

2020-09-20 Obituary翻译组

Obituary: Comrade Duch


The mathematics of death


Comrade Duch (Kaing Guek Eav), supervisor of killings for Cambodia’s Khmers Rouges, died on September 2nd, aged 77


As the Vietnamese army closed in on Phnom Penh in January 1979, Comrade Duch was ordered to kill the prisoners remaining in his charge. He just about had time to supervise that. (Killing was not usually done in his prison, only in the fields he had designated at Choeung Ek, seven kilometres away. Unless someone slipped up.) He also started to destroy his archive, but did not get far. The orders from Brother Number Two, Nuon Chea, had not specifically requested that. Besides, he did not greatly want to.

1979年1月,当越南军队逼近金边(Phnom Penh)时,杜赫同志(Comrade Duch)奉命杀死仍由他看守的囚犯。当时,他刚好有时间来监督行刑。(通常不在杜赫的监狱里行刑,而在七公里外他指定的琼邑克(Choeung Ek)刑场进行。除非有人搞错了。)此外,杜赫也开始销毁自己持有的档案,但并没有销毁多少。红色高棉二号大哥农谢(Nuon Chea)对此也没有明确要求。再说,他也不大愿意这样做。(by Virginia, Gai)

The archive was well over 100,000 pages, containing meticulous details of the detainees who had passed to death through his prison, Tuol Sleng, or S-21, over the previous four years. (The most exact figure given later was 15,101, but the archive was by then incomplete.) Prisoners’ weight on entering. Their photographs, with the blank look of people at the end of the line. And their confessions, in as many versions as were needed to condemn them. He kept all the versions, with defective parts crossed out in red. In the margins, neatly, he put comments. “Do not write these words.” “Do not play tricks.” The final acceptable confession was typed and sent to “Angkar”, the high leadership of the Communist Party of Cambodia, to Brother Number Two and Brother Number One, Pol Pot himself. That was the rule. He kept at least two copies. Each carried his decision about the prisoner: “Can be destroyed.” “Take away.” “Keep for medical experiment.” His preferred word was “smash”. That too was the party rule. At once, or later.

这些档案足足有10万多页,记录了过去四年在吐斯廉监狱(Tuol Sleng)(或称S-21监狱)被处死囚犯的详细资料。(后来官方给出的精确数字是15101,但当时的档案还不完整。)档案里记录了囚犯入狱时的体重;囚犯的照片——他们走在队伍后面,表情空洞;以及囚犯的供词,供词有多种版本,足以定罪判刑。杜赫收集了所有版本的供词,并将其中的不足之处用红笔删去,还在页边空白处工整地写下评语:“不要写这些话”、“不要耍花招”。他会把合意的终版打印出来,呈递给柬埔寨共产党的最高领导层“安卡”(Angkar),最后交到二号大哥农谢甚至是一号大哥波尔布特(Pol Pot)本人手中,这是规矩。此外,杜赫手中还持有至少两份副本,每份上面都写有他对囚犯的判决:“可杀”、“带走”、“留作医学实验”。他最喜欢的字眼是“摧毁”。这个做法同样也是党内的规矩。立即执行,或是延后执行。(by Choesia, Gai)

The system he had devised at S-21 was simple, logical and perpetual. It could feed unceasingly Comrade Pol Pot’s hunger (which had become his own hunger) to root out the bourgeois oppressor class and purge the country of traitorous elements. Each prisoner was made to incriminate in writing between eight and 11 others. Those others were arrested. They, in turn, incriminated at least eight people. So it went on at the most important and most feared prison in the country: a sequence relentlessly reproducing.

杜赫在S-21监狱所设计的档案系统逻辑严谨又简单明了,且可长期沿用。它满足了一号大哥波尔布特同志对铲除资产阶级压迫者和清除国内叛变分子的野心,后来这也成了杜赫本人的野心。每个囚犯都牵连着8至11个其他已逮捕囚犯,而这些被逮捕囚犯又各自牵连了其他至少8个人。由此,S-21监狱有了“血腥蜘蛛网”的称号,一跃成为柬埔寨级别最高的监狱,令人闻风丧胆。(by Lili, Gai)

He felt proud of this system. It appealed to him as a mathematician. He had been a star in the subject at school, brilliant enough to get to the Lycée Sisowath in Phnom Penh, even though his family was poor and he was mocked as half-Chinese. His graduation marks in the Baccalaureate were the second-highest in the country. He became a maths teacher, quiet but firm, until communist revolution distracted him. And when that failed he returned. He taught maths and English in refugee camps, maths and Khmer in China, and when he emerged from hiding in 1999 presented himself as a maths teacher. As though he had never diverted.

