<link href="/css/FlexoCalendar.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/FlexoCalendar.js"></script>
$("#calendar-weekly").flexoCalendar({type: 'weekly', today: false, allowDate: ["2019-12","2020-02"]});
$("#calendar-weekly").flexoCalendar({type: 'weekly', today: false, allowDate: ["2019-11","2020-03"]});
@charset "utf-8";
*{box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;font-family:'微软雅黑',"Microsoft YaHei",'宋体',Arial,Microsoft YaHei,Helvetica,sans-serif;}
.calendar-wrapper{position: relative;margin-bottom: 20px;width: 230px;margin:15px auto;background: #fff;min-height:155px;}
.calendar-wrapper .flexoCalendar{margin:0 auto;border-collapse:separate;width: 100%;position: relative;z-index: 1}
.flexoCalendar td,.flexoCalendar th{border:0 none;height:27px;text-align:center;width:32px;font-size:12px;cursor:pointer}
.flexoCalendar tr th .icon-arrow-left{display:inline-block;height:16px;line-height:16px;margin-top:4px;vertical-align:text-top;width:12px;cursor:pointer}
.flexoCalendar tr th .icon-arrow-right{display:inline-block;height:16px;line-height:16px;margin-top:4px;vertical-align:text-top;width:12px;cursor:pointer}
.icon-arrow-left:before{content: '<';font-style: normal;}
.icon-arrow-right:before{content: '>';font-style: normal;}
.flexoCalendar thead tr{height:25px;color: #fff;}
.flexoCalendar thead tr:first-child th{cursor:pointer}
.flexoCalendar thead tr:first-child th:hover{background:#3dbaf0}
.flexoCalendar tr td.other-month{color:#aaa}
.flexoCalendar thead,.flexoCalendar th{background-color: #3dbaf0;font-weight: normal;color: #fff;}
.flexoCalendar tr th.current-year{width: 60%;}
.flexoCalendar td.selected-day span{color: #3dbaf0;}
.flexoCalendar tr td .day{display: block;width: 30px;height: 25px;line-height: 22px;text-align: center;margin:1px;border:1px solid transparent;}
.flexoCalendar tr td.current-day>div,.flexoCalendar td.current-day>span{border:1px solid #3dbaf0!important;border-radius: 4px;color:#3dbaf0;background: #fff;}
.flexoCalendar tr td.selected>div,.flexoCalendar tr td.selected>span,.flexoCalendar tr td.selected>div span{border:1px solid #3dbaf0;border-radius: 4px;background-color:#3dbaf0;color: #fff!important}
#calendar-weekly .calendar-hd,#calendar-monthly .calendar-hd,#calendar-weekly tbody td{height: 30px;}
#calendar-weekly tr td div{margin-bottom: 2px;}
#calendar-weekly tr td .week{width: 100%;height: 100%;line-height: 30px;color:#565656;text-align: center;}
#calendar-weekly tr td .process{color:#999;margin-left: 20px;display: inline-block;width: 57px;text-align: left;}
#calendar-monthly td.tmonth .month{display: block;width: 55px;height: 30px;line-height:30px;margin:1px;text-align: center;border-radius: 4px;color: #565656;border:1px solid transparent;}
#calendar-monthly td.current-month .month{border:1px solid #3dbaf0;}
#calendar-weekly tr td.week1 div,.tmonth.month1 span,.tmonth.month2 span,.tmonth.month3 span,.tmonth.month4 span{margin-top: 10px!important;}
EMAIL : danningmao@outlook.com
+(function ($) {
'use strict';
type: 'normal',//'normal','weekly','monthly'
id: '',//日历的id
className: '',//日历的样式
dayNames: ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'],//周名
numbers: ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'],//数字标示
today: true,//是否标志今天
select: true,//是否单击选中
multi: false,//是否单击可多选
disOtherMonth: false,//其他月日期是否可选
setMonth: null,//设定月
setYear: null,//设定年
selectDate: null, //format 'yyyy-mm-dd' or 'yyyy-mm-weekn' every element can be set to 'each';
allowDate: null, //format [yyyy-mm-dd,yyyy-mm-dd]
prev: 'icon-arrow-left',//向前的按钮
next: 'icon-arrow-right',//向后的按钮
onselect: function () {
ongoprev: function () {
