const digitsRE = /(\d{3})(?=\d)/g
export function currency (value, currency, decimals) {
value = parseFloat(value)
if (!isFinite(value) || (!value && value !== 0)) return ''
currency = currency != null ? currency : '$'
decimals = decimals != null ? decimals : 2
var stringified = Math.abs(value).toFixed(decimals)
var _int = decimals
? stringified.slice(0, -1 - decimals)
: stringified
var i = _int.length % 3
var head = i > 0
? (_int.slice(0, i) + (_int.length > 3 ? ',' : ''))
: ''
var _float = decimals
? stringified.slice(-1 - decimals)
: ''
var sign = value < 0 ? '-' : ''
return sign + currency + head +
_int.slice(i).replace(digitsRE, '$1,') +
Vue.filter('currency', currency)
// The Vue build version to load with the `import` command
// (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias.
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App'
import store from './store/store'
import { currency } from './currency'
Vue.config.productionTip = false
Vue.filter('currency', currency)
/* eslint-disable no-new */
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: { App },
template: '<App/>',
<li v-for="product in products" :key="product.title">
{{ product.title }} - {{ product.price | currency }} x {{ product.quantity }}