杜赫对自己设计的这个系统感到自豪,因为这让他觉得自己像一位数学家。尽管他家境贫寒,还被人嘲笑是半个中国人,杜赫却是学校里的数学“明星”,成绩出色到可以去金边的西索瓦(LycéeSisowath)中学就读。他的毕业考成绩位列当年全国第二。大学毕业后,他成为一名数学老师,不张扬却很坚定,直到共产主义革命转移他的注意力。红色高棉政权倒台后,他又回来继续做老师——在难民营中教授数学和英语,也曾在中国教授数学和高棉语。1999年杜赫被捕时自称是一位数学老师,好像他从来没加入过柬共一样。(By Jessica, Muke)

Teaching, too, was his natural bent. At S-21 he rarely did interrogations himself, but trained the interrogators. Many came with him from the first prison he had ever run, M-13 in the maquis. They were mostly young peasants with a low level of culture, but he trusted them. At S-21 he would telephone them every 20 minutes to check on progress. Most prisoners could be bullied verbally into “confessing” with threats, or “evidence” against them, or even with the steady humiliation of being called “Monsieur”, as if they were colonialists. He kept his usual neat record of what was done to resisters. “About 20 whippings with fine rattan.” “20-30 whippings with electrical wire.” “Stuffing with water.”

当然,杜赫也热爱“教学”。在S-21监狱,他很少亲自审讯犯人,而是训练审讯人员。很多审讯人员都是从他管理的第一个监狱跟随他过来的,他们之中大部分人是年轻农民,受教育程度较低,但杜赫信任他们。在S-21监狱,杜赫每20分钟就会给审讯人员打电话,跟进审讯进度。审讯人员通过各种手段来逼近囚犯“招供”。或是言语威胁,或是编造对他们不利的“证据”,或是不断羞辱他们是殖民者,称囚犯为“先生(Monsieur)”。杜赫一如既往清清楚楚地记录下对反抗者所做的一切:“用细藤条抽打20下左右。“用电线抽打20-30下。”“灌水”。(by Evelyn, Muke)

He claimed later that he had hated running the prison. He had tried to get sent to the Industry Ministry instead. It was not the torture that troubled him, though he tried to play that down. Nor was it the deaths. He did not see those; the slit throats, the hoe severing the neck, happened elsewhere. His sleep was untroubled by his victims’ faces. What bothered him was that S-21 was meant to be a tool to find out truth. Or so he had convinced himself. Yet perhaps 60% of each “confession” was false, and perhaps 80% of those he sent to death did not oppose the regime. He knew this at the time. Everyone knew it, Angkar included. No one dared say it, for sheer fear. He got through the days, he said later, by quoting Alfred de Vigny: “Energetically perform your long and heavy task/On the path to which Fate has called you/Then…suffer and die without a word.”

杜赫后来声称自己当时厌恶管理S-21监狱。他也试过要调往工业部,但没成功。酷刑(虽然他试图淡化这点)与那些死去的阶下囚并不会让杜赫感到不安。被割断的喉咙,切断颈项的锄刃,随处可见,但杜赫对这些都熟视无睹,依旧高枕无忧,受害者们的脸庞也不曾入梦。真正困扰他的是,S-21监狱本应是一个寻找真相的工具,至少他是这么说服过自己的。然而60%的“供词”都是假的,也许还有80%被他送上绝路的人并没有反对高棉政权。他那时候就知道了,所有人都知道,包括高棉政权。但出于极度的恐惧,没有人敢说出真相。他后来引用阿尔弗雷·德·维尼的诗来描绘那段日子,“不辞任重道远,刚毅地奋斗到结局。然后……默默地忍痛而死。”(by komorebi, Muke)

To poetry he could add another salve: complete identification with the revolutionary struggle. He had fallen for communism Chinese-style at the Institut de Pédagogie, teacher-training college. That promise of progress and change was irresistible. By the early 1970s he was in the maquis with the Khmers Rouges, learning to fight for a Democratic Kampuchea that would be agrarian, classless and untainted by the West. His nom de guerre, Duch, meant the schoolboy who stood up when his master asked him to. He may have hated the prison work, but he faithfully repeated the slogans. “Our party makes absolutely no mistakes.” “Angkar knows who is good and who is bad.” They did not quite smother the rising fear that his perpetual system might swallow him, too.

