Day 4:
European rules will open the door to a host of innovative services that analyze transactions.
Apps could warn account-holders if they spend more than a predetermined amount or are about to become overdrawn, or even nudge them to save more.
释:If you say that something is predetermined, you mean that its form or nature was decided by previous events or by people rather than by chance. 预先确定的
例:The prince's destiny was predetermined from the moment of his birth. 该王子的命运从出生那一刻起就已经被决定了。
释:If you are overdrawn or if your bank account is overdrawn, you have spent more money than you have in your account, and so you are in debt to the bank. 透支的
例:Nick's bank sent him a letter saying he was $500 overdrawn. 尼克的银行给他寄了一封信,说他透支了500元。
nudge them to save more
To date, despite dire warnings, European retail banking has been remarkably unscathed by technology-driven disruption.
释:Dire is used to emphasize how serious or terrible a situation or event is. 严重的; 可怕的 [强调]
例:The government looked as if it would split apart, with dire consequences for domestic peace. 政府看似就要分崩离析,给国内和平带来可怕的后果。
释: When there is disruption of an event, system, or process, it is prevented from continuing or operating in a normal way. 妨碍; 扰乱
例: The plan was designed to ensure disruption to business was kept to a minimum. 该计划旨在确保对业务的妨碍保持在最低限度。
Financial-technology (“fintech”) companies are beginning to mount a challenge, most conspicuously in the online-payments industry in northern Europe: Sofort, iDEAL and other fintech firms conduct over half of online transactions in Germany and the Netherlands, for example. But their reach is more limited elsewhere in Europe.
mount a challenge
释: If a place or thing is within reach, it is possible to have it or get to it. If it is out of reach, it is not possible to have it or get to it. 可及的范围
例: It is located within reach of many important Norman towns, including Bayeux. 它位于诺曼许多重要城镇的附近,包括巴约。
注: 在这里作名词,和influence一个意思,用来表达影响的范围。【积极储备】
Santander’s British arm, for instance, has teamed up with Kabbage, an American startup, to offer small companiesworkingcapital loans; BBVA, a Spanish bank, acquired Holvi, a Finnish startup that helps companies trackcashflowand invoices.
team up with:
释:西班牙对外银行(Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria)
释:An invoice is a document that lists goods that have been supplied or services that have been done, and says how much money you owe for them. 费用清单; 发票
例:We will then send you an invoice for the total course fees. 然后我们将寄给你一张全部课程费用的发票。
Banks’ lockhold on payments serves as a handy source of income.
释:A thing or place that is handy is nearby and therefore easy to get or reach. 手边的
例:It would be good to have a pencil and paper handy. 把铅笔和纸放在手边会很有好处。
Yet for all their complaints, customers still trust banks with their money.
for all
例:For all its clarity of style, the book is not easy to read.
1. incumbent
释:An incumbent is someone who holds an official post at a particular time. 在职者 [正式]
例:In general, incumbents have a 94 percent chance of being re-elected. 一般情况下,现任官员有94%的几率会再次当选。
2. resilient
释:People and things that are resilient are able to recover easily and quickly from unpleasant or damaging events. 立即复原的
例:When the U.S. stock market collapsed in October 1987, the Japanese stock market was the most resilient. 当美国股市在1987年10月崩盘时,日本股市是最快复苏的。
3. landscape
释: A landscape is all the features that are important in a particular situation. 局面
例: June's events completely altered the political landscape. 6月的事件完全改变了政治局面。
Recent electoral shocks have shaken the European political landscape.最近的选举风波震动了欧洲政坛。
注: landscape原意是风景、景色、地貌,此处是暗喻的用法,衍生为局面、局势。由此可见衍生意思和原意都有一定联系,大家稍加联想,便不难理解。这种用法非常非常普遍,建议内化。【积极储备】
4. have easy access to
5. kick-start competition
释:To kick-start a process that has stopped working or progressing is to take a course of action that will quickly start it going again. 重振
例:The president has chosen to kick-start the economy by slashing interest rates. 总统已经决定通过大幅度降低利率重振经济。
6. give explicit consent
7. one-click bank transfer
8. shake up
释: 带来重大改变
9. low-value payments
释: 小额支付
10. tighten up security
释: 加强安全
11. Deloitte
释:德勤(世界 四大会计师事务所之一)。
12. robust data-protection system
释: 强大的数据保护系统
释: Someone or something that is robust is very strong or healthy. 健壮的
例: He was always the robust one, physically strong and mentally sharp. 他一向是个健壮的人,身体强壮、头脑敏锐。
13. insured against losses from fraud
释: 投保以防欺诈造成的损失
14. perfect on paper
15. exploit newcomers’ technology
释:If you exploit something, you use it well, and achieve something or gain an advantage from it. 充分利用
例:You'll need a good antenna to exploit the radio's performance. 你需要一根好的天线来充分利用该电台的节目。
1. (使发挥效用)
例:make use of scrap material 利用废料
make full use of the latest achievements in science and technology 充分利用最新科学技术成就
例:utilize contradictions 利用矛盾
entertain guests at public expense 利用公款吃喝
make use of sb 利用某人
take advantage of sb.'s weaknesses 利用某人的弱点
make the best of a bad bargain 利用逆境
take advantage of opportunities 利用时机
abuse one's power/ exploit one's office 利用职权
Day 5:
1. New European payments regulation has the potential to shake up the banks.
2. European rules will open the door to a host of innovative services that analyze transactions.
3. Customers need barely ever interact with their bank.
4. European retail banking has been remarkably unscathed by technology-driven disruption.
5. Fintech companies are beginning to mount a challenge, most conspicuously in the online-payments industry in northern Europe. But their reach is more limited elsewhere in Europe.
6. Regulators, however, are about to transform the landscape.
7. Banks’ lockhold on payments serves as a handy source of income.
8. Resistance is manifested as a concern about data protection. Such concerns are legitimate but also, argue fintech supporters, offer a convenient excuse for banks to block competition.
9. Yet for all their complaints, customers still trust banks with their money.
Day 6:
1. 总体来说,比第一次要熟练一点,不管是在逻辑导图还是在文章的阅读方面。
2. 复盘的信息整理得很棒!重新整理一遍思维更加清晰了!
3. 笃师的建议很赞啊,尤其是词汇的分类整理,“积极词汇”和“消极词汇”,用处不同,自然不能同等对待。
1. 还是停留在文章层面上,对于文章的背景知识不够了解。
2. 换了一种学习方法,好像更不适应了?还是要再探索,寻找更适合自己的学习方式。