[001] divulge
- 宣布,泄露(di分开+vulge→在人群中传开→泄露)[vulg=people"表示"人群"]
vulgar n 平民百姓(vulg) - to make (information) known : to give (information) to someone泄露(信息)
- The clip of UFO shouldn't be divulged to vulgar. UFO片段不应该泄漏给老百姓。
[002] inadvertent
- in 没有 + advert 广告,没有广告商赚差价,没有注意就记住了
advertent 注意的 留心的 - not intended or planned : accidental 非故意的;偶然的
- The slogan of the advert has been remembered inadvertently.
I inadvertently [=accidentally, mistakenly] dialed the wrong number.我不小心拨错了电话号码。
an inadvertent error/omission无意间的失误/疏漏
[003] panegyric
- pan- 广泛 pandemic 大范围流行的(pan+dem人民+in=人民广泛(染病)=广为流行的) panorama 全景,概观
大家(pan)聚集(e)起来歌(g)唱(lyric)祖国 - something (such as a speech or a piece of writing) that praises someone or something颂词;赞文 — often + to
The film is a panegyric to old-fashioned virtues.这部影片是对传统美德的讴歌。
[004] incontrovertible
- 不容争论的(in不+contro反+vert转+ible→不容反驳的)[ver,vert=turn,表示"转"]
versatile a 多功能的,多才的(玩的转=有才能的) - to say or prove that (something) is untrue反驳;驳斥
- My mother's words are always incontrovertible.
[005] draconian
- 龙(dragon)蔫(nian)了,形容极其残酷。哈利波特有一集是精灵阁把龙训练成一听摇铃就痛苦至极,赫敏说这是一种酷刑。
- very severe or cruel严酷的;严苛的;残忍的
- It is draconian punishments 严酷的惩罚