CAS stands for Check-And-Set or Compare-And-Swap. Memcached CAS command 'checks' and 'set' data item if and only if, no other client process has updated it since last read by this client.
当我们想要在key = a, val = 2的时候将val 设为4,我们首先要利用get来获取2的hash结果,然后再使用这个2的hash结果来改变val = 4
key = a, val = 3
# server1: want change a -> 4
3, Hash3 = gets(1)
# server2: want change a -> 5
3, Hash3 = gets(1)
# server1:
cas(a, 4,Hash3) # True, succeed
# server2:
cas(a, 5,Hash3) # False,Faile, because the hash of key a is now Hash(4) not Hash(3)
Implement CAS
CACHE = {}
#return True after setting the data
def set(key, value):
CACHE[key] = value
return True
#return the value for key
def get(key):
return CACHE.get(key)
#delete key from the cache
def delete(key):
if key in CACHE:
del CACHE[key]
#clear the entire cache
def flush():
# QUIZ - implement gets() and cas() below
#return a tuple of (value, h), where h is hash of the value. a simple hash
#we can use here is hash(repr(val))
def gets(key):
###Your gets code here.
v = get(key)
if v:
return v, hash(repr(v))
# set key = value and return True if cas_unique matches the hash of the value
# already in the cache. if cas_unique does not match the hash of the value in
# the cache, don't set anything and return False.
def cas(key, value, cas_unique):
###Your cas code here.
