Around the World in Eighty Days

The Punctual Gentleman

Fogg was forty years old.

He was tall, fair-haired, rich and handsome, and he lived in a pleasant  in London. Phileas rarely spoke about himself, no one knew where he came from or how he made his money, he had no family or friends.

He was always polite and never showed any emotions so it was impossible to tell if he was ever angry, happy or sad. Phil followed the same routine every day. he got up at eight o'clock in the morning and had his tea and toast at 8:23,his bulter brought him the hot water for his shave at 9:17. 

Everything he did had a set time, when he combed his mustache, when he brushed his hair, when he opened his letters. you could set your watch by him.

At 11:30 he would leave his house and walk to his club. at the club he ate his lunch and supper, always sitting at the same table. he would read the newspapers and play cards then walk home again, he went to bed at midnight. he was was never early and never late but always exactly on time. at 6:30 on the evening of Wednesday 2 October 1872, Phil was sitting playing cards in the club with three other members.the three gentlemen were talking about a bank robbery that had taken place a few days before. the thief had stolen $55,000, that would be worth over three million pounds today. which all these railways and steamships to travel on, the thief could be hundreds of miles away by now, said one of the gentlemen. 

It says here in the paper you can go right around the world in just 80 days, said the second. impossible, said the thrid, there are too many things that could go wrong, what about storms at sea? earthquakes? train wrecks, pirates?

it is not impossible, said Phil quietly, I bet you $20,000 I could do it.

If I leave this evening on the 8:45 train to Dover, I can be back here at the Reform Club by 8:45 on Saturday 21


I'll get my passport stamped at every place I stop to prove I've been around the world. the three men accepted the bet and Phill calmly finished the game before walking home. he had already worked out exactly how long he needed to get to the station to catch the train. he was not interested in winning the money or in seeing the world. he just wanted to prove he could be on time.

Phill was met at the house by his new bulter, paasepartout, a cheerful Frenchman with untidy hair.Pass had worked as an acrobat, a tightrope walker, street singer and fireman. this was hif first day with Phill and he was looking foward to a nice quiet life. imagine his surprise when Phill said, put a couple of my spare shirts and some socks in a bag, be ready to leave in ten minutes, we are going on a round the world trip.

The British Detective

Phill went to his safe and took out a thick stack of banknotes to put in the bag.

The money would pay for the tickets, food, and hotel rooms on their jounery.

He had another $20,000 in the bank that would pay the bet if he lost. the two men locked up the house and took a hansom cab to Charing Cross station. Pass kept a tight grip on the bag.

Their train left at 8:45 precisely. from Dover they crossed the english Channel by steamship. they travelled by train to Paris then continued down towards the Alps, through the Mont and on to Italy.

At Brindisi they went on a board a steamship called the Mongo, which would take them to Bomday in India. On 9 October, a week after leaving London, they had got as far as Suez in Egypt, having travelled along the magnificent new Canal.

The ship had to take on more coal before continuing its journey to Aden and crossing the Indian to Bombay.

Phil gave Pass his passport, telling him to get it stamped at the passport office on shore. on the quayside Pass asked a man on the way to the office, the man's name was Fix.

He was a British detective who had come to Suez in the hope of picking up the trail of the London bank robber. Fix looked at Phil's passport and read the description inside. it was exactly the same as the one he had read describing the bank robber, fix was very excited but spoke calmly.

I am afraid your master will have to go to the office himself to prove his identity, it is not far, fix said and he pointed the way. a little later, when fix saw Phil walk over to the office with Pass, he was certain he had found the robber. he could not arrest Phil right away because he did not have the proper papers.instead, he sent a telegram to the Chief of Police at yard, it said. I am on the trail of the bank robber, sent a warrant for the arrest of Phill to the chief of Police in Bombay. 

Fix then bought a ticket for the Mongo and hurried up the gangway, he would stick close to Phill for the rest of the voyage. 

If all went to plan, as soon as he received the warrant he would be able to arrest Phill and take him back to London.

Pass was delighted to see Fix on board the ship to Bombay because Fix had helped him find the passport office in Suez. every day they took a stroll around the deck chatting together. Pass thought Fix a very friendly chap, of course, Fix was just pretending to be friendly. he only talked to Pass so he could find out about Phill and his plans. he did not believe the story of the bet, he thought Phill was just running away.

