Eric 红豆live直播反馈
From Kate Zhang:
今天很荣幸读了三段,Eric 1对1 纠音,感觉赚大了[偷笑]。 Eric分享了很多知识点,我简单总结几个印象最深的哈。即使是知道意思的单词,感觉自己会的单词, 真要读出来会发现自己发音不对。
1. 很多单词眼熟,真读的时候发音会跑偏,而且跟口音无关,就是因为自己想当然的发音, 例如 Hangars,里面的g不发音。
2. 重音- 有些单词有多个词性的,一般名词重音在前,动词、形容词重音在后。今天我读的里面就有 industrial,与 industry发音。
3. 注意读语速不要太快,否则意群断的就乱了(一紧张就想赶紧读完)。我平时说话紧张或着急的时候语速就会很快。 但是我自己都有体会,听语速很快的人说话,其实不舒服,而且压力很大,需要很多的注意力去听; 而自己说话快的时候,在思考不够的时候,就会下意识的加上很多废话。我曾经录过自己说话,发现在介绍一个事情时,大概句句话就以然后开头,不停的然后, 奇怪的时自己说的时候,完全没有印象。大家平时可以试试录录自己的发言,特别是在汇报工作,公开场合发言的时候。 哈哈,你会发现全新的自我。 最后,真的很感激Eric,小太阳,正能量。 作为读书群资深潜水员,参加一年了, 发出的笔记一共还是个位数[囧]惭愧的很。每期可能只是捡捡芝麻,看看群里大家讨论,和禁言群里的总结。还在调整中。争取以后能有更多的分享。
From 小呆猫:
2.英语读音有很多细节上的问题,比如gaint, appreciate 中间的元音部分会有ei的音,just do it 会有wu的音,发音时可以夸张一点,嘴张开一点,
From Angel:
Musk,she said, had hidden many things from her during their marriage and ultimately treated her much like a business adversary to be conquered during the divorce.
" Elon is hard-core. He grew up in a tough culture and tough circumstances. He had to become very tough to not only thrive but to conqure the world."
之前介绍Justine的时候,文笔不多,多集中在Musk身上,而在离婚后,从Justine的博文可以看出,他们之前也并不是那么幸福。难道Musk对他并不是爱吗?要不然怎么能够做到在离婚时把她当作对手仇敌一样对待。Musk的性格,我们到现在已经很了解了。从这里可以看得出他的家庭环境有很大的影响。我很难想象到什么样的人才可以治得了他这样的人。Riley后来也曾说过:" ' Being with me was choosing the hard path.' I didn't quiet undersatnd at tha time, but I do now. It's hard, quiet the crazy ride." 有句话说“一个人的吸引力有多大,破坏力就有多大”,一点不错。越是有魅力的人,深入了解后也许越是觉得难以想象,无法接受。常听人说:找男朋友,一定要看家庭教育。确实如此,有些东西是根深蒂固的,你看不到并不代表不存在。等你真正发现的时候也许会感觉很痛苦。
She described a much less romantic Musk and felt people treated her as “an arm ornament who couldn't possibly have anything interesting to say" rather than as an author and her husband's equal. During one trip to St. Barts, the Musks ended up sharing dinner with some wealthy, influential couples. When Justine let out her political views, one of the men at the table made a crack about her being so opinionated. " E chuckled back, patted my hand the way you pat a child," Justine wrote on her blog.
From 叶小静:
From Angel:
1.The more Musk and Riley talked, the more Lee egged them on.
egg them on, you encourage them to do sth. 怂恿,煽动
【例句】 They egged each other on to argue and to fight.
【仿句】Tim egged them on to fight.
2. Riley's father chided his daughter for being a fool, but she held out hope that Musk had an explanation and went to dinner with hime anyway.
hold out hope sth, you hope that in the future something will happen as you want it to.寄予(希望)
【例句】He still holds out hope that they could be a family again.
【仿句】She still holds out hope that he would come back.
3. Eventually, he did announce his five sons and his pending divorce.
pending=imminent, sth is going to happen soon.
【例句】A growing number of customers have been inquiring about the pending price rises.
【仿句】She worried about the pending storm.
4. His team of engineers had remained camped out on the island, preparing the Falcon 1 for another run.
camp outsomewhere in the open air, you are emphasizing that they stay there for a long time, because they are waiting for something to happen.(在露天里)蹲守,长时间驻留
【例句】... reporters who had camped out in anticipating of her arrival.
【仿句】They are camping out in the street, waiting for the ganger.
SpaceX were overjoyed that a young,feisty company had arrived to needle Boeing, Lockheed, and, to a large extent, NASA.
feisty: [ˈfaɪsti] having a strong determined character and being willing to argue with people -- used to show disapproval
DiFranco charmed the audience with her feisty spirit.
needle: (v.) to deliberately annoy sb by making unkind remarks or jokes about them SYN rib, tease
I just said that to Charlie to needle him.
As each Tesla delay turned into a PR fiasco, the Muskglow dimmed.
