策略名称 | robbin | dubbo |
随机 | RandomRule | RandomLoadBalance |
最近最少连接数 | BestAvailableRule | LeastActiveLoadBalance |
轮询 | RoundRobinRule | RoundRobinLoadBalance |
protected int chooseRandomInt(int serverCount) {
return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(serverCount);
protected <T> Invoker<T> doSelect(List<Invoker<T>> invokers, URL url, Invocation invocation) {
int length = invokers.size(); // Number of invokers
int totalWeight = 0; // The sum of weights
boolean sameWeight = true; // Every invoker has the same weight?
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int weight = getWeight(invokers.get(i), invocation);
totalWeight += weight; // Sum
if (sameWeight && i > 0
&& weight != getWeight(invokers.get(i - 1), invocation)) {
sameWeight = false;
if (totalWeight > 0 && !sameWeight) {
// If (not every invoker has the same weight & at least one invoker's weight>0), select randomly based on totalWeight.
int offset = random.nextInt(totalWeight);
// Return a invoker based on the random value.
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
offset -= getWeight(invokers.get(i), invocation);
if (offset < 0) {
return invokers.get(i);
// If all invokers have the same weight value or totalWeight=0, return evenly.
return invokers.get(random.nextInt(length));
public Server choose(Object key) {
if (loadBalancerStats == null) {
return super.choose(key);
List<Server> serverList = getLoadBalancer().getAllServers();
int minimalConcurrentConnections = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Server chosen = null;
for (Server server: serverList) {
ServerStats serverStats = loadBalancerStats.getSingleServerStat(server);
if (!serverStats.isCircuitBreakerTripped(currentTime)) {
int concurrentConnections = serverStats.getActiveRequestsCount(currentTime);
if (concurrentConnections < minimalConcurrentConnections) {
minimalConcurrentConnections = concurrentConnections;
chosen = server;
if (chosen == null) {
return super.choose(key);
} else {
return chosen;
public int getActiveRequestsCount(long currentTime) {
int count = activeRequestsCount.get();
if (count == 0) {
return 0;
} else if (currentTime - lastActiveRequestsCountChangeTimestamp > activeRequestsCountTimeout.get() * 1000 || count < 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return count;
public Observable<T> submit(final ServerOperation<T> operation) {
final ExecutionInfoContext context = new ExecutionInfoContext();
if (listenerInvoker != null) {
try {
} catch (AbortExecutionException e) {
return Observable.error(e);
final int maxRetrysSame = retryHandler.getMaxRetriesOnSameServer();
final int maxRetrysNext = retryHandler.getMaxRetriesOnNextServer();
// Use the load balancer
Observable<T> o =
(server == null ? selectServer() : Observable.just(server))
.concatMap(new Func1<Server, Observable<T>>() {
// Called for each server being selected
public Observable<T> call(Server server) {
final ServerStats stats = loadBalancerContext.getServerStats(server);
// Called for each attempt and retry
Observable<T> o = Observable
.concatMap(new Func1<Server, Observable<T>>() {
public Observable<T> call(final Server server) {
if (listenerInvoker != null) {
try {
} catch (AbortExecutionException e) {
return Observable.error(e);
final Stopwatch tracer = loadBalancerContext.getExecuteTracer().start();
return operation.call(server).doOnEach(new Observer<T>() {
private T entity;
public void onCompleted() {
recordStats(tracer, stats, entity, null);
// TODO: What to do if onNext or onError are never called?
public void onError(Throwable e) {
recordStats(tracer, stats, null, e);
logger.debug("Got error {} when executed on server {}", e, server);
if (listenerInvoker != null) {
listenerInvoker.onExceptionWithServer(e, context.toExecutionInfo());
public void onNext(T entity) {
this.entity = entity;
if (listenerInvoker != null) {
listenerInvoker.onExecutionSuccess(entity, context.toExecutionInfo());
private void recordStats(Stopwatch tracer, ServerStats stats, Object entity, Throwable exception) {
loadBalancerContext.noteRequestCompletion(stats, entity, exception, tracer.getDuration(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), retryHandler);
if (maxRetrysSame > 0)
o = o.retry(retryPolicy(maxRetrysSame, true));
return o;
if (maxRetrysNext > 0 && server == null)
o = o.retry(retryPolicy(maxRetrysNext, false));
return o.onErrorResumeNext(new Func1<Throwable, Observable<T>>() {
public Observable<T> call(Throwable e) {
if (context.getAttemptCount() > 0) {
if (maxRetrysNext > 0 && context.getServerAttemptCount() == (maxRetrysNext + 1)) {
e = new ClientException(ClientException.ErrorType.NUMBEROF_RETRIES_NEXTSERVER_EXCEEDED,
"Number of retries on next server exceeded max " + maxRetrysNext
+ " retries, while making a call for: " + context.getServer(), e);
else if (maxRetrysSame > 0 && context.getAttemptCount() == (maxRetrysSame + 1)) {
e = new ClientException(ClientException.ErrorType.NUMBEROF_RETRIES_EXEEDED,
"Number of retries exceeded max " + maxRetrysSame
+ " retries, while making a call for: " + context.getServer(), e);
if (listenerInvoker != null) {
listenerInvoker.onExecutionFailed(e, context.toFinalExecutionInfo());
return Observable.error(e);
protected <T> Invoker<T> doSelect(List<Invoker<T>> invokers, URL url, Invocation invocation) {
int length = invokers.size(); // Number of invokers
int leastActive = -1; // The least active value of all invokers
int leastCount = 0; // The number of invokers having the same least active value (leastActive)
int[] leastIndexs = new int[length]; // The index of invokers having the same least active value (leastActive)
int totalWeight = 0; // The sum of weights
int firstWeight = 0; // Initial value, used for comparision
boolean sameWeight = true; // Every invoker has the same weight value?