Disturbance in the Temple

They arrived in Bombay on 20 October, two days ahead of schedule, it was 4:30 in the afternoon. 

There would be a train to Cal at eight, Phill got his passport stamped and then went straight to the train station to get the tickets.

He was not interested in  looking around Bombay, but Pass was free to go exploring on his own.

Pass found different countries and different cultures fascinating. he watched a religious procession and followed it into a magnificent golden temple. he did not know people were not allowed to walk around in there with shoes on. 

He was admiring the wonderful decorations when three prests stopped him. they let out a yell, knocked him to the floor and pulled off his shoes and socks. Pass fought his way out of the temple and ran barefoot to the train station.

Red faced and breathless he told Phill what had happened.

Phill just said, I hope you won't do that sort of thing again, and they went to catch the train. Fix stepped out from behind a pillar where he had been keeping watch on Phill.He rubbed his hands with glee, now I've got you, he said.The warrant for Phill had not arrived from Britain yet and Fix could not arrest him without it. but Pass had broken the law by causing a disturbance in a temple.

Fix decied to catch a later train to Cal, he had thought of how to keep Phill and Pass in India until the warrant arrived. Phill and Pass shared a compartment on the train with a man called Sir Francis who had lived nearly all his life in India.He was an officer in the British army.

Phill and Francis played cards while Pass looked at the marvellous scenery passing by the window. at the town of Burhanpur, Pass just had tim eto get off the train and buy himself a new pair of shoes.  on the third day the train stopped in the middle of a forest and the guard shouted, all change, all change, end of the line. Francis and Pass were astonished.

But we've bought tickets all the way to Cal, exclaimed Francis, the track isn't finished yet, said the guard, there's 50 mile gap between here and Ala, you have to get to All and pick up another train to Cal from there.

Pass was upset as he thought that Phill would now lose the bet, but Phill, as usual, remained calm.

we arrived in India two days early so have time for this delay, he said. all the carriages, carts and horses waiting at the side of the track were soon taken by the other passengers, and Phill, pass and Francis were left behind. 

Eventually they found a man who sold Phill his elephant for $2,000 and they also found another man who agreed to be their guide.

the elephant had two baskets slung across its back. Phill sat in one, Francis in the other, Pass sat in between and the guide sat on the elephant's neck.

The Dead Prince Stood Up

Off they went through the forest, at night they slept in an abandoned cabin.

They could hear the tigers and panthers prowling outside and the chattering of the monkeys.

They set out again early next morning.

Twelve miles from All the guide signalled to them to be quiet and he stopped the elephant behind a clump of trees.

A funeral procession was approaching. there were priests in flowing robes and a crowd of people wailing and singing sad songs. they body of a man dressed in fine clothes was carried on the shoulders of six guards. more guards followed behind, dragging along a beautiful young woman. it is very sad, said the guide, softly.

it is a tradition in this part of India that when a man dies, his wife must die too, the woman is Princess. tomorrow morning her husband's body will be burnt upon the funeral fire, and Aou will be burnt alive beside him. Phill lokked at his watch and said, I'm still 12 hours ahead of schedule, let's rescue her. the procession came to a temple, the body of the dead prince was placed upon a pile of wood out front and Aou was locked up inside. the four rescuers hoped they could break in and free her when it got dark, but it was hopeless, there were too many guards. just before dawn, Pass had an idea, he said nothing to the others, but slipped away. as the sun rose, Aou was led from the temple and on to the bonfire, the pile of wood was set alight and smoke began to rise. before the flames could reach aou, the crowd screamed with terror and fell to the ground. the dead prince had stoop up, he had picked up Aou, jumped down from the bonfire and run towards the forest. as the man got closer, Phill saw it was Pass. the French man had hidden the prince's body, put on the royal clothes and climbed onto the bonfire. he and Aou joined the others and they all hurried off before the mourners discovered they had been tricked. when they reached All Phill paid the guide and gave him the elephant, they were in time to catch the Cal train and arrived safely at seven the following morning. there was a streamship to Hongkong at noon. Everthing seemed to be going smoothly, but as they walked out of the station,they were arrested and taken off to court. Phill and Pass waited in a cell at the courthouse, Aou waited with them. she thought they had been arrested for rescuring her and was very afraid. at 8:30 they were all taken into the courtroom, they sat on a bench opposite the judge, the judge asked the clerk to bring in the people who had made the complaint,they were the three priests from the temple in Bombay. the judge said to the priests, can you see in this room the man who wore shoes in the temple?

the priests all pointed at Pass.

