public enum GridShapeType
/// <summary>
/// 正方形
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 正六边形
/// </summary>
public class MapGridCtr: MonoBehaviour
private const float MAXDIS = 10000001f;
public static MapGridCtr mIns;
/// <summary>
/// 网格线是否显示
/// </summary>
public bool showGrid = true;
/// <summary>
/// 网格线宽度
/// </summary>
public float gridLine = 0.1f;
/// <summary>
/// 网格线颜色
/// </summary>
public Color gridColor = Color.red;
/// <summary>
/// 网格线
/// </summary>
private GameObject[,] m_lines;
/// <summary>
/// 一个网格的基数
/// </summary>
public int coefficient = 8;
/// <summary>
/// 当前地图地形
/// </summary>
public Terrain m_terrian;
/// <summary>
/// 当前地图地形行数
/// </summary>
private int m_arrRow = 0;
public int ArrRow
return this.m_arrRow;
/// <summary>
/// 当前地图地形宽度
/// </summary>
private int m_arrCol = 0;
public int ArrCol
return this.m_arrCol;
/// <summary>
/// 当前地图vector3数据
/// </summary>
private Vector3[,] m_array;
public Vector3[,] Array
return this.m_array;
/// <summary>
/// 网片
/// </summary>
private GameObject m_defaultMesh;
private GameObject m_mesh
if (m_defaultMesh == null)
m_defaultMesh = new GameObject();
return m_defaultMesh;
/// <summary>
/// 网片形状
/// </summary>
public GridShapeType m_meshType;
/// <summary>
/// 网片颜色
/// </summary>
private Color m_color = Color.yellow;
public Mesh CurrenMesh { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// 网片缓存
/// </summary>
private Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int,Mesh>> meshCaches = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, Mesh>>();
protected void Awake()
mIns = this;
protected void Start()
/// <summary>
/// 加载地图数据
/// </summary>
public void LoadMap()
if (this.m_terrian == null)
Debug.Log("Terrian is null!");
if (this.m_meshType == GridShapeType.Square && this.coefficient < 2)
Debug.Log("If the shape of mesh is square, coefficient must be bigger than 2!");
TerrainData data = m_terrian.terrainData;
int mapz = (int)(data.size.x / data.heightmapScale.x);
int mapx = (int)(data.size.z / data.heightmapScale.z);
this.m_arrRow = Math.Min(data.heightmapWidth, mapz);
this.m_arrCol = Math.Min(data.heightmapHeight, mapx);
float[,] heightPosArray = data.GetHeights(0, 0, this.m_arrRow, this.m_arrCol);
this.m_array = new Vector3[this.m_arrRow, this.m_arrCol];
for (int i = 0; i < this.m_arrRow; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < this.m_arrCol; ++j)
this.m_array[i, j] = new Vector3(j * data.heightmapScale.x, heightPosArray[i, j] * data.heightmapScale.y, i * data.heightmapScale.z);
if (this.showGrid)
/// <summary>
/// 显示地图网格
/// </summary>
private void ShowGrid()
switch (m_meshType)
case GridShapeType.Square:
case GridShapeType.RegularHexagon:
Debug.LogError("暂不支持此形状! m_meshType: " + m_meshType);
/// <summary>
/// 显示正方形网格
/// coefficient代表边的网格数,最小为2
/// </summary>
private void ShowSquareGird()
Vector3[] pos;
int rn = this.m_arrRow / (this.coefficient - 1);
int cn = this.m_arrCol / (this.coefficient - 1);
if (this.m_arrRow % (this.coefficient - 1) > 0)
if (this.m_arrCol % (this.coefficient - 1) > 0)
this.m_lines = new GameObject[rn, cn];
for (int i = 0; i < this.m_arrRow - 1;)
int lastr = i + this.coefficient - 1;
if (lastr >= this.m_arrRow)
lastr = this.m_arrRow - 1;
for (int j = 0; j < this.m_arrCol - 1;)
int lastc = j + this.coefficient - 1;
if (lastc >= this.m_arrCol)
lastc = this.m_arrCol - 1;
if (lastr < this.m_arrRow - 1 && lastc < this.m_arrCol - 1)
pos = new Vector3[this.coefficient * 4];
for (int k = 0; k < this.coefficient; ++k)
pos[0 * this.coefficient + k] = this.m_array[i, j + k];
pos[1 * this.coefficient + k] = this.m_array[i + k, lastc];
pos[2 * this.coefficient + k] = this.m_array[lastr, lastc - k];
pos[3 * this.coefficient + k] = this.m_array[lastr - k, j];
