逝的思绪和联想也都要尽量舍弃。当然,这并不等于说我们要完全清空心念,事实上这也不可能。(When meditating, we should try to avoid wild thoughts and imaginations, and even those fleeting thoughts and associations should be abandoned as much as possible. Of course, this does not mean that we need to completely clear our minds, in fact, it is also impossible.)

我们这样做,只是让心念专注于某一个特定的物件或物体,因为这将引导注意力转向内在。透过对内在的关注,我们在精神层面就能避免那些产生压力的思维过程,比如担心、筹划、思考和评判(We only focus our minds on a specific object or object by doing so, as this will guide our attention towards the inner world. By paying attention to the inner world, we can avoid the mental processes that generate stress, such as worry, planning, thinking, and judgment.)。

2、冥想练习使用内在的工具(Meditation practice using internal tools)

冥想练习者可以使用内在的工具,来使心念获得集中。在大部分情况下,最常用的是声音,但有时也会用到视觉图像。声音和图像既可以是外化的,也可以是敏感细致的,这要根据练习者的思维结构来决定。这种用来集中心念的声音称为[mantra],它在我们的精神层面会产生强大的影响(We only focus our minds on a specific object or object by doing so, as this will guide our attention towards the inner world. By paying attention to the inner world, we can avoid the mental processes that generate stress, such as worry, planning, thinking, and judgment).

Mantra可以是一个词、一句短语、一段唱诵,或只是一个音节。将注意力集中在这上面,可以帮助练习者不再进行那些无意义的、混乱的思维过程,从而进入更深层次的自我。不同种类的mantra,在全世界各地被广泛应用,比如Om、Amen和Shalom等等。这些声音都是为了让使用者集中心念。本书会向读者介绍一种简单易学的mantra,经常使用它,将会获得显著的效果(Mantra can be a word, a phrase, a recitation, or just a syllable. Focusing on this can help practitioners stop engaging in meaningless and chaotic thought processes and enter deeper levels of self. Different types of mantra are widely used around the world, such as Om, Amen, and Shalom. These sounds are all meant to keep users focused. This book will introduce readers to a simple and easy to learn mantra, which can achieve significant results if used frequently.。

全世界的各类心灵修习传承都会使用声音系统:他们念诵一个音节或一组词语,就像我们所说的mantra一样。这是一门极为博大精深的学问,而只有那些在这个领域出类拔萃的人,才能引领学生们走向正途,因为这门学问指向内在。练习者在初期的实践中无需老师的指导,因为这一阶段的内容非常简单且易于操作。一旦练习者开始面对自己的心念,就需要有合适的mantra来进行辅助。使用深谙冥想传统的老师所传授的mantra,对练习效果会产生更为强大的助益(Various spiritual practices and traditions around the world use sound systems: they recite a syllable or group of words, just like what we call mantra. This is an extremely broad and profound knowledge, and only those who excel in this field can lead students towards the right path, because this knowledge points inward. Practitioners do not need guidance from teachers in the initial practice, as the content in this stage is very simple and easy to operate. Once the practitioner begins to face their own thoughts, it is necessary to have appropriate mantra to assist. The use of mantra taught by teachers who are well versed in meditation traditions can have a stronger impact on the effectiveness of practice.)。

3、Mantra是所有内在觉知的源头( Mantra is the source of all inner consciousness)

有关mantra的文字和古籍浩如烟海。瑜伽科学的集大成者帕坦迦利曾提到:[mantra]是所有内在觉知的源头。因此,它也被认为是连接尘世和不朽之间的桥梁。当死亡来临时,身体、呼吸、自我意识都会与无意识及灵魂分离,这时,冥想者此前记忆的mantra,便会在无意识上继续留下印迹。这些印迹作为强大的动力源,能够对练习者的转化过程有所帮助,使未知的死亡之旅更容易被超越(The texts and ancient books related to mantra are vast and vast. Patanjali, the master of yoga science, once mentioned that [mantra] is the source of all inner consciousness. Therefore, it is also considered a bridge between the mortal world and immortality. When death comes, the body, breath, and self-awareness are separated from the unconscious and soul. At this time, the mantra that the meditator previously remembered will continue to leave imprints on the unconscious. These imprints serve as a powerful source of power and can assist practitioners in their transformation process, making it easier to transcend the unknown journey of death)


正如爬山可以走不同的道路一样,冥想的技巧也同样有许多选择,彼此不尽相同。但它们的目标是一致的,即实现内在的专注、祥和与宁静。任何能够协助你达到这种状态的练习,都是有益的。在这个前提下,世界上的各种冥想方式之间,其实没有太大的区别(Mantra is the focus and support point of the mind. The teacher will select the appropriate mantra for the practitioner based on their mental state and the intensity of their desire to explore inner knowledge.)。

4、冥想方式很多怎么选(There are many ways to meditate, how to choose)


练习者在初级阶段的思维还不够清晰,不能辨别和掌握正确的冥想方法。此时,老师个人的冥想方式很可能会影响到初学者。遗憾的是,某些老师自己都不进行冥想的练习。他们并不十分真诚。许多学生为了找到真正的冥想方法,不断地更换老师,结果白白浪费了宝贵的学习时间。在耗费大量的精力和财力之后,很多学生可能会非常失望和沮丧,最终放弃所有努力。在瑜伽的传统中,我们有时会讲,如果世间真的存在罪过,那么老师误导诚心求学的学生,就是其中最好的例子之一(Sometimes, people become entangled in the similarities and differences of meditation methods and are eager to debate which school and which teacher is [best]. Excellent meditation teachers will acknowledge and respect the universality of various methods, rather than deliberately promoting a certain skill they excel in. Meditation is an effective way to explore inner dimensions and gradually understand various aspects of life. As long as the teacher is not arrogant, does not adhere to a particular method, or insists on being superior in their skills, then the teaching they provide is worthy of recognition and valuable.)。