ongonext: function () {
} //当往后翻的回调函数
var Calendar = function (element, options) {
this.el = $(element);
this.opt = null;
this.date = null;
this.type = null;
this.calendar = '';
this.init(element, options);
Calendar.prototype.init = function (element, options) {
this.date = this.getDate();
var options = this.opt = this.getOptions(options, this.date);
this.type = options.type;
options.target = $(element);
this.calendar = '<table class="flexoCalendar ' + options.className + '" id="' + options.id + '" cellspacing="0">';
this.calendar += this.bulidCH(options);
if (this.type == 'normal') {
this.calendar += this.bulidWeekBar(options);
this.calendar += '</thead>';
this.calendar += '<tbody>';
this.calendar += this.bulidFull(options);
} else if (this.type == 'weekly') {
this.calendar += '</thead><tbody>';
this.calendar += this.bulidWeekly(options);
} else if (this.type == 'monthly') {
this.calendar += '</thead><tbody>';
this.calendar += this.bulidMonthly(options);
this.calendar += '</tbody></table>';
$(element).on('click', ".prev, .next", options, function () {
var month = $(this).data('month').split('-')[1];
var year = $(this).data('month').split('-')[0];
var allowDate = options.allowDate;
var calendar = '';
if ($.isArray(allowDate) && ((year == allowDate[0].split('-')[0] && month == allowDate[0].split('-')[1]) || (year == allowDate[1].split('-')[0] && month == allowDate[1].split('-')[1]))) return;
if (options.type == 'normal') {
calendar = Calendar.prototype.bulidFull(options, year, month);
} else if (options.type == 'monthly') {
calendar = Calendar.prototype.bulidMonthly(options, year, month);
} else if (options.type == 'weekly') {
calendar = Calendar.prototype.bulidWeekly(options, year, month);
$(options.target).find('table.flexoCalendar tbody').empty().append(calendar).trigger('el.create');
Calendar.prototype.changeCH(this, options);
if (this.className == 'prev' && options.ongoprev) {
options.ongoprev.call(options.target, $(this).next('.current-year').data('year'), $(this).data('month'));
if (this.className == 'next' && options.ongonext) {
options.ongonext.call(options.target, $(this).next('.current-year').data('year'), $(this).data('month'));
if (options.select) {
$(element).on('click', 'table>tbody>tr>td', options, function () {
if (!options.multi) {
if (options.disOtherMonth) {
if (this.className.split(' ')[0] != 'other-month') {
} else {
if (options.onselect) {
options.onselect.call(options.target, $(this).data('time'));
Calendar.prototype.bulidCH = function (options) {
var calendar = '';
var year = options.setYear;
var month = options.setMonth;
var prevdate = this.getPrev(year, month, this.type);
var nextdate = this.getNext(year, month, this.type);
var prev = options.prev;
var next = options.next;
if (this.type == 'normal') {
calendar += '<thead><tr class="calendar-hd"><th class="prev" data-month="' + prevdate + '"><i class="' + prev + '"></i></th><th class="current-year" data-year="' + year + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '" colspan="5">' + year + '年' + this.dispose(month) + '月</th><th class="next" data-month="' + nextdate + '"><i class="' + next + '"></i></th></tr>';
} else if (this.type == 'weekly') {
var prevMonth = prevdate.split('-')[1];
var prevYear = prevdate.split('-')[0];
var nextMonth = nextdate.split('-')[1];
var nextYear = nextdate.split('-')[0];
var prevWeek = this.forWeek(prevYear, prevMonth);
var nextWeek = this.forWeek(nextYear, nextMonth);