this.CreatLine(i / (this.coefficient - 1), j / (this.coefficient - 1), pos);
int cr = lastr - i + 1;
int cl = lastc - j + 1;
pos = new Vector3[(cr + cl) * 2];
for (int k = 0; k < cr; ++k)
pos[cl + k] = this.m_array[i + k, lastc];
pos[cr + 2 * cl + k] = this.m_array[lastr - k, j];
for (int k = 0; k < cl; ++k)
pos[k] = this.m_array[i, j + k];
pos[cr + cl + k] = this.m_array[lastr, lastc - k];
this.CreatLine(i / (this.coefficient - 1), j / (this.coefficient - 1), pos);
j = lastc;
i = lastr;
/// <summary>
/// 显示正六边形网格
/// 正六边形边长最小为5,coefficient表示倍率
/// </summary>
private void ShowRegularHexagon()
this.coefficient = this.coefficient / 5;
Vector3[] pos_1;
Vector3[] pos_2;
int num_1 = this.m_arrCol / (this.coefficient * (3 + 5)) * (this.coefficient * 5 + 1);
int num_2 = this.m_arrCol % (this.coefficient * (3 + 5));
if (num_2 > 0)
if (num_2 < 3 * this.coefficient)
num_2 = 1;
num_2 = num_2 - 3 * this.coefficient + 2;
pos_1 = new Vector3[num_1 + num_2];
pos_2 = new Vector3[num_1 + num_2];
int rn = this.m_arrRow / (this.coefficient * (3 + 5));
this.m_lines = new GameObject[rn, 2];
for (int i = 4 * this.coefficient; i < this.m_arrRow;)
int index_1 = 0;
int index_2 = 0;
int r_1 = i - 4 * this.coefficient;
int r_2 = i + 4 * this.coefficient;
bool flag_1 = true;
bool flag_2 = false;
if (r_2 >= this.m_arrRow)
flag_1 = false;
for (int j = 0; j < this.m_arrCol;)
if (j % (this.coefficient * (3 + 5)) == 0)
flag_2 = !flag_2;
if (flag_2)
pos_1[index_1++] = this.m_array[i, j];
if (flag_1)
pos_2[index_2++] = this.m_array[i, j];
pos_1[index_1++] = this.m_array[r_1, j];
if (flag_1)
pos_2[index_2++] = this.m_array[r_2, j];
j += 3 * this.coefficient;
if (flag_2)
pos_1[index_1++] = this.m_array[r_1, j];
if (flag_1)
pos_2[index_2++] = this.m_array[r_2, j];
pos_1[index_1++] = this.m_array[i, j];
if (flag_1)
pos_2[index_2++] = this.m_array[i, j];
this.CreatLine(i / (2 * 4 * this.coefficient), 0, pos_1);
if (flag_1)
this.CreatLine(i / (2 * 4 * this.coefficient), 1, pos_2);
i += (4 * this.coefficient * 2);
/// <summary>
/// 创建网格线
/// </summary>
private void CreatLine(int row, int col, Vector3[] pos)
if(this.m_lines[row, col] != null)
GameObject.Destroy(this.m_lines[row, col]);
this.m_lines[row, col] = new GameObject();
LineRenderer _lineRenderer = this.m_lines[row, col].AddComponent<LineRenderer>();
_lineRenderer.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Particles/Additive"));
_lineRenderer.SetColors(this.gridColor, this.gridColor);
_lineRenderer.SetWidth(this.gridLine, this.gridLine);
_lineRenderer.useWorldSpace = true;
for (int i = 0; i < pos.Length; ++i)
_lineRenderer.SetPosition(i, pos[i]);
this.m_lines[row, col].name = "CreateLine " + row + " " + col;
void Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
RaycastHit hit;
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
//Debug.LogError("select point " + hit.point);
/// <summary>
/// 创建面片
/// </summary>
public void CreatMesh(Vector3 pos)
if(this.meshCaches.Count == 0)
this.m_mesh.name = "CreateMesh";
/// <summary>
/// 绘制面片
/// </summary>
private void DrawMesh(Vector3 pos)
KeyValuePair<int, int> rw = this.GetRowColByPos(pos);
if (rw.Key > this.m_arrRow || rw.Value > this.m_arrCol)
MeshFilter filter = this.m_mesh.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (filter == null)
filter = this.m_mesh.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
Mesh mesh = filter.mesh;
MeshRenderer renderer = this.m_mesh.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
if (renderer == null)
renderer = this.m_mesh.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
if (renderer.material == null)
Material material = new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse"));
renderer.sharedMaterial = material;
Mesh CacheMesh = TryGetMesh(rw);
if (CacheMesh != null && CacheMesh != mesh)
filter.mesh = CacheMesh;