这首诗还提供了另一种意义上的宽慰——诗中所写完全符合杜赫在革命道路上的历程。他曾在教育学院(一所教师培训学校)上学时迷上了中国共产主义。其承诺进步和改变的宣言对他来说极其诱人。于是在20世纪70年代早期,杜赫进入了红色高棉的游击队,学习为建立一个土地均分、无阶级、不受西方压迫的民主柬埔寨而斗争。杜赫是他的化名,意为被老师指名站起来的男生。或许他厌恶监狱工作,但他虔诚地重复着红色高棉的口号,“党绝不会出错”,“安卡(柬埔寨领导人)分得清谁好谁坏”。而这些口号并没有完全扼杀杜赫不断扩大的恐惧,他也害怕自己最终会被自己无休止地屠杀吞没。(by Gai, Pamela)

Was he sorry? In 1999, when a journalist found him, he wanted to talk. By then he had become a Christian, another ideology in which he could immerse himself. He knew about sins and forgiveness now. Occasionally he shed tears. He was the first high Khmer Rouge official to go on trial, in 2009. There, often dressed in pure white, his soft voice demanding exact dates and transcripts, he explained himself. But what he said one day he might retract the next. He played with truth, as he had done before. Uniquely among Khmer Rouge leaders, he accepted responsibility for his actions at S-21. But his superiors had given the orders, so he was bound to obey. And he hoped, having been useful, that he might be released.

他对自己所作的一切感到抱歉吗?1999年,当有记者采访他时,他就此有话想说。那时他已经信奉了基督教——又一个可以让他全身心信奉的意识形态。如今,他明白了什么是罪恶,什么是宽恕,也时不时落泪。2009年,他成了红色高棉首个受审的高官。在法庭上,他常常身着素白衣服,不紧不慢的细细询问具体日期和对话记录来为自己辩护。但他说的话前后不符,之前说过的话在下一次审讯时可能又变了样。他还是和以前一样在颠倒是非。与高棉其他领导者不同的是,他愿意为自己在S-21监狱的行为负责。但事实上他只不过是接到了上级的命令,不得不这么做。杜赫毕竟也曾对高棉做出过贡献,他希望自己能得到释放。(by Rosy, Pamela)

He was not. In 2012 his original sentence of 35 years for torture, murder and crimes against humanity was extended to life. He was not surprised, or did not let it show. He had learned young the most pertinent of Khmer Rouge mottoes for him, “Extinguish your heart.” And he had not thrown off the motivations of those days. Given the chance, he would discuss Marxism for hours. He clung tightly, too, to his nom de guerre. “Kaing Guek Eav” was the quiet teacher’s name he could have reverted to. But “Duch” was still who he was, the diligent boy who pleased his master. And wrote daily, for years, above that name, “Smash.” “Keep.” “Grind to dust.”

但杜赫并没有等到释放的判决。他原本因虐待,谋杀以及反人类的罪行被判35年监禁,在2012年又改为无期徒刑。他对这个判决结果并不感到意外,又或者他只是没有流露出诧异之情。年轻的时候他早已领会红色高棉政权座右铭的核心“消灭你的内心”。当时他也还保有干劲。一有机会,他就会花好几个小时讨论马克思主义。他还始终坚持用他的假名。他本可以做回那个名叫康克由的默默无闻的老师。但是他始终都还是杜赫,那个勤奋的、努力取悦老师的男孩。多年以来,他也是在用这个名字写下对囚犯的命运裁决:“粉碎”“留下(用作医疗实验)”“研磨成末”。(by Sarah, Pamela)



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