我看着看着就,你知道平时我和啵啵有多好吗~ 多少次她肚子痛痛,说自己想休息一下,我就立马电话打过去,或者我有什么害怕了,她就立马一个“有我在!”发过来抱住。哎呀,我语文太差了,只会描述几下,描绘不来就,就是那种甜蜜的感觉你知道吗?
一触景,立马就生情了,想起我以前,一脸宠溺地,打出“先不讲话了”,“那先不动不动~ ” ,“luoluo、”。那种真情实感的流露,唔,她看不到,但我知道她知道,我知道她知道我知道,嘻嘻。
How long will I love you? 我将会爱你多久呢?
As long as stars are above you 就如同穹顶之星光那么久
And longer if I can 尽我所能使之更长
How long will I need you? 我将需要你多久呢?
As long as the seasons need to 就如同一年之四季
follow their plan 按部就班,运之无穷
How long will I be with you? 我将要和你待多久呢?
As long as the sea is bound to 就如同汪洋之大海
wash upon the sand 注定会冲刷海岸之砂石
How long will I want you? 我将需要你多久呢?
As long as you want me to 就如同你需要我
And longer by far 比如今更长久
唔,小啵一直在越来越好~ 我也变好了一点哦,我知道怎么互相安抚啦~
How long will I hold you? 我能爱你多久呢?
As long as your father told you 就如同你父亲告诉你的一样
As long as you can 只需你做得到
How long will I give to you? 我能给你多久的时间呢?
As long as I live through you 只要你还陪伴在我身边
However long you say 无论你说什么
How long will I love you? 我将会爱你多久呢?
As long as stars are above you 就如同穹顶之星光
And longer if I may 倾尽吾一生