this.CurrenMesh = CacheMesh;
else if (mesh == null || CacheMesh == null)
if (this.m_meshType == GridShapeType.RegularHexagon)
mesh = RegularHexagonGrid.Create<RegularHexagonGrid>(pos).mesh;
mesh = SquareGrid.Create<SquareGrid>(pos).mesh;
if (mesh == null)
if (mesh.vertices.Length > 300)
Debug.LogErrorFormat("顶点数据过大 {0} :{1}", rw.Key, rw.Value);
filter.mesh = mesh;
this.CurrenMesh = mesh;
this.TryAddMesh(rw, mesh);
catch (Exception ex)
/// <summary>
/// 根据世界坐标位置获取对应网格行列
/// </summary>
public KeyValuePair<int, int> GetRowColByPos(Vector3 pos)
TerrainData data = this.m_terrian.terrainData;
int col = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.x / data.heightmapScale.x);
int row = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.z / data.heightmapScale.z);
int ncol = col;
int nrow = row;
switch (m_meshType)
case GridShapeType.Square:
ncol = col / (this.coefficient - 1) * (this.coefficient - 1);
nrow = row / (this.coefficient - 1) * (this.coefficient - 1);
case GridShapeType.RegularHexagon:
int rn = row / (2 * 4 * this.coefficient);
int cn = (col - (this.coefficient * 3 + this.coefficient * 5 / 2 + this.coefficient * 5 % 2)) / ((3 + 5) * this.coefficient);
int x_1 = this.coefficient * 2 * 4 * rn + 4 * this.coefficient;
int x_2 = x_1 - 4 * this.coefficient;
int x_3 = x_1 + 4 * this.coefficient;
int y_1 = (cn + cn % 2) * ((3 + 5) * this.coefficient) + (this.coefficient * 3 + this.coefficient * 5 / 2 + this.coefficient * 5 % 2);
int y_2 = y_1 + (1 - 2 * (cn % 2)) * ((3 + 5) * this.coefficient);
int y_3 = y_1 + (1 - 2 * (cn % 2)) * ((3 + 5) * this.coefficient);
float dis_1 = MAXDIS;
float dis_2 = MAXDIS;
float dis_3 = MAXDIS;
if (x_1 < this.m_arrRow && y_1 < this.m_arrCol)
dis_1 = Vector3.Distance(pos, this.m_array[x_1, y_1]);
if (x_2 < this.m_arrRow && y_2 < this.m_arrCol)
dis_2 = Vector3.Distance(pos, this.m_array[x_2, y_2]);
if (x_3 < this.m_arrRow && y_3 < this.m_arrCol)
dis_3 = Vector3.Distance(pos, this.m_array[x_3, y_3]);
if (dis_1 > (MAXDIS - 1) && dis_2 > (MAXDIS - 1) && dis_3 > (MAXDIS - 1))
nrow = this.m_arrRow;
ncol = this.m_arrCol;
if (dis_1 <= dis_2 && dis_1 <= dis_3)
nrow = x_1;
ncol = y_1;
else if (dis_2 <= dis_1 && dis_2 <= dis_3)
nrow = x_2;
ncol = y_2;
else if (dis_3 <= dis_1 && dis_3 <= dis_2)
nrow = x_3;
ncol = y_3;
ncol = col / (this.coefficient - 1) * (this.coefficient - 1);
nrow = row / (this.coefficient - 1) * (this.coefficient - 1);
return new KeyValuePair<int, int>(nrow, ncol);
/// <summary>
/// 根据行列值获取世界坐标
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Vector3 GetPositionByRw(int row, int col)
TerrainData data = this.m_terrian.terrainData;
switch (m_meshType)
case GridShapeType.Square:
row = row + this.coefficient / 2;
col = col + this.coefficient / 2;
case GridShapeType.RegularHexagon:
row = row + this.coefficient / 2;
col = col + this.coefficient / 2;
float px = data.heightmapScale.x * col;
float pz = data.heightmapScale.z * row;
return this.m_terrian.transform.position + new Vector3(px, data.GetHeight(row, col), pz); ;
private Mesh TryGetMesh(KeyValuePair<int, int> rw)
if (this.meshCaches.ContainsKey(rw.Key))
Dictionary<int, Mesh> dic = this.meshCaches[rw.Key];
if (dic.ContainsKey(rw.Value))
return dic[rw.Value];
return null;
private void TryAddMesh(KeyValuePair<int, int> rw,Mesh mesh)
if (this.meshCaches.ContainsKey(rw.Key))
Dictionary<int, Mesh> dic = this.meshCaches[rw.Key];
if (!dic.ContainsKey(rw.Value))
dic.Add(rw.Value, mesh);
Dictionary<int, Mesh> dic = new Dictionary<int, Mesh>();
public interface IGridShape
/// <summary>
/// 面片
/// </summary>
Mesh mesh { get; }
/// <summary>
/// 位置
/// </summary>
Vector3 pos { get; }
public abstract class BaseGrid : IGridShape
/// <summary>
/// 面片
/// </summary>
private Mesh _mesh;
public Mesh mesh
return _mesh;
