当地时间2月14日,美国佛罗里达州南部帕克兰市(Parkland)一所高中发生了该州历史上最为严重的校园枪击案。此次枪击案造成17人死亡,多人受伤。枪手是现年19岁的科鲁兹(Nikolas Cruz),他曾是该校的一名学生,案发时持 AR-15 步枪进入校园实施犯罪,现已被捕。21日,这所高中的上百名学生聚集到该州首府塔拉哈西(Tallahassee),要求州议员通过枪支管控的法律。为了表达对控枪的支持以及对校园枪击事件的深恶痛绝,全美多个城市的学生们也纷纷行动起来。在美国首都华盛顿,学生们从国会大厦一路游行到白宫门前,要求立法者们有所作为,阻止校园枪击事件在美国接连上演。面对压力,美国总统特朗普签署备忘录,要求司法部长塞申斯制定新的控枪措施。在禁枪问题上,特朗普一度态度暧昧。在竞选期间,他表示维护持枪权,以此换取美国步枪协会的支持。但特朗普上任一年多,多起严重的枪击事件特别是校园惨案的发生,让他不得不认真面对汹涌的民意。
Gun-barrel 【n. 枪管】politics: America's affliction【n. 苦难;苦恼;折磨】
through the barrel of a gun: 用武力(而非和平或法律)来解决问题
①-③ 弗罗里达州的枪击惨案以及将责任归咎为NRA等部门
① Survivors of the mass shooting at a Florida high school last week, in which 17 people were killed, have kept the tragedy in the media spotlight【引起广泛关注】 a little longer than usual.
② The students have poured their anger and grief into a new campaign for gun control.
③ In moving television interviews, speeches and social-media posts their spokesmen have ripped into【猛烈抨击】 politicians who take cash from the National Rifle【n. 步枪;来复枪】 Association and who argue against expanding gun controls.
④ Today they take their case to the Florida state legislature【n. 立法机构】, while in Washington President Donald Trump meets high-school students to discuss the issue.
⑤-⑥ 川普统一修改新的控枪措施但可能效果甚微
⑤ Mr Trump says he supports bolstering【n. 支持;支撑 v. 支撑;鼓励;增强 vt. 加强;改善】 federal background checks on prospective gun owners.
⑥ But that wouldn't help much.
⑦-⑧ 学生决定进行新一轮的禁枪运动以应对gun-loving 派新州长的上台
⑦ The national protests【n. /v.抗议】 the students are planning for next month could prove more effective.
⑧ In Florida in particular, the issue might influence mid-term elections—especially if, as seems likely, the state's gun-loving governor Rick Scott runs for a Senate【n. 参议院,上院】 seat.
barrel /ˈbar(ə)l/: n. 枪管
through the barrel of a gun: 用武力(而非和平或法律)来解决问题
affliction /əˈflɪkʃ(ə)n/: n. 痛苦
mass shooting: 大规模枪击案
in the spotlight /ˈspɒtlʌɪt/: 引起广泛关注
rip into: 猛烈抨击
rip /rɪp/: v. 撕破;撕裂
rifle /ˈrʌɪf(ə)l/: n. 步枪
legislature /ˈledʒɪslətʃʊə/: n. 立法机构
state legislature: 州议会
bolster /ˈbəʊlstə/: vt. 加强;改善
prospective /prəˈspɛktɪv/: adj. 潜在的;可能的