//calendar +='<thead><tr class="calendar-hd"><th class="prev" data-month="'+prevdate+'" data-week="'+prevWeek+'"><i class="'+prev+'"></i></th><th class="current-year" data-year="'+year+'-'+this.dispose(month)+'" colspan="5">'+year+'年'+this.dispose(month)+'月</th><th class="next" data-month="'+nextdate+'" data-week="'+nextWeek+'"><i class="'+next+'"></i></th></tr></thead>';
calendar += '<thead><tr class="calendar-hd"><th class="prev" data-month="' + prevdate + '" data-week="' + prevWeek + '"><i class="' + prev + '"></i></th><th class="current-year" data-year="' + year + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '" colspan="5">' + year + '年</th><th class="next" data-month="' + nextdate + '" data-week="' + nextWeek + '"><i class="' + next + '"></i></th></tr></thead>';
} else if (this.type == 'monthly') {
calendar += '<thead><tr class="calendar-hd"><th class="prev" data-month="' + prevdate + '" colspan="2"><i class="' + prev + '"></i></th><th class="current-year" data-year="' + year + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '" colspan="4">' + year + '年</th><th class="next" data-month="' + nextdate + '" colspan="2"><i class="' + next + '"></i></th></tr></thead>';
return calendar;
Calendar.prototype.changeCH = function (element, options) {
var month = $(element).data('month').split('-')[1];
var year = $(element).data('month').split('-')[0];
month = parseInt(month);
year = parseInt(year);
var type = options.type;
var prevdate = this.getPrev(year, month, type);
var nextdate = this.getNext(year, month, type);
var crtdate = year + '-' + this.dispose(month);
var header = $(options.target).find(".current-year");
if (type == 'weekly') {
var prevMonth = prevdate.split('-')[1];
var prevYear = prevdate.split('-')[0];
var nextMonth = nextdate.split('-')[1];
var nextYear = nextdate.split('-')[0];
var prevWeek = this.forWeek(prevYear, prevMonth);
var nextWeek = this.forWeek(nextYear, nextMonth);
$(options.target).find(".prev").data('month', prevdate).attr('data-month', prevdate).data('week', prevWeek).attr('data-week', prevWeek);
$(options.target).find(".next").data('month', nextdate).attr('data-month', nextdate).data('week', nextWeek).attr('data-week', nextWeek);
} else {
$(options.target).find(".prev").data('month', prevdate).attr('data-month', prevdate);
$(options.target).find(".next").data('month', nextdate).attr('data-month', nextdate);
$(options.target).find(".current-year").data('year', crtdate).attr('data-year', crtdate);
//如需在周历中显示月份,去掉|| type == 'weekly'即可
if (type == 'monthly' || type == 'weekly') {
header.text(year + '年');
} else {
header.text(year + '年' + this.dispose(month) + '月');
Calendar.prototype.bulidWeekBar = function (options) {
var calendar = '<tr class="weekday">';
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
calendar += '<th data-day=day' + i + '>' + options.dayNames[i] + '</th>';
calendar += '</tr></thead>';
return calendar;
Calendar.prototype.bulidFull = function (options, year, month) {
var calendar = '';
var month = month ? parseInt(month) : parseInt(options.setMonth);
var year = year ? parseInt(year) : parseInt(options.setYear);
var prevdate = this.getPrev(year, month, 'normal');
var nextdate = this.getNext(year, month, 'normal');
var monthLen = eli.getMonthLen(year, month);
var prevMonthLen = eli.getMonthLen(prevdate.split('-')[0], prevdate.split('-')[1]);
var firDay = new Date(year, month - 1, 1).getDay();
var selectDate = options.selectDate;
selectDate = typeof selectDate == 'string' ? selectDate.indexOf('-') != -1 ? selectDate.split('-') : null : null;
if (selectDate) {
selectDate[0] = selectDate[0] == 'each' ? year : parseInt(selectDate[0]);
selectDate[1] = selectDate[1] == 'each' ? month : parseInt(selectDate[1]);
selectDate[2] = selectDate[2] == 'each' ? 1 : parseInt(selectDate[2]);
