Timer Upgrade
This plugin gives developers move control over the visual and mechanical
aspects of the game’s timer system.
Plugin Commands
The following Plugin Commands can be used to manipulate the extra mechanics
of the upgraded timer:
SetTimer [frames] [seconds] [minutes] [hours]
Using this command, the frames, seconds, minutes, and hours can be set on the
game timer. This allows users to surpass the default settings for the MV
engine and specify the count down to frames.
For example, if you wish to set the timer to 3 minutes, you would do:
SetTimer 0 0 3 0
If you wished to set the timer to 30 frames and 60 seconds, do:
SetTimer 30 60 0 0
AddTimer [frames] [seconds] [minutes] [hours]
Using this command, frames, seconds, minutes, and hours can be added to the
game timer. Instead of replacing the timer value, this command adds to the
current value.
For example, if you wanted to add 5 minutes to the timer, you would do:
AddTimer 0 0 5 0
If you wanted to add 30 frames and 1 hour, you would do:
AddTimer 30 0 0 1
Using this command, the timer can be paused. This keeps the timer at its
current position until unpaused or restarted.
Using this command, the timer can be unpaused. This will let the timer
continue from when it was paused.
SetExpireCommonEvent [id]
Using this command, the expire Common Event can be set up. This is a Common
Event that will automatically play once the Timer ends. Once the Common
Event has been played, it will no longer be the expire Common Event.
SetTimerLabel [text]
This command allows you to change the timer label in the middle of the game.
Setting this to blank would remove the label.