Today is Tuesday.
Bloom asked his partner if he thought that Mr. Nilsson was a monkey. Pippi’s calm voice came from under the covers again, she asked them what they had thought he had been? Bloom asked her if her mother and father were at home. Pippi said no and told the tramps that they were gone, completely gone. Thunder Karlsson and Bloom chuckled with delight. Thunder Karlsson asked Pippi to come out so they could talk to her. Pippi told them she won’t because she was sleeping except that they wanted more riddles. Bloom went over and pulled the covers off Pippi. Pippi asked them gravely in the eye if they could dance the schottische. Thunder Karlsson told her that she had asked too many questions and it was their turn to ask her a few too. He asked her where, for instance, the money she had had on the floor a little while ago was. Pippi answered truthfully that the money was in the suitcase on top of the wardrobe. Thunder Karlsson and Bloom grinned. Thunder Karlsson told Pippi that he hoped she didn’t have anything against their taking it. Pippi said she certainly not.