for (var j = 0; j < 42; j++) {
if (j % 7 == 0 && j != 41) {
if (j != 0) {
calendar += "</tr><tr>";
} else {
calendar += "<tr>";
if (j >= firDay && (j < (firDay + monthLen))) {
if (options.today) {
if (j == parseInt(options.crtdate) + firDay - 1 && options.realyear == year && parseInt(options.realmonth) == month) {
if (selectDate && selectDate[0] == year && selectDate[1] == month && selectDate[2] == parseInt(options.crtdate)) {
calendar += '<td class="current-month current-day selected-day tdday day' + (j % 7) + '" data-time="' + year + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose((j - firDay + 1)) + '"><span class="day">' + (j - firDay + 1) + '</span></td>';
} else {
calendar += '<td class="current-month current-day tdday day' + (j % 7) + '" data-time="' + year + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose((j - firDay + 1)) + '"><span class="day">' + (j - firDay + 1) + '</span></td>';
} else {
if (selectDate && selectDate[0] == year && selectDate[1] == month && selectDate[2] == (j - firDay + 1)) {
calendar += '<td class="current-month selected-day tdday day' + (j % 7) + '" data-time="' + year + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose((j - firDay + 1)) + '"><span class="day">' + (j - firDay + 1) + '</span></td>';
} else {
calendar += '<td class="current-month tdday day' + (j % 7) + '" data-time="' + year + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose((j - firDay + 1)) + '"><span class="day">' + (j - firDay + 1) + '</span></td>';
} else {
if (selectDate && selectDate[0] == year && selectDate[1] == month && selectDate[2] == (j - firDay + 1)) {
calendar += '<td class="current-month selected-day tdday day' + (j % 7) + '" data-time="' + year + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose((j - firDay + 1)) + '"><span class="day">' + (j - firDay + 1) + '</span></td>';
} else {
calendar += '<td class="current-month tdday day' + (j % 7) + '" data-time="' + year + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose((j - firDay + 1)) + '"><span class="day">' + (j - firDay + 1) + '</span></td>';
else if (j < firDay) {
if (selectDate && (selectDate[0] + '-' + selectDate[1]) == prevdate && selectDate[2] == (prevMonthLen - (firDay - j - 1))) {
calendar += '<td class="other-month selected-day prev-month day' + (j % 7) + '" data-time="' + prevdate + '-' + this.dispose((prevMonthLen - (firDay - j - 1))) + '"><span class="day">' + (prevMonthLen - (firDay - j - 1)) + '</span></td>';
} else {
calendar += '<td class="other-month prev-month day' + (j % 7) + '" data-time="' + prevdate + '-' + this.dispose((prevMonthLen - (firDay - j - 1))) + '"><span class="day">' + (prevMonthLen - (firDay - j - 1)) + '</span></td>';
else if (j >= (firDay + monthLen)) {
if (selectDate && (selectDate[0] + '-' + selectDate[1]) == nextdate && selectDate[2] == (j - monthLen - firDay + 1)) {
calendar += '<td class="other-month selected-day next-month day' + (j % 7) + '" data-time="' + nextdate + '-' + this.dispose((j - monthLen - firDay + 1)) + '"><span class="day">' + (j - monthLen - firDay + 1) + '</span></td>';
} else {
calendar += '<td class="other-month next-month day' + (j % 7) + '" data-time="' + nextdate + '-' + this.dispose((j - monthLen - firDay + 1)) + '"><span class="day">' + (j - monthLen - firDay + 1) + '</span></td>';
calendar += '</tr>';
return calendar;
Calendar.prototype.bulidWeekly = function (options, year, month) {
var calendar = '';
var numbers = options.numbers;
var month = month ? parseInt(month) : parseInt(options.setMonth);
var year = year ? parseInt(year) : parseInt(options.setYear);
var prevdate = this.getPrev(year, month, 'weekly');
