Leon and Amy:
睁开你的眼睛,别睡着了。Open your eyes and don't fall asleep. 睁开,open. 眼睛,eye. 睡着,fall asleep.
你能把嘴巴闭上吗?Can you keep your mouth shut? / Shut up. 闭上, shut. 闭嘴!Shut up!是日常生活中吵架时经常会说的话。
你的鼻子受伤了,现在你能呼吸吗?Your nose is hurt, can you breathe now? 鼻子,nose. 呼吸,breathe.
这条鱼闻起来好香啊。The fish smells good. 闻起来,smell.
你能听到我说话吗?Can you hear me? 听到,hear. 耳朵,ear.
你在比赛中发挥不错,抬起头来。You played well in the game, keep your head up. 头,head.
我想握住你的手。I want to hold your hand.握住,hold. 手,hand.
她的腿好长,人也长的漂亮。She has long legs, and she is beautiful. 腿,leg. 长,long. 短, short.
小心你的脚,不要走太多路了。 Watch your feet, don't walk too much. 小心、注意,watch. 脚,foot/复数feet.
他的肩膀看起来好宽,一定很强壮。His shoulders look so wide, he must be a strong man. 宽,wide. 肩膀,shoulder. 海飞丝的英文名叫Head & Shoulders,头和肩膀。
她的头发好长好漂亮。 Her hair is so long and beautiful. 头发,hair.
不要想,爱情和你的头脑无关,和你的心有关。Don't think, love has nothing to do with your mind, it's about your heart. 无关,have nothing to do with... 头脑,mind. 心,heart.