5、只有冥想能够真正控制全部意识( Only meditation can truly control all consciousness)

当我们仔细审视生活,就会明白:从幼年开始,我们接受的教育就仅止于观察外在世界。从来没人教导我们,应该如何向内看、发现和了解内在。因此,我们在渴望了解别人的同时,看待自己却依然像是一个陌生人。由于缺乏自我了解,我们的人际关系并不那么称心如意,生活中也常常充满了困惑与失望(When we carefully examine life, we will understand that from a young age, our education is limited to observing the external world. No one has ever taught us how to look inward, discover, and understand the inner world. Therefore, while we long to understand others, we still view ourselves as strangers. Due to a lack of self-awareness, our interpersonal relationships are not always satisfactory, and life is often filled with confusion and disappointment.)。

事实上,常规教育体系只开发了我们心灵的一小部分。而另外负责做梦、睡眠,以及用于存储所有经历的无意识领域,仍不为人知。它们从未经受过训练且难以控制。我们的心灵可以掌握整个身体,但身体却不能掌握心灵。除了练习冥想,没有其他能够真正控制全部意识的方法(In fact, the conventional education system only develops a small part of our minds. And the unconscious realm responsible for dreaming, sleep, and storing all experiences is still unknown. They have never been trained and are difficult to control. Our mind can control the entire body, but the body cannot control the mind. Apart from practicing meditation, there is no other way to truly control all consciousness.)。

我们懂得在外部社会中应该如何采取行动,才是恰当的,却从不知道该如何让内在世界安静下来,并了解其中包含的奥义。在此同时,我们不应该让保持祥和与宁静,成为一种特殊的行为或宗教仪式,因为这是人类自身的普遍需要。冥想时,我们会获得一种难以名状的喜悦,它能够让我们能够达到人类已知愉悦感的顶点。世界上其他任何形式的喜乐,都是稍纵即逝的,但冥想所带来的积极感受,不仅非常强烈,而且能够持久。这么说并不是夸夸其谈,古往今来的圣贤们已经证实了这一点。他们有的已获得真理、离开人间,有的还在世间生活却不受世事的纷扰(We understand how to take action in the external society, which is appropriate, but we never know how to calm down the inner world and understand the mysteries contained within it. At the same time, we should not make maintaining peace and tranquility a special behavior or religious ritual, as it is a universal need of humanity itself. During meditation, we obtain an indescribable joy that allows us to reach the pinnacle of known human pleasure. Any other form of joy in the world is fleeting, but the positive feelings brought about by meditation are not only very strong but also long-lasting. This is not exaggeration, as the sages of all time have confirmed it. Some of them have obtained the truth and left the world, while others are still living in the world without being disturbed by worldly affairs.)。

6、冥想,充分体验当下并连接永恒(Meditation, fully experiencing the present and connecting to eternity)

我们的心念总有一个倾向,就是用过去的思维模式去想像未来可能发生的种种。它并不懂得如何应对当下和面对此时此刻。只有冥想能够使我们充分体验当下并连接永恒。在冥想技巧的帮助下,心念转向内在,获得力量,进入到自我更新层次的存在。心念本身并不会制造分裂或偏离,它可以令人全然专注,这也是冥想的前提。那些已经知晓这一事实并开始练习冥想的人,是非常幸运的;而那些坚持进行冥想的人,则更加幸运。最幸运的是,那些将此列为头等要务的佼佼者,他们定期进行练习冥想(Our minds always have a tendency to use past thinking patterns to imagine what may happen in the future. It doesn't know how to deal with the present and face the present moment. Only meditation can enable us to fully experience the present and connect with eternity. With the help of meditation techniques, the mind turns inward, gaining strength, and entering a self renewing level of existence. Mindfulness itself does not create division or deviation, it can lead to complete concentration, which is also a prerequisite for meditation. Those who have already known this fact and started practicing meditation are very lucky; Those who persist in meditation are even luckier. The luckiest of all, those who make this a top priority engage in regular practice meditation.)。

要开始这条道路,就要清楚地了解冥想的含义,并选择适合自己的练习方法,在一段时间内进行规律练习。如果可能的话,最好每天在固定的时间进行。不过,在现代社会中,许多人很快就会变得不耐烦,不仅没练多久就选择放弃,还会得出这样的结论:冥想完全没有价值,毫无意义。他们就像种下了一棵郁金香球茎的孩子,只因在一周之内没看到花朵就沮丧不已。其实,如果你定期冥想,肯定会有所进步。这几乎是不可否认的事实(To start this path, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the meaning of meditation and choose a suitable practice method for oneself, practicing regularly over a period of time. If possible, it is best to do it at a fixed time every day. However, in modern society, many people quickly become impatient and not only choose to give up after not practicing for a long time, but also come to the conclusion that meditation is completely worthless and meaningless. They are like children who have planted a tulip bulb, feeling frustrated because they haven't seen the flowers within a week. In fact, if you meditate regularly, you will definitely make progress. This is an almost undeniable fact)。

在练习初期,进步可能会表现在放松身体和稳定情绪方面,然后,你会感受到更多微妙的其他迹象。冥想的重大效果和利益,并不会突然出现,也不容易被察觉,但随着你的坚持和时间的推移,它们将会慢慢呈现(In the early stages of practice, progress may manifest in relaxing the body and stabilizing emotions, and then you will feel more subtle other signs.The significant effects and benefits of meditation do not suddenly appear and are not easily noticeable, but as you persist and time goes by, they will gradually manifest)。

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