var nextdate = this.getNext(year, month, 'weekly');
var monthLen = eli.getMonthLen(year, month);
var prevMonth = prevdate.split('-')[1];
var nextMonth = nextdate.split('-')[1];
var prevMonthLen = eli.getMonthLen(prevdate.split('-')[0], prevMonth);
var firDay = new Date(year, month - 1, 1).getDay();
firDay = firDay == 0 ? 7 : firDay;
var startDay = firDay != 1 ? prevMonthLen - firDay + 2 : 1;
var startMonth = startDay != 1 ? prevMonth : month;
var endDay = parseInt(startDay) + 6 > parseInt(prevMonthLen) ? parseInt(startDay) + 6 - parseInt(prevMonthLen) : parseInt(startDay) + 6;
var startYear = startMonth > month ? year - 1 : year;
var endYear = startMonth == 12 ? startYear + 1 : startYear;
var selectDate = options.selectDate;
selectDate = typeof selectDate == 'string' ? selectDate.indexOf('-') != -1 ? selectDate.split('-') : null : null;
if (selectDate) {
selectDate[0] = selectDate[0] == 'each' ? year : parseInt(selectDate[0]);
selectDate[1] = selectDate[1] == 'each' ? month : parseInt(selectDate[1]);
selectDate[2] = selectDate[2] == 'each' ? 'week1' : selectDate[2].indexOf('week') != -1 ? selectDate[2] : parseInt(selectDate[2]);
if (typeof selectDate[2] == 'number') {
selectDate[2] = eli.getMonthWeek(selectDate[0], selectDate[1], selectDate[2])
var crt;
for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
if (j != 0 && parseInt(startDay) >= parseInt(endDay)) {
if (selectDate) {
crt = 'week' + (j + 1);
if (($.isArray(selectDate[2]) && (year == selectDate[2][0][0] && month == selectDate[2][0][1] && selectDate[2][0][2] == crt)) || (year == selectDate[0] && month == selectDate[1] && selectDate[2] == crt)) {
calendar += '<tr><td class="selected-week tweek week' + (j + 1) + '" data-time="' + startYear + '-' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '-' + this.dispose(startDay) + ',' + endYear + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose(endDay) + '" colspan="7"><div><span class="week">第' + this.getYearWeek(startYear, this.dispose(startMonth), this.dispose(startDay)) + '周</span><span class="process">' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '/' + this.dispose(startDay) + '~' + this.dispose(nextMonth) + '/' + this.dispose(endDay) + '</span></div></td></tr>';
} else {
calendar += '<tr><td class="tweek week' + (j + 1) + '" data-time="' + startYear + '-' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '-' + this.dispose(startDay) + ',' + endYear + '-' + this.dispose(nextMonth) + '-' + this.dispose(endDay) + '" colspan="7"><div><span class="week">第' + this.getYearWeek(startYear, this.dispose(startMonth), this.dispose(startDay)) + '周</span><span class="process">' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '/' + this.dispose(startDay) + '~' + this.dispose(nextMonth) + '/' + this.dispose(endDay) + '</span></div></td></tr>';
} else {
calendar += '<tr><td class="tweek week' + (j + 1) + '" data-time="' + startYear + '-' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '-' + this.dispose(startDay) + ',' + endYear + '-' + this.dispose(nextMonth) + '-' + this.dispose(endDay) + '" colspan="7"><div><span class="week">第' + this.getYearWeek(startYear, this.dispose(startMonth), this.dispose(startDay)) + '周</span><span class="process">' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '/' + this.dispose(startDay) + '~' + this.dispose(nextMonth) + '/' + this.dispose(endDay) + '</span></div></td></tr>';
} else if (options.today && ((parseInt(options.realmonth) == startMonth && startDay <= parseInt(options.crtdate)) || (parseInt(options.realmonth) != startMonth && startDay >= parseInt(options.crtdate))) && parseInt(options.crtdate) <= endDay && options.realyear == year && options.realmonth == month) {
