Interested in world events, but overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information available? The Economist Magazine is a solid source of world news published on a weekly basis. It covers current political events in all regions of the world as well as current events in finance, business, science, and the arts. Though the articles are concise, this digest of world events includes upwards of 80 articles. Read below to find out how it is possible to fully read the Economist on a consistent basis.
The world this week
Carefully read "The world this week" section. It spans only two pages and contains several sentence snippets of world events in politics and business for the past week. This is a great way to orient your mind to world events.
Carefully read all articles in the "Leaders" section, paying particular attention to the first leader. These opinion pieces generally provide thoughtful analysis on topics most important to the Economist that week. They generally call for action of some sort, but provide balanced information. The entire section spans several pages.
At various points, you will come across "Briefing" articles. Pay attention to these, as they are some of the best articles in any given week. Also pay attention to the special reports that come out occasionally. They will appear towards the middle of the issue and contain around fourteen pages of articles on a particular topic.
精读Briefing(简报)。该板块主要对一个特定的热点话题进行深度讨论,每期话题不同,内容较为专业深入。篇幅相对来说也比较长,适合做深入精读,训练critical thinking。
Quickly skim through the "Letters" section, noting who the author is. It is not uncommon for an influential politician or scientist to comment on a past article. Also, the last letter is usually light-hearted and fun. This section spans one to two pages.
The next group of sections contain articles on current political and socialevents in different regions of the world. These sections include "United States", "The Americas", "Asia", "Middle East and Africa", "Europe", "Britain", and "International". It is easy to become bogged down in these sections. Read the first article in each section carefully, then scan the rest unless a particular article interests you. Other articles in these sections that should be carefully read are "Lexington", "Banyan", "Charlemagne", and "Bagehot", which can be found in the "United States", "Asia", "Europe", and "Britain" sections, respectively.
这部分还需要注意的是 "Lexington", "Banyan", "Charlemagne", and "Bagehot"几个专栏,分别都是什么意思呢?
Buttonwood (Finance and economics) — named for the buttonwood tree where early Wall Streettraders gathered. Until September 2006 this was available only as an on-line column, but it is now included in the print edition. It is written by Philip Coggan.这个词本身是梧桐树的意思,梧桐取名自《梧桐树协议》(Buttonwood Agreement),1792年5月17日,24个在街头买卖股票的经纪人聚集在华尔街68号门前那棵梧桐树下,经过讨论达成协定——签约者之间进行债券交易时彼此享有优惠,佣金比例统一、固定。该协议具有中世纪行业协会的性质,是美国银行业第一个行业自律文件,而“Buttonwood”也成了证券业的代名词之一。梧桐专栏从前仅是http://Economist.com的线上专栏,2006年9月才在杂志中出现。
Bagehot (Britain) — named for Walter Bagehot nineteenth-century British constitutional expert and early editor of The Economist. From July 2010 until June 2012 it was written by David Rennie.白芝浩(Walter Bagehot),英国最著名的经济学家、政治社会学家和公法学家之一。后人认为,白芝浩是《经济学人》历史上最伟大的主编,“或许是《经济学人》的编辑们永远试图接近但无法超越的楷模”。为纪念他的卓越贡献,后来闻名于全世界的《经济学人》将其有关英国政治的专栏命名为“白芝浩专栏”。英国政治研究协会(Political Studies Association)每年给政治与公共行政领域的优秀论文颁发“白芝浩奖”。
Charlemagne (Europe) — named for Charlemagne, Emperor of the Frankish Empire. It is written by Anton La Guardia.查理曼大帝(公元742—814年),或称为查理,卡尔大帝,法兰克王国加洛林王朝国王,神圣罗马帝国的奠基人。他建立了那囊括西欧大部分地区的庞大帝国。公元800年,由罗马教皇加冕神圣罗马帝国开国皇帝,号为罗马人皇帝。他在行政、司法、军事制度及经济生产等方面都有杰出的建树,并大力发展文化教育事业。是他引入了欧洲文明,他被后世尊称为“欧洲之父”。欧洲版块因此就选用了这个名字。
Lexington (United States) — named for Lexington, Massachusetts, the site of the beginning of the American Revolutionary War. From June 2010 until May 2012 it was written by Peter David, until his death in a car accident.莱克星顿(列克星顿),美国马萨诸塞州一小镇,因美国独立战争在此打响而著名。
Banyan (Asia) — named for the banyan tree, this column was established in April 2009 and focuses on various issues across the Asian continent, and is written by Dominic Ziegler.菩提(Banyan)是TE于2009年4月新推出的亚洲事务专栏,选择菩提(Banyan)作为专栏名,是因为TE认为菩提最能代表泛亚形象。一则菩提树与佛教渊源颇深,佛祖释迦牟尼在菩提树下静坐7个日夜后,大彻大悟;再则由于印度西部古吉拉特商人往往在菩提树树荫下买卖交易,菩提树也因此而得名,所以TE认为菩提树是亚洲精神文明和物质文明的双重象征。在亚洲,菩提还与公共事务有着千丝万缕的联系,也是他们选择的理由之一。
Schumpeter (Business) — named for the economist Joseph Schumpeter, this column was established on September 2009 and is written by Adrian Wooldridge.约瑟夫·熊彼特(Joseph Alois Schumpeter),或译为熊彼德是一位有深远影响的政治经济学家,1883年出生于奥匈帝国摩拉维亚省(今捷克共和国),1893年迁居维也纳,1906年获维也纳大学法学博士,1919年任奥国财政部长,1926年回任德国波昂大学。战间期纳粹兴起,1932年移居美国取得公民资格,任教于哈佛大学经济学系。因主张自由主义资本经济制度,与凯恩斯理论间相互对立,虽然他的经济学说并不如凯因斯在生前就获得很大的回响,但研究者咸认为他对于经济学科的思想史有着很大的贡献,于哈佛任教期间引介计量经济理论的研究,竖立该校于经济研究的重镇地位。
Quickly read through the "Business" articles, paying particular attention to the first article and the last "Face value" article, which details an influential business person. United States, The Americas, China, Asia, Middle East and Africa, Europe, Britain, International.
Finances and economics
Carefully read the "Finance and economics" section. This section is the bread and butter of the Economist Magazine. You'll find careful and thoughtful analysis, and will come away having learned something new.
Science and technology
Quickly read through the "Science and technology" articles. The writers do a magnificent job of breaking down complex scientific findings and theories.
Scan through the "Books and arts" articles as well as the "Obituary" article. This last article details the life of a recently deceased lesser known individual who nonetheless made an impact on the world.
Economic and financial indicators
Scan through the "Economic and financial indicators", paying attention to the blue box information on the bottom of the page.
泛读"Economic and financial indicators"商业及财经指数。
Plan out how you will accomplish your reading before jumping into it. When you skim an article, you should still read it - just take a lot less time than you would for a leader. You can generally get through an Economist issue in about 4 or 5 hours, given that the steps above are followed. Pick a day to do a bulk part of the reading, such as a Sunday morning or afternoon, and then devote twenty to thirty minutes for the other days.
来源:经济学人模块解读&阅读攻略 - 小水君的文章 - 知乎https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/63217900