And as further proof of this man's guilt, said the clerk, here are his hsoes. and he held up the shoes the priests had taken off Pass. my shoes, exclaimed Pass, he was too surprised to keep quiet.

Free of the Prison

At the back of the courtroom, out of sight, was Fix. he was very pleased with himself. he had arranged for the priests to come to Cal to accuse Pass.

Fix was still waiting for the warrant for Phill.

He had asked the police in Bombay to sent it to him in Cal as soon as it arrived from Britain. this other crime would keep Phill until then.The judge glared at Pass. by wearing shoes in the temple you insulted these priests, you have been found guilty of a serious crime and will go to prison for two weeks, he said. and as for you, he said, turning to Phill, you are this man's master and are partly to blame for the way he behaved, you will therefore go to prison for seven days. fix tried not to laugh out loud, this was even better than he had hoped.

Pass nearly cried with frustration, his master would lose the bet and the it was all his fault. But Phill, as calm as ever, said, Instead of going to a prison, may we pay a fine?

the judge said the fine would be $2,000. this was a lot of money but Phill did not hesitate. he took a hundful of banknotes out of his bag and gave them to the judge. then he, PAss and Aou went to the docks to catch the ship to Hong Kong.

Fix's plan had not worked, he would now have to go to Hong Kong too. before he left he told the Cal police where to send the warrant.

Pass was amzed to see Fix on board the ship, when they had spoken before, fix had not mentioned he was going to Hong Kong.

Pass decided Fix must be a spy from the Reform Club sent to check that Phill did not cheat. on the way to Hong Kong, the ship stopped for a few hours in Singapore to take on more coal. Phill was not usually very interested in sightseeing but he hired a carriage with two smart horses and took Aou for a plesant ride in the country.  they were followed by Fix who was worried that Phill might escape. they returned to the ship and continued the journey to HongKong. Aou was going to look for one of her uncles who lived there. Phill and Pass had to catch a ship called the Car that left on 6 November for yoko in Japan. The weather became stormy with strong winds and rough seas, it slowed the ship down and they arrived in Hong Kong 24 hours late. they must have missed the ship to Japan and would have to wait days for the next one. Fix was delighted, Pass was angry, Aou was concerned and Phill showed no emotion at all.

At the information desk, Phill asked a man when there would be ship going to Yoko.

the Car leaves tomorrow morning at five o'clock, she should have left yesterday but one of her boilers need mending, the man said. they took a carriage to a hotel. Phill asked he to wait there with Aou while he looked for her uncle.

Passepartout Got Drunk

He returned with the sad news that Aou's uncle had left HongKong two years before Aou did not know what to do. she could not return to India because it was too dangerous for her. it is simple, you must come back to England with us, said Phill. Aou was happy to come along as she enjoyed seeing the world and liked her two new friends.

Phill told Pass to go and book three cabins on the Car. when Pass arrived at the ticket office, fix was already there. his warrant still had not arrived and he would have to follow Phill all the way back to Britain before he could make his arrest. when they went to buy their tickets, the man at the desk told them that the repairs to the biler had been finished earlier than expected. the Car was now going to leave at eight o'clock that evening. excellent, said Pass, I will go and tell my master. fix suddenly had an idea.

There's plenty of time, he said, why don't you and I go for a drink at the bar across the street first?