if (selectDate) {
crt = 'week' + (j + 1);
if (($.isArray(selectDate[2]) && ((year == selectDate[2][0][0] && month == selectDate[2][0][1] && selectDate[2][0][2] == crt) || (selectDate[2][1] && year == selectDate[2][1][0] && month == selectDate[2][1][1] && selectDate[2][1][2] == crt))) || (year == selectDate[0] && month == selectDate[1] && selectDate[2] == crt)) {
calendar += '<tr><td class="current-week current-day selected-week tweek week' + (j + 1) + '" data-time="' + startYear + '-' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '-' + this.dispose(startDay) + ',' + endYear + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose(endDay) + '" colspan="7"><div><span class="week">第' + this.getYearWeek(startYear, this.dispose(startMonth), this.dispose(startDay)) + '周</span><span class="process">' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '/' + this.dispose(startDay) + '~' + this.dispose(month) + '/' + this.dispose(endDay) + '</span></div></td></tr>';
} else {
calendar += '<tr><td class="current-week current-day tweek week' + (j + 1) + '" data-time="' + startYear + '-' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '-' + this.dispose(startDay) + ',' + endYear + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose(endDay) + '" colspan="7"><div><span class="week">第' + this.getYearWeek(startYear, this.dispose(startMonth), this.dispose(startDay)) + '周</span><span class="process">' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '/' + this.dispose(startDay) + '~' + this.dispose(month) + '/' + this.dispose(endDay) + '</span></div></td></tr>';
} else {
calendar += '<tr><td class="current-week current-day tweek week' + (j + 1) + '" data-time="' + startYear + '-' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '-' + this.dispose(startDay) + ',' + endYear + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose(endDay) + '" colspan="7"><div><span class="week">第' + this.getYearWeek(startYear, this.dispose(startMonth), this.dispose(startDay)) + '周</span><span class="process">' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '/' + this.dispose(startDay) + '~' + this.dispose(month) + '/' + this.dispose(endDay) + '</span></div></td></tr>';
} else if (selectDate) {
crt = 'week' + (j + 1);
if (($.isArray(selectDate[2]) && ((year == selectDate[2][0][0] && month == selectDate[2][0][1] && selectDate[2][0][2] == crt) || (selectDate[2][1] && year == selectDate[2][1][0] && month == selectDate[2][1][1] && selectDate[2][1][2] == crt))) || (year == selectDate[0] && month == selectDate[1] && selectDate[2] == crt)) {
calendar += '<tr><td class="selected-week tweek week' + (j + 1) + '" data-time="' + startYear + '-' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '-' + this.dispose(startDay) + ',' + endYear + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose(endDay) + '" colspan="7"><div><span class="week">第' + this.getYearWeek(startYear, this.dispose(startMonth), this.dispose(startDay)) + '周</span><span class="process">' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '/' + this.dispose(startDay) + '~' + this.dispose(month) + '/' + this.dispose(endDay) + '</span></div></td></tr>';
} else {
calendar += '<tr><td class="tweek week' + (j + 1) + '" data-time="' + startYear + '-' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '-' + this.dispose(startDay) + ',' + endYear + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose(endDay) + '" colspan="7"><div><span class="week">第' + this.getYearWeek(startYear, this.dispose(startMonth), this.dispose(startDay)) + '周</span><span class="process">' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '/' + this.dispose(startDay) + '~' + this.dispose(month) + '/' + this.dispose(endDay) + '</span></div></td></tr>';
