iOS Out-Of-Memory 原理阐述及方案调研

什么是 OOM?

OOM 的全称是 Out-Of-Memory,是由于 iOS 的 Jetsam 机制造成的一种“另类” Crash,它不同于常规的 Crash,通过 Signal 捕获等 Crash 监控方案无法捕获到 OOM 事件。

为什么会发生 oom?

目前猜测两种情况会造成 OOM,

  1. 系统整体内存使用较高,系统基于优先级杀死优先级较低的 App
  2. 当前使用的 App 达到了 “high water mark”,也就是达到了系统对单个 App 的内存限制,系统会将你 Kill

验证方案 1 :

XNU 中 提供了一些函数和宏,我们可以在 root 权限下使用这些宏和函数来获取当前状态下的所有 App 的 oom 内存阈值,并且基于 PID 甚至可以修改进程的 内存阈值,达到增大 oom内存阈值的效果。


// 获取进程的 pid、优先级、状态、内存阈值等信息
typedef struct memorystatus_priority_entry {
    pid_t pid;
    int32_t priority;
    uint64_t user_data;
    int32_t limit;
    uint32_t state;
} memorystatus_priority_entry_t;
// 基于下面这些宏可以达到查询内存阈值等信息,也可以修改内存阈值等
/* Commands */
#define MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_SET_JETSAM_HIGH_WATER_MARK   5    /* Set active memory limit = inactive memory limit, both non-fatal   */
#define MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_SET_JETSAM_TASK_LIMIT        6    /* Set active memory limit = inactive memory limit, both fatal   */
#define MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_SET_MEMLIMIT_PROPERTIES      7    /* Set memory limits plus attributes independently           */
#define MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_GET_MEMLIMIT_PROPERTIES      8    /* Get memory limits plus attributes                 */
#define MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_PRIVILEGED_LISTENER_ENABLE   9    /* Set the task's status as a privileged listener w.r.t memory notifications  */
#define MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_PRIVILEGED_LISTENER_DISABLE  10   /* Reset the task's status as a privileged listener w.r.t memory notifications  */
/* Commands that act on a group of processes */


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "kern_memorystatus.h"

#define NUM_ENTRIES 1024
char *state_to_text(int State)
    // Convert kMemoryStatus constants to a textual representation
    static char returned[80];
    sprintf (returned, "0x%02x ",State);
    if (State & kMemorystatusSuspended) strcat(returned,"Suspended,");
    if (State & kMemorystatusFrozen) strcat(returned,"Frozen,");
    if (State & kMemorystatusWasThawed) strcat(returned,"WasThawed,");
    if (State & kMemorystatusTracked) strcat(returned,"Tracked,");
    if (State & kMemorystatusSupportsIdleExit) strcat(returned,"IdleExit,");
    if (State & kMemorystatusDirty) strcat(returned,"Dirty,");
    if (returned[strlen(returned) -1] == ',')
        returned[strlen(returned) -1] = '\0';
    return (returned);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    struct memorystatus_priority_entry memstatus[NUM_ENTRIES];
    size_t  count = sizeof(struct memorystatus_priority_entry) * NUM_ENTRIES;
    // call memorystatus_control
    int rc = memorystatus_control (MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_GET_PRIORITY_LIST,    // 1 - only supported command on OS X
                                   0,    // pid
                                   0,    // flags
                                   memstatus, // buffer
                                   count); // buffersize
    if (rc < 0) { perror ("memorystatus_control"); exit(rc);}
    int entry = 0;
    for (; rc > 0; rc -= sizeof(struct memorystatus_priority_entry))
        printf ("PID: %5d\tPriority:%2d\tUser Data: %llx\tLimit:%2d\tState:%s\n",

然后通过 MonekyDev 提供的 Command-line Tool 工具将程序注入到越狱设备(当时的测试环境为5s、iOS 9.1)中去,通过 SSH 连接到设备,然后通过终端运行该程序。就可以得到 dump 的信息。如下所示:

PID:  9967  Priority: 3 User Data: 0    Limit: 6    State:0x38 Tracked,IdleExit,Dirty
PID: 11151  Priority: 3 User Data: 0    Limit: 6    State:0x38 Tracked,IdleExit,Dirty
PID: 11154  Priority: 3 User Data: 0    Limit:10    State:0x38 Tracked,IdleExit,Dirty
PID: 11165  Priority: 3 User Data: 0    Limit: 6    State:0x38 Tracked,IdleExit,Dirty
PID: 11499  Priority: 3 User Data: 0    Limit:18    State:0x28 Tracked,Dirty
PID: 10039  Priority: 4 User Data: 2100 Limit:108   State:0x00
PID:  9981  Priority: 7 User Data: 0    Limit:10    State:0x08 Tracked
PID:  9977  Priority: 7 User Data: 0    Limit:20    State:0x08 Tracked
PID:  9979  Priority: 7 User Data: 0    Limit:25    State:0x38 Tracked,IdleExit,Dirty
PID: 10021  Priority: 7 User Data: 0    Limit: 6    State:0x08 Tracked
PID: 11575  Priority:10 User Data: 10100    Limit:650   State:0x00
PID:   103  Priority:11 User Data: 0    Limit:96    State:0x08 Tracked
PID: 11442  Priority:11 User Data: 0    Limit:38    State:0x08 Tracked
PID:    67  Priority:12 User Data: 0    Limit:24    State:0x28 Tracked,Dirty
PID:    31  Priority:14 User Data: 0    Limit:650   State:0x08 Tracked
PID:    45  Priority:14 User Data: 0    Limit: 9    State:0x08 Tracked

以上代码中,Priority:10 的进程就是我测试的 好好学习 App,此时 App 在前台并且活跃,所以优先级是 10,并且得到 oom 内存阈值是 650

验证方案 2 :

当我们的 App 由于 jetsam 被杀死的时候,在手机中会有系统日志,从手机设置-隐私-分析这条操作路径中,可以拿到JetsamEvent 开头的日志。这些日志中就可以获取一些关于 App 的内存信息,以我的 6s 为例,pageSize * rpages 的值获取的值便是阈值,同时日志中也表明原因是 "reason" : "per-process-limit" (并不是所有的 JetsamEvent 中都可以拿到准确的阈值,有的存在偏差。。。)

"pageSize" : 16384
    "uuid" : "b8d6682c-5903-3007-b9c2-561d1e6ca9d5",
    "states" : [
    "killDelta" : 18859,
    "genCount" : 0,
    "age" : 1775369503,
    "purgeable" : 0,
    "fds" : 50,
    "coalition" : 691,
    "rpages" : 89600,
    "reason" : "per-process-limit",
    "pid" : 960,
    "cpuTime" : 1.6920809999999999,
    "name" : "MemoryLimitTest",
    "lifetimeMax" : 34182

验证方案 3:

可以通过大量的测试来寻找它的oom 内存阈值是多少,StackOverFlow 上已经存在一个清单,该清单列举了一些常见设备的 oom 阈值。该清单阈值和真实阈值存在偏差,我猜测原有有二,第一,它取内存的时机不可能完全和 oom 时机吻合,只能尽可能接近这个时机,第二,他取内存的方法和 XNU 中 jetsam 机制所用的内存获取方式不一致。正确获取内存的方式下面会阐述。