/// <summary>
/// 位置
/// </summary>
private Vector3 _pos;
public Vector3 pos
return _pos;
/// <summary>
/// 一个网格的基数
/// </summary>
protected int _coefficient;
/// <summary>
/// 顶点数
/// </summary>
protected Vector3[] _vertexes;
/// <summary>
/// 三角形索引
/// </summary>
protected int[] _triangles;
/// <summary>
/// mesh 长度的段数和宽度的段数
/// </summary>
protected Vector2 _segment;
protected BaseGrid()
/// <summary>
/// 创建网格
/// 网格类型,网格位置
/// </summary>
public static T Create<T>(Vector3 pos) where T: BaseGrid, new()
T mapGrid = new T();
mapGrid._pos = pos;
return mapGrid;
protected virtual void _init()
this._coefficient = MapGridCtr.mIns.coefficient;
this._mesh = null;
this._vertexes = null;
this._triangles = null;
this._segment = new Vector2((this._coefficient - 1), (this._coefficient - 1));
private void _createMesh()
if (this._vertexes == null || this._triangles == null)
this._mesh = null;
if (mesh == null)
this._mesh = new Mesh();
mesh.vertices = this._vertexes;
mesh.triangles = this._triangles;
public virtual void Release(bool disposing)
this._vertexes = null;
this._triangles = null;
protected abstract void CaculateVertexes();
protected abstract void CaculateTriangles();
public class SquareGrid : BaseGrid
protected override void CaculateVertexes()
KeyValuePair<int, int> info = MapGridCtr.mIns.GetRowColByPos(pos);
if ((info.Key + this._coefficient - 1 >= MapGridCtr.mIns.ArrRow) || (info.Value + this._coefficient - 1 >= MapGridCtr.mIns.ArrCol))
this._vertexes = null;
int index = 0;
this._vertexes = new Vector3[this._coefficient * this._coefficient];
for (int i = 0; i < this._coefficient; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < this._coefficient; ++j)
this._vertexes[index++] = MapGridCtr.mIns.Array[info.Key + i, info.Value + j] + new Vector3(0, 0.1f, 0);
protected override void CaculateTriangles()
int sum = Mathf.FloorToInt(this._segment.x * this._segment.y * 6);
this._triangles = new int[sum];
uint index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < this._segment.y; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < this._segment.x; j++)
int role = Mathf.FloorToInt(this._segment.x) + 1;
int self = j + (i * role);
int next = j + ((i + 1) * role);
this._triangles[index] = self;
this._triangles[index + 1] = next + 1;
this._triangles[index + 2] = self + 1;
this._triangles[index + 3] = self;
this._triangles[index + 4] = next;
this._triangles[index + 5] = next + 1;
index += 6;
public class RegularHexagonGrid : BaseGrid
protected override void CaculateVertexes()
KeyValuePair<int, int> info = MapGridCtr.mIns.GetRowColByPos(pos);
int index = 0;
int c = info.Value - (this._coefficient * 3 + this._coefficient * 5 / 2 + this._coefficient * 5 % 2);
int c_0 = c + (3 * 2 + 5) * this._coefficient;
int r_1 = info.Key + this._coefficient * 4;
int r_2 = info.Key - this._coefficient * 4;
int c_1 = info.Value - (this._coefficient * 5 / 2 + this._coefficient * 5 % 2);
int c_2 = info.Value + this._coefficient * 5 / 2;
if (r_1 >= MapGridCtr.mIns.ArrRow || r_2 < 0 || c_1 < 0 || c_2 >= MapGridCtr.mIns.ArrCol)
this._vertexes = null;
Vector3[,] array = MapGridCtr.mIns.Array;
this._vertexes = new Vector3[2 * (c_2 - c_1 + 1 + 1)];
this._vertexes[index++] = array[info.Key, c] + new Vector3(0, 0.1f, 0);
for (int i = c_1; i < c_2 + 1; ++i)
this._vertexes[index++] = array[r_1, i] + new Vector3(0, 0.1f, 0);
this._vertexes[index++] = array[info.Key, c_0] + new Vector3(0, 0.1f, 0);
for (int i = c_2; i >= c_1; --i)
this._vertexes[index++] = array[r_2, i] + new Vector3(0, 0.1f, 0);
protected override void CaculateTriangles()
int sum = 2 * (1 + 5 * this._coefficient + 1) - 2;
this._triangles = new int[sum * 3];
for (int i = 0; i < sum; ++i)
this._triangles[3 * i] = 0;
this._triangles[3 * i + 1] = i + 1;
this._triangles[3 * i + 2] = i + 2;