} else {
calendar += '<tr><td class="tweek week' + (j + 1) + '" data-time="' + startYear + '-' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '-' + this.dispose(startDay) + ',' + endYear + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose(endDay) + '" colspan="7"><div><span class="week">第' + this.getYearWeek(startYear, this.dispose(startMonth), this.dispose(startDay)) + '周</span><span class="process">' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '/' + this.dispose(startDay) + '~' + this.dispose(month) + '/' + this.dispose(endDay) + '</span></div></td></tr>';
if (j == 0 && firDay != 1) {
startMonth = parseInt(startMonth) + 1 > 12 ? '1' : parseInt(startMonth) + 1;
startDay = parseInt(endDay) + 1;
} else {
startDay += 7;
endDay = startDay + 6 > monthLen ? startDay + 6 - monthLen : startDay + 6;
startYear = startMonth > month ? year - 1 : year;
endYear = startMonth == 12 && parseInt(endDay) < 7 ? startYear + 1 : startYear;
return calendar;
Calendar.prototype.forWeek = function (year, month) {
var endMonth = parseInt(month);
var year = parseInt(year);
var prevdate = this.getPrev(year, month, 'weekly');
var monthLen = eli.getMonthLen(year, month);
var prevMonth = prevdate.split('-')[1];
var prevMonthLen = eli.getMonthLen(prevdate.split('-')[0], prevMonth);
var firDay = new Date(year, month - 1, 1).getDay();
firDay = firDay == 0 ? 7 : firDay;
var startDay = firDay != 1 ? prevMonthLen - firDay + 2 : 1;
var startMonth = startDay != 1 ? prevMonth : month;
var endDay = parseInt(startDay) + 6 > parseInt(prevMonthLen) ? parseInt(startDay) + 6 - parseInt(prevMonthLen) : parseInt(startDay) + 6;
var startYear = parseInt(startMonth) > month ? year - 1 : year;
var endYear = startMonth == 12 ? startYear + 1 : startYear;
var data = startYear + '-' + this.dispose(startMonth) + '-' + this.dispose(startDay) + ',' + endYear + '-' + this.dispose(month) + '-' + this.dispose(endDay);
return data;
Calendar.prototype.bulidMonthly = function (options, year, month) {
var calendar = '';
var month = month ? parseInt(month) : parseInt(options.setMonth);
var year = year ? parseInt(year) : parseInt(options.setYear);
var selectDate = options.selectDate;
selectDate = typeof selectDate == 'string' ? selectDate.indexOf('-') != -1 && selectDate.indexOf('week') == -1 ? selectDate.split('-') : null : null;
if (selectDate) {
selectDate[0] = selectDate[0] == 'each' ? year : parseInt(selectDate[0]);
selectDate[1] = selectDate[1] == 'each' ? 1 : parseInt(selectDate[1]);
for (var j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
if (j % 4 == 0 && j != 12) {
if (j != 0) {
calendar += "</tr><tr>";
} else {
calendar += "<tr>";
if (options.today && (j + 1) == options.realmonth && options.realyear == year) {
if (selectDate && selectDate[0] == year && selectDate[1] == (j + 1)) {
calendar += '<td colspan=2 class="current-month current-day selected-month selected-day tmonth month' + this.dispose((j + 1)) + '" data-time="' + year + '-' + this.dispose((j + 1)) + '"><span class="month">' + (j + 1) + '月</span></td>';
} else {
calendar += '<td colspan=2 class="current-month current-day tmonth month' + this.dispose((j + 1)) + '" data-time="' + year + '-' + this.dispose((j + 1)) + '"><span class="month">' + (j + 1) + '月</span></td>';
} else if (selectDate && selectDate[0] == year && selectDate[1] == (j + 1)) {
calendar += '<td colspan=2 class="selected-month selected-day tmonth month' + this.dispose((j + 1)) + '" data-time="' + year + '-' + this.dispose((j + 1)) + '"><span class="month">' + (j + 1) + '月</span></td>'
