Colors - wee sing
Blue blue is the color I see
If you are wearing blue
Then show it to me
Stand up and turn around
Show me your blue
And then sit down
Red red is the color I see
If you are wearing red
Then show it to me
Stand up and turn around
Show me your red
And then sit down
Yellow yellow is the color I see
If you are wearing yellow
Then show it to me
Stand up and turn around
Show me your yellow
And then sit down
(由于篇幅较长,剩余3段分别是Green 、Black、White 进行颜色替换,重复唱即可)
color 颜色 [英] ['kʌlə(r)] [美] [ˈkʌlɚ]
wear 穿着 、戴着 [英] [weə(r)] [美] [wer]
show 展示、表现 [英] [ʃəʊ] [美] [ʃoʊ]
around 环绕、围绕 [英] [əˈraʊnd] [美] [əˈraʊnd]
down 向下地 [英] [daʊn] [美] [daʊn]
1、押韵:see 、me; around 、down
2、连读:you are (满足前面一个单词以/u:/ /u/结尾,后面是元音开头单词的时候,可以加上很弱的/w/音,来连读)show it (原理同上)在show it to中,有两个t ,所以省去一个t的发音,stand up 以及turn around都是标准的辅元连读现象。
3、略读:and连接的部分,尾音d可以省略不读,sit down 是两个爆破音相连,则前一个只做发音口型,失去爆破。
4、发音注意:red /red/ 其中辅音r口型需略圆(有嘟圆的感觉)舌尖需要向内卷,元音/e/俗称假笑音,嘴角稍稍向两边咧开,舌尖轻抬高接近齿龈处。
down /daʊn/其中/aʊ/是双元音,分别由/a//u/组成,因此发音时需要有从前元音过渡到后元音的口型的变化(一定要有/u/的感觉)这个音也俗称咆哮音和老虎音,帮助加深印象可以想象被惊吓后"嗷"的叫声。