Workspace and Files
- getwd(): return the current working dictionary
- ls(): List all the objects in the local workspace
- list.files() or dir(): List all the files in the working directory
- args(): return what should be included in the function.
> args(list.files)
> function (path = ".", pattern = NULL, all.files = FALSE, full.names = FALSE,
recursive = FALSE, = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE, no.. = FALSE)
- dir.create(): create a folder under the current workspace
> dir.create("testdir")
## create a folder under the current workspace under the current worksapce
- file.create(): create .R file in the current workspace
> file.create("mytest.R")
- list.files(): list all the files in the current folder
- file.exists(): check if the file exists in the current folder
> file.exists("mytest.R")
- return the iformation of the file
> size isdir mode mtime ctime atime exe
mytest.R 0 FALSE 666 2016-11-25 17:38:43 2016-11-25 17:38:43 2016-11-25 17:38:43 no
- file.rename(" ", " "): rename the file
> file.rename("mytest.R", "mytest2.R")
- file.copy(" ", " "): copy the file
> file.copy("mytest2.R", "mytest3.R")
- file.path(): return the relative path to the file
- Combination of dir.create() and file.path()
> dir.create(file.path("testdir2", "testdir3"), recursive = TRUE)
## create folder "testdir2" and subfolder "testdir3" in the current workspace with the option "recursive" is TRUE
- unlink(): delete the folder
> unlink("testdir", recursive = TRUE)