Pass was always ready for a drink, as he was pouring out the brandy, fix decided to tell Pass why he was really following him. Pass thought the idea that Phill was a bank robber was nonsense and he got very angry. all the time they talked fix kept pouring more and more brandy and Pass got more and more drunk, soon Pass was fast asleep. at last, said Fix, by the time that stupid oaf wakes up, it will be too late. the Car will ahve left for Jan and that Villain will be stuck here in hongKong until the warrant arrives. Phill had booked three rooms at the Hong Kong hotel, that evening, he and Aou had dinner together. Aou was surprised Pass had not returned, but Phill did not seem worried. early the next morning, they arrived at the docks but of course, they were too late, the Car had already gone. Fix was waiting there, pretending to be upset that they had been left behind. what a disaster, he said to Phill, it will be a week before there's another ship. Phill and Aou spent the next three hours searching the docks, looking for someone who could take them to Yoko.

They had to get thre by 14 November so they could then catch a paddle steamer to San.

At last, Phill found a man called John who owned a sailing ship, he said he could take Phill and Aou as far as Shanghai. if they arrived by 7:00 pm on 11 November they could then catch a boat to yoko.

Phill said he would pay John and his crew $1,000 a day plus a $200 bonus if he got them there in time.

As fix was still moping around behind them, Phill asked if he would like to come too. Fix did not like the idea of a bank robber doing him a favour but he had to accept or he would be stranded in HongKong.

Human Pyramid

It was a dangerous voyage, it was over 800 miles to Shanghai, the sailing ship was small and there was a typhoon coming. The ship was battered by the wind and rain, and tossed on the violent waves.Fix felt horribly sick and he continually moaned about the bad weather.

Aou was thrilled by the storm and often stood on deck alongside Phill, unafraid, as for Phill, he seemed to pay it no attention at all. the storm eventaully passed but they had lost a lot of time.

They were still three miles from Shanghai when they saw the boat to Yoko leaving the dock. Phil coolly said to Joh, lower your flag to half mast and fire your gun. this was a signal that someone was in trouble at sea, Phill hoped the captain of the Shanghai boat would come to their rescue.

In the meantime, what had happened to Pass?

He had splept in the HongKong bar for nearly three hours, when he woke up, he was still very groggy. he could remember something about the Car leaving at eight o'clock but not much else.

He staggered off to the dock and crawled up the gangway just as the ship was casting off. he only took a few steps across the deck before he collapsed into a drunken heap again. when he woke the next morning the cool sea air soon sobered him, he was proud of himself for not missing the ship and went looking for Phill.

For the moement, he had forgotten that they did not know the departure time had changed. it was only when he checked the list of passengers and saw their names were not on it that he remembered that he should have taken a message to the hotel.

Pass was furious, Phill would now lose the bet and it was all the fault of that sneaky detective. Pass swore that if he ever saw Fix again he would give him a good thrashing. the Car reached Yoko on 13 November.

Pass wandered around the city feeling miserable, he had no money, no friends, nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep. he just kept walking for the rest of the day and all through the night. the next morning he saw a clown carrying a big sign, it said,  see the incredible long noses, amazing Japanese, final show before leaving for USA. Pass thought he might be able to get work with the acrobats. The job would get him at least as far as America, if not all the way home. he followed the clown to a building covered in flags and posters, and asked to see the manager.

The manager was an American, he had a thick grey beard which he stroked while he talked to Pass. he said, can you sing while standing on your head and balancing a spinning top on your foot.

of course I can, said Pass. the show began at three o'clock that afternoon. the acrobats had long noses made from bamboo stuck on their faces. the grand finale of their act was when they formed a human pyramid, standing on each other's noses.

Pass was one of those on the bottom. everyone was in place when suddenly Pass jumped up excitely and the whole pyramid collapsed.

Caught in a Riot

He has seen Phill and Aou sitting in the front row of the theatre.

They had arrived in Yoko that morning and decided to see the show before catching the ship to San.

There you are. said Phill to Pass, to the steamship, my good fellow.

Pass was very happy to be reunited with Phill, but he flew into a rage when he saw that one of the other passengers on board the ship was Fix. he punched the detective, knowking him to the ground. Fix said, I know why you are angry but I am on your side now. I want Phill to get back to Britain as quickly as possible, just don't tell him that I am a detective. Fix wanted Phill back in Britain so he could arrest him. Pass was still suspicious, but he did not want to worry Phill. all right, I will keep your dirty secret, said Pass, but any more funny stuff and I will wring your neck.