} else {
calendar += '<td colspan=2 class="tmonth month' + this.dispose((j + 1)) + '" data-time="' + year + '-' + this.dispose((j + 1)) + '"><span class="month">' + (j + 1) + '月</span></td>'
calendar += '</tr>';
return calendar;
Calendar.prototype.getNext = function (year, month, type) {
var nextdate;
if (type == 'monthly') {
nextdate = parseInt(year) + 1 + '-';
} else {
nextdate = parseInt(month) == 12 ? parseInt(year) + 1 + '-01' : year + '-' + this.dispose((parseInt(month) + 1));
return nextdate;
Calendar.prototype.getPrev = function (year, month, type) {
var prevdate;
if (type == 'monthly') {
prevdate = parseInt(year) - 1 + '-';
} else {
prevdate = parseInt(month) == 1 ? parseInt(year) - 1 + '-12' : year + '-' + this.dispose((parseInt(month) - 1));
return prevdate;
Calendar.prototype.getDate = function () {
var now = new Date();
var crtdate = now.getDate();
var setMonth = now.getMonth() + 1;
var setYear = now.getYear() + 1900;
crtdate = this.dispose(crtdate);
setMonth = this.dispose(setMonth);
var date = {
crtdate: crtdate,
realmonth: setMonth,
setMonth: setMonth,
realyear: setYear,
setYear: setYear
return date;
Calendar.prototype.dispose = function (val) {
var value = (parseInt(val) + 100);
value = value.toString();
value = value.substring(1);
return value;
Calendar.prototype.getOptions = function (options, date) {
if (options && typeof options == 'object') {
$.each(options, function (key, value) {
if (value == void 0) {
delete options[key];
var option = $.extend({target: null}, CALENDAR_OPTION, date, options);
return option;
Calendar.prototype.getYearWeek = function (a, b, c) {
//用d + 当前年的第一天的周差距的和在除以7就是本年第几周
var date1 = new Date(a, parseInt(b) - 1, c), date2 = new Date(a, 0, 1),
d = Math.round((date1.valueOf() - date2.valueOf()) / 86400000);
return Math.ceil((d + ((date2.getDay() + 1) - 1)) / 7);
var Plugin = function (option) {
return this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var data = $this.data('ellie.calendar');
var options = typeof option == 'object' && option;
if (!data) $this.data('ellie.calendar', (data = new Calendar(this, option)))
$.fn.flexoCalendar = Plugin;
$.fn.flexoCalendar.Constructor = Calendar;
var old = $.fn.flexoCalendar;
// calendarWidget no conflict
$.fn.flexoCalendar.noConflict = function () {
$.fn.flexoCalendar = old;
return this;
+ (function ($) {
var root = this;
var eli = function (obj) {
if (obj instanceof eli) return obj;
if (!(this instanceof eli)) return new eli(obj);
this.eliwrapped = obj;
root.eli = eli;
eli.getMonthLen = function (year, month) {
var year = parseInt(year);
var month = parseInt(month);
var monthLen = [, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
if ((month == 2) && (year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0))) {
return 29;
} else {
return monthLen[month];
eli.getMonthWeek = function (year, month, day) {
var year = parseInt(year),
month = parseInt(month),
day = parseInt(day);
var that = [year, month,],
firDay = new Date(year, month - 1, 1).getDay(),
start = 1,
next = 8,
monthLen = eli.getMonthLen(year, month),
nextfirDay = new Date(year, month, 1).getDay(),
firDay = firDay == 0 ? 7 : firDay;
next = firDay == 1 ? next : (9 - firDay);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (start <= day && day < next) {
that[2] = 'week' + (i + 1);
start = next;
next += 7;
next = next > monthLen ? monthLen : next;
if (nextfirDay != 1) {
another = [, , 'week1'];
another[1] = month + 1 == 13 ? 1 : month + 1;
another[0] = another[1] == 1 ? year + 1 : year;
var output = [that, another];
return output