Coding with Javascript
be aware of toFixed
be aware of this
- need provide changing scope function
function test() {
function test_class_A() {
this.test = test;
function test_class_B() {
this.test = test;
var cls1 = new test_class_A(),
cls2 = new test_class_B();
cls1.test() // output: test_class_A
cls2.test() // output: test_class_B
prefer doing calculations on Server
- js regards number as float
- js store float according to IEEE 754-2008
- 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000000000004
- use lib like
extend javascript native functions
- try Underscore.js
authentication and authorization
- do validate both on Server -
and Client -javascript
cache solution
- what should be cached
- supporting data
- profile
- ...
- do cache on Server (use memory) not on Browser
- when / how to update cache
compress and cache statics resources
- including image | css | javascript
- use browser cache
- check version before loading application resources
- load css | javascript by javascript
- support multiple browsers
load by module / lazy loading
- requirejs / seajs
define namespace
- short
is much better thancom.action.web.common
build common utilities
- everyone can add utility but need to be reviewed before pushing code
build page by Components
- everyone can add components but review also needed
build common ui components with business first
- everyone can add common ui components but review also needed
- common ui components is one of the components
- office select combo
- ...
construct page by Components not by Templates and Logic
- reuse components by configurations
- layout page by HTML and fill each div with components
how to load User Context
decouple between pages and modules
- just like what CAB does
- use event to create and add views
- use global event bus
design navigation first
define global constants
do all AJAX request by common utility
maintain API documents
do unit tests
<script src="./resources/testharness.js"></script>
<br />
<script src="./resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
test(function() {
var request ="TestDB")
var resp = window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase('TestDB')
}, 'test delete db')
test(function() {
var req ="TestDB")
req.onerror = function(event) {
assert_unreached('open error',
req.onsuccess = function(event) {
}, 'open db with callbacks')
/* set divX background to white when the buttonX is clicked */
var divX = $('#divX') // var divX = Ext.getCmp('divX')
var buttonX = $('#buttonX') // var buttonX = Ext.getCmp('buttonX'){ // buttonX.on('click',function(){
updateBackground(); // updateBackground();
}) // })
function updateBackground() {
changed to
/* set divX background to white when the buttonX is clicked */
var divX = $('#divX') // var divX = Ext.getCmp('divX')
var buttonX = $('#buttonX') // var buttonX = Ext.getCmp('buttonX'){ // buttonX.on('click',function(){
updateBackground(divX); // updateBackground(divX);
}) // })
function updateBackground(divX) {
test could be
test(function() {
var div = $('<div></div>')
assertEqual(div.getStyle().getBackground(), '#fff')
}, 'test set background')
more references