[fiˈæskəʊ]: an event that is completely unsuccessful, in a way that is very embarrassing or disappointing, SYN disaster
The first lecture I ever gave was a complete fiasco.
Reporters who months earlier had been heaping adulation on Musk turned on him.
[ˌædʒəˈleɪʃn] praise and admiration for sb that is more than they really deserve
heap praise/ insults etc on sb: to praise or insult etc someone a lot
He heaped all the blame on his secretary.
There was a almost comical readout of that phone call from the Pakistani government saying Trumpheaped praise onthe prime minister and the people of Pakistan.
Musk had become all consumed with Tesla and SpaceX out of necessity, and there can be no doubt that this exacerbated the tensions in his marriage.
be consumed with sth: if a feeling or idea consumes you, it affects you very strongly, so that you cannot think about anything else
She was scared by the depression which threatened to consumer her.
He was consumed with guilt after the accident.
During moments of self-reflection, she felt sickened, perceiving herself a trophy wife.
Trophy wife is an informal term for a wife, usually young and attractive, who is regarded as a status symbol for the husband, who is often older or unattractive, but usually wealthy. Such a gentleman may be referred to as a sugar daddy. The term trophy husband is the male equivalent, although this is rarer.
Here’s one post about the lead-up to the divorce and its rapid execution: ...
The things that are done in the time before an important event
SYN run-up
The lead-up/run-up to the election
Elon, however, took matters into his own hands—he tends to like to do that—when he gave me an ultimatum: “Either we fix [the marriage] today, or I will divorce you tomorrow.”
[ˌʌltɪˈmeɪtəm] a threat saying that if sb does not do what you want by a particular time, you will do sth to punish them
The club gave him an ultimatum either he apologized, or he would be expelled from the team.
The army issued an ultimatumfor all weapons in the city to be surrendered.
From 麦芽:
1.make a crack
原文: When Justine let out her political views, one of the them at the tablemade a crackabout her being so opinionated.
解释:laugh at 嘲笑
例句: They all made a crack about his opinion.
From 小呆猫:
原文:Justine appeared to relish their status even more than Musk.
朗文释义:to enjoy an experience or the thought of something that is going to happen 喜爱;享受
relish the prospect/thought/idea
例句:I don’t relish the thought of you walking home alone. 我可不想让你一个人走回家。
relish the chance/opportunity
He relishes the chance to play Hamlet. 他很高兴能有机会扮演哈姆雷特。
造句:I relish the opportunity to read the book online with more than 2000 people.
✏️heap...on sb & turn on sb
原文:Reporters who months earlier had been heaping adulation on Musk turned on him.
·朗文释义:heap praise/insults etc on sb
to praise, insult etc someone a lot 对某人极力称赞/百般侮辱等
例句:He heaped all the blame on his secretary. 他把所有责任都推在秘书身上。
造句: He never heaps praise on his children.
·朗文释义:turn on sb ( also 又作 turn upon sb )
to suddenly attack someone, using physical violence or unpleasant words 〔用暴力或恶毒语言〕突然攻 击某人
例句:Peter turned on Rae and screamed, ‘Get out of my sight!’ 彼得突然冲着雷尖叫起来:“从我面前滚 开!”
造句:Turning on him with cruel words made her feel guilty afterwards.
✏️coax & goad
·原文:Lee coaxed Musk into going to a club called Whisky Mist, in Mayfair.
朗文释义:to persuade someone to do something that they do not want to do by talking to them in a kind, gentle, and patient way 劝诱,哄;诱导
例句:‘Please, Vic, come with us,’ Nancy coaxed. “求你了,维克,跟我们一起去吧。”南希哄劝道。
用法:coax sb into/out of (doing) sth
例句:We had to coax Alan into going to school. 我们只好哄着艾伦去上学。
造句: My parents used to coaxed me into taking the medicine.
·原文:Lee set to work trying to goad Musk into a night on the town.
朗文释义:to make someone do something by annoying or encouraging them until they do it 驱使,唆使
→ provoke
用法:goad sb into (doing) sth
例句:Kathy goaded him into telling her what he had done. 凯茜逼着他把自己所干的事告诉了她。
造句: Somebody who is goaded into studying can never study well.
对比可以发现,两个词虽然都是Lee 劝 Musk 去俱乐部,夜总会,但是具体的劝法是不一样的,coax用“哄着去”的意味,“goad”有“拉着去”的感觉。
From 慧玲:
“But the press lapped up the comparison, and Musk started to become more of a public figure.”
“lapped up”
[释义]If you say that someone laps up something such as information or attention, you mean that they accept it eagerly, usually when you think they are being foolish for believing that it is sincere. 轻信;照单全收;欣然接受
[例句]Their audience will lap up whatever they throw at them.
[造句] She loves all-out aspects of her husband as well as laps up whatever he says.
“ Instead of visualizing how life might have been for Hughes, Downey could perhaps get a taste of the real thing.”
“get a taste of ”
[释义]get/develop a taste of something = acquire a taste for something (formal)
to start to like something
[例句] At university she developed a taste for performing.
[造句] Some people are born to love painting. But I got a taste of it after I read some books of paintings.