On 3 December they steamed into San.

Now the travellers had to cross nearly 4,000 miles of land to catch the ship that would take them back home to Britain.

they reached San at seven in the morning. there was a train leaving for New york at six that evening. it would take a week to cross the country, trvaelling along the magnificent Union. they would then board a ship to Liver that left on 11 December.

They had breakfast in a hotel and were walking to the passport office when they were caught up in a riot.

A huge man with a red board drew back his fist to hit Phill.

Fix stepped in to a protect Phill and he was hit instead, a large bump soon appeared on this head. Damn Yankee, said Phill to the man, scornfullyk, damn Englishman, snarled the man, I challenge you to a duel. I accept your challenge, said Phill, but I have a train to catch today, we must arrange it for a more convenient time, what is your name?

colonel Stamp proctor, said the man grandly, everyone knows me, you won't have trouble finding me again, if you are brave enough.

Phill and the others fought their way out of the crowd and returned to the hotel to change their clothes. they then had dinner before taking a carriage to the station to get the train. the train crossed the flat lands between San and Sa and began to climb into the mountainous region called the Sier.

At three o'clock in the afternoon of the scond day, they had to wait for three hours as thousand of buffalo crossed the track. another time they stopped while the gaurd and the engine driver checked if it was safe to go over a rickety bridge ahead, they decided to race across at full speed.

They only just made it as the bridge collapsed behind them, falling into the river below. in the early hours of 7 December there was a snowstorm and Pass was worried that they might get stuck again. but Aoy had even more reason to be worried, she had just spotted Colon on board the train.

Sudden Attack

She told Fix and Pass and for the rest of the day they tried to keep Phill out of Proctor's way, but it was impossible. proctor was too loud and the train was too small.

The very next day the two proud men met and arranged their duel. the guard suggested that the passengers in the last carriage of the train move out temporarily so the men could fight in there.this would save them having to stop the train .they entered the carriage and stood either end of the aisle, facing each other. it had been agreed they would start fighting when the engine driver blew the whistle. but before the whistle belw, there was the sound of blood curdling yells, cries of terror and gun fire.

they  were under attack from Indian.

The Indians rode their horses alongside the train, firing into the windows. some were able to jump on board and fight their way into the carriages. up front, the engine driver was shot and slumped to the floor, unable to reach the controls, the train was now going at 100 miles an hour. all the passengers had guns and Aou turned out to be an excellent shot.  but more and more Indians had joined the attack and the situation seemed hopeless. two miles up the line is Fort, said the guard.

If we can stop there, the soldiers will come and save us, but there's no one at the controls, we are going to rush right by. Phill was ready to dash to the front of the train himself but Pass stopped him .that's my job, he said bravely, Pass crept out the back of the carriage and lowered himself underneath the train. he then pulled himself towards the engine, clinging to the chains and bolts beneath the carriages. it was lucky he was so strange and agile, if he had lost his grip he would have fallen on the track and been killed. when he reached the front of the first carriage he pulled out the bolt that connected it to the engine.

The engine sped away and did not stop for another 20 miles, when it ran out of steam.

With nothing to pull them, the carriage slowed down and they came to a stop just outside station. the soldiers rode out and chased the Indians away, everyone on board cheered. but suddenly they realised that Oass and two of the other passengers were missing, they had been carried off by the Indians. Phill asked Fix to look after Aou while he and some of the soldiers went to rescue.

they were gone a day and a night but eventually returned, unharmed, bringing with them the freed prisoners. the train had not waited for them, the engine had been brought back to the station and it had continued its journey to New York.

Phill was already 20 hours behind schedule and if he had to wait until the evening he would miss the ship to Liverpool.

The Pirate Gentleman

However, as usual, he did not give up hope.

He found a man in the fort who owned a land yacht, a large sled fitted with a sail.

Phill paid the man to take them to Oma station, 200 miles away. 

The wind was behind them and they sped across the snow covered plains, wrapped up in thick rugs to keep out the cold.

They were chased by packs of wolves, but were going too fast to be caught. at Oma they were in time to catch an express train to Chicago where they caught another train to New York.

They arrived at the pier of the lind at 11L50 on the evening of 11 December.