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Invoker<T> invoker = invokers.get(i);
int active = RpcStatus.getStatus(invoker.getUrl(), invocation.getMethodName()).getActive(); // Active number
int weight = invoker.getUrl().getMethodParameter(invocation.getMethodName(), Constants.WEIGHT_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_WEIGHT); // Weight
if (leastActive == -1 || active < leastActive) { // Restart, when find a invoker having smaller least active value.
leastActive = active; // Record the current least active value
leastCount = 1; // Reset leastCount, count again based on current leastCount
leastIndexs[0] = i; // Reset
totalWeight = weight; // Reset
firstWeight = weight; // Record the weight the first invoker
sameWeight = true; // Reset, every invoker has the same weight value?
} else if (active == leastActive) { // If current invoker's active value equals with leaseActive, then accumulating.
leastIndexs[leastCount++] = i; // Record index number of this invoker
totalWeight += weight; // Add this invoker's weight to totalWeight.
// If every invoker has the same weight?
if (sameWeight && i > 0
&& weight != firstWeight) {
sameWeight = false;
// assert(leastCount > 0)
if (leastCount == 1) {
// If we got exactly one invoker having the least active value, return this invoker directly.
return invokers.get(leastIndexs[0]);
if (!sameWeight && totalWeight > 0) {
// If (not every invoker has the same weight & at least one invoker's weight>0), select randomly based on totalWeight.
int offsetWeight = random.nextInt(totalWeight);
// Return a invoker based on the random value.
for (int i = 0; i < leastCount; i++) {
int leastIndex = leastIndexs[i];
offsetWeight -= getWeight(invokers.get(leastIndex), invocation);
if (offsetWeight <= 0)
return invokers.get(leastIndex);
// If all invokers have the same weight value or totalWeight=0, return evenly.
return invokers.get(leastIndexs[random.nextInt(leastCount)]);
try {
long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
RpcStatus.beginCount(url, methodName);
try {
Result result = invoker.invoke(invocation);
RpcStatus.endCount(url, methodName, System.currentTimeMillis() - begin, true);
return result;
} catch (RuntimeException t) {
RpcStatus.endCount(url, methodName, System.currentTimeMillis() - begin, false);
throw t;
} finally {
if (max > 0) {
synchronized (count) {
public Server choose(ILoadBalancer lb, Object key) {
if (lb == null) {
log.warn("no load balancer");
return null;
Server server = null;
int count = 0;
while (server == null && count++ < 10) {
List<Server> reachableServers = lb.getReachableServers();
List<Server> allServers = lb.getAllServers();
int upCount = reachableServers.size();
int serverCount = allServers.size();
if ((upCount == 0) || (serverCount == 0)) {
log.warn("No up servers available from load balancer: " + lb);
return null;
int nextServerIndex = incrementAndGetModulo(serverCount);
server = allServers.get(nextServerIndex);
if (server == null) {
/* Transient. */
if (server.isAlive() && (server.isReadyToServe())) {
return (server);
// Next.
server = null;
if (count >= 10) {
log.warn("No available alive servers after 10 tries from load balancer: "
+ lb);
return server;
protected <T> Invoker<T> doSelect(List<Invoker<T>> invokers, URL url, Invocation invocation) {
String key = invokers.get(0).getUrl().getServiceKey() + "." + invocation.getMethodName();
int length = invokers.size(); // Number of invokers
int maxWeight = 0; // The maximum weight
int minWeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // The minimum weight
final LinkedHashMap<Invoker<T>, IntegerWrapper> invokerToWeightMap = new LinkedHashMap<Invoker<T>, IntegerWrapper>();
int weightSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int weight = getWeight(invokers.get(i), invocation);
maxWeight = Math.max(maxWeight, weight); // Choose the maximum weight
minWeight = Math.min(minWeight, weight); // Choose the minimum weight
if (weight > 0) {
invokerToWeightMap.put(invokers.get(i), new IntegerWrapper(weight));
weightSum += weight;
AtomicPositiveInteger sequence = sequences.get(key);
if (sequence == null) {
sequences.putIfAbsent(key, new AtomicPositiveInteger());
sequence = sequences.get(key);
int currentSequence = sequence.getAndIncrement();
if (maxWeight > 0 && minWeight < maxWeight) {
int mod = currentSequence % weightSum;
for (int i = 0; i < maxWeight; i++) {
for (Map.Entry<Invoker<T>, IntegerWrapper> each : invokerToWeightMap.entrySet()) {
final Invoker<T> k = each.getKey();
final IntegerWrapper v = each.getValue();
if (mod == 0 && v.getValue() > 0) {
return k;
if (v.getValue() > 0) {
// Round robin
return invokers.get(currentSequence % length);