Results of testing with the utility Split wrote (link is in his answer):
device: (crash amount/total amount/percentage of total)
iPad1: 127MB/256MB/49%
iPad2: 275MB/512MB/53%
iPad3: 645MB/1024MB/62%
iPad4: 585MB/1024MB/57% (iOS 8.1)
iPad Mini 1st Generation: 297MB/512MB/58%
iPad Mini retina: 696MB/1024MB/68% (iOS 7.1)
iPad Air: 697MB/1024MB/68%
iPad Air 2: 1383MB/2048MB/68% (iOS 10.2.1)
iPad Pro 9.7": 1395MB/1971MB/71% (iOS 10.0.2 (14A456))
iPad Pro 10.5”: 3057/4000/76% (iOS 11 beta4) 
iPad Pro 12.9” (2015): 3058/3999/76% (iOS 11.2.1)
iPad Pro 12.9” (2017): 3057/3974/77% (iOS 11 beta4)
iPod touch 4th gen: 130MB/256MB/51% (iOS 6.1.1)
iPod touch 5th gen: 286MB/512MB/56% (iOS 7.0)
iPhone4: 325MB/512MB/63%
iPhone4s: 286MB/512MB/56%
iPhone5: 645MB/1024MB/62%
iPhone5s: 646MB/1024MB/63%
iPhone6: 645MB/1024MB/62% (iOS 8.x)
iPhone6+: 645MB/1024MB/62% (iOS 8.x)
iPhone6s: 1396MB/2048MB/68% (iOS 9.2)
iPhone6s+: 1392MB/2048MB/68% (iOS 10.2.1)
iPhoneSE: 1395MB/2048MB/69% (iOS 9.3)
iPhone7: 1395/2048MB/68% (iOS 10.2)
iPhone7+: 2040MB/3072MB/66% (iOS 10.2.1)
iPhone X: 1392/2785/50% (iOS 11.2.1)

如何正确度量 App 的使用内存

常见的获取 App 内存的方式是使用 resident_size 代码如下:

#import <mach/mach.h>

- (int64_t)memoryUsage {
    int64_t memoryUsageInByte = 0;
    struct task_basic_info taskBasicInfo;
    mach_msg_type_number_t size = sizeof(taskBasicInfo);
    kern_return_t kernelReturn = task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_BASIC_INFO, (task_info_t) &taskBasicInfo, &size);

    if(kernelReturn == KERN_SUCCESS) {
        memoryUsageInByte = (int64_t) taskBasicInfo.resident_size;
        NSLog(@"Memory in use (in bytes): %lld", memoryUsageInByte);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Error with task_info(): %s", mach_error_string(kernelReturn));

    return memoryUsageInByte;

而正确的方式应该是使用 phys_footprint,因为 Apple 就是用的这个指标,和 Apple 保持一致才能说明问题。可以看源码验证一下:

#import <mach/mach.h>

- (int64_t)memoryUsage {
    int64_t memoryUsageInByte = 0;
    task_vm_info_data_t vmInfo;
    mach_msg_type_number_t count = TASK_VM_INFO_COUNT;
    kern_return_t kernelReturn = task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_VM_INFO, (task_info_t) &vmInfo, &count);
    if(kernelReturn == KERN_SUCCESS) {
        memoryUsageInByte = (int64_t) vmInfo.phys_footprint;
        NSLog(@"Memory in use (in bytes): %lld", memoryUsageInByte);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Error with task_info(): %s", mach_error_string(kernelReturn));

    return memoryUsageInByte;

oom 定位的方案


最早看到 oom 相关的方案是 FaceBook 的一篇博客中讲到的,,通过排除法来统计 OOM 率是多少。当然这种方案统计的结果多少会与实际数据存在误差,比如 ApplicationState 不准确,watchdog 也被统计在 oom 中之类的。


近期腾讯也开源了自己的 OOM 定位方案,OOMDetector 组件: 。这种方案通过利用 libmalloc 中的 malloc_logger 函数指针,可以通过堆栈来帮助开发定位大内存。但是也存在一些缺陷,就是频繁的 dump 堆栈对 App 性能造成了影响,只能灰度一小部分用户来进行数据统计和定位。


基于近期的发现,可以在线下获取 App 的 high water mark,也就是 oom 内存阈值。 那么就产生了方案3

  • 监控内存增长,在达到 high water mark 附近的时候,dump 内存信息,获取对象名称、对象个数、各对象的内存值;如果稳定可以全量开启,不会有性能问题
  • OOMDetector 可以拿到分配内存的堆栈,对于定位到代码层面更加有效;可以灰度开放
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