The steamship for Liver had left just 45 minutes before.

It would be two more days before another passenger ship crossed the ocean.

There was nothing they could do that night so they booked into a hotel.

Phill slept soundly but Pass and Aou stayed awake, worried that they might not make it home in time.

Fix also hated the thought of any delays, he was desperate to arrest Phill.

The next day Phill walked around the docks looking for a ship that he might use, but they were all sailing ships and would be too slow. at last, in the evening, he noticed a cargo ship puffing smoke from its funnel.

it was called the Henri and it was getting ready to leave. 

Phill climbed on board and asked the captain where he was going. do you take the passengers? no, said the captain, too much bother, always grumbling and getting in the way. what if I paid you $500 each/there are four of us, said Phill.

Very well, said the captain, but I leave in half an hour and won't wait for you. we will be ready, said Phill and he rushed back to the hotel to fetch the others.

The following morning Phill spoke to the sailors on board and offered to pay them a lot of money if they would take the ship to liver rather than Bord.

They were happy to help him as he was so generous and they did not like the captain. the captain was locked up in his cabin and Phill was in command.

For the first few days all went well, but the wind soon began to rise.

it was blowing against them, making it harder to force their way through the waves. the sailors warned Phill that they might not have enough coal to get them to Liver .

Phill went to see the captain who was, of course, very angry. your pirate, he yelled at Phill.

Would you sell me your ship for $10,00?

asked Phill, politely, I need to burn her.

You are made, said the captain but he took the money. Phill then told the sailors to cut down anything on board that was made of mood, the cabin walls, the bunks and doors, the decks, the masts, and to burn them in the engine's firebox to make more steam. it was enough to get them to Queentown where they caught a train to Dub and then a steamer to Live.

An Extra Day

It was twenty to twelve on 21 December

Phill could still get to London to win the bet but as he stepped on to Liver. Fix put his hand on Phill's shoulder and said, Phill, I am arresting you for the robbery at the bank of England that took place on 29 September.

Pass threw his hat on the ground and jumped on it in rage but where was nothing they could do.

Phill was locked up in a cell and Pass waited outside, it looked as if Phill was ruined. at 2:30 that afternoon there was the sound of shouting outside the door and Fix burstin.

Fix was very embarrassed, he had just heard that the real bank robber had been arrested three days before. Phill was free to go. Phill punched Fix on the nose then he, they jumped into a cab that whisked them to the station. the last express train to London had left half an hour earlier, Phill had to hire a private train.

the engine driver ran the train at top speed, but as they pulled into London all the clocks at the station showed the time was 8:50, Phill had lost his bet by five minutes.

We might as well go home, said Phill quietly. the next day Phill shut himself up in his office and went trough his accounts. he had very little cash left and all the money in the bank was needed to pay the bet. they stayed in the house all day, feeling miserable. at 7:30 in the evening Phill went to see Aou.

When I brought you away from India, I thought that I could give you half of my fortune, he said. you would have been free to live as you chose, but now I have nothing, do you forgive me. there is nothing to forgive, said Aou, I don't care about your money, I fell in love with you that ifrst morning when I saw you at the temple. would you like to marry me. Phills' eyes twinkled and for the first time a happy grin spread across his handsome face. on yes, indeed, he cried. he called for Pass and told him to run to the church at the end of the street. tell the vicar we wish to be married tomorrow. monday, he said. Pass did not hesitate, he ran off, it was five minutes to eight. but what had happended at the Reform on the Saturday evening?

A large crowd had gathered and were watching the clock. just as the clock chimed 8:45 the door of the club opened and in walked Phill. Here I am gentlemen, he said, now how did he manage that

when Pass went to the church he made an amazing discovery. it was not sunday, as they thought, but only saturday. becasue they had gone around the world travelling east, in the opposite direction to the sun, they had gained an extra day. he ran hom again to tell Phill who just had time to dash to the club. they were married on the monday, as they had planned. he had won his bet and , even more wonderful than that, he had brought hom a woman who made him the happinest man in the world.

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  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 37,581评论 2 333
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 39,754评论 1 348
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 35,458评论 5 344
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 31,692评论 0 22
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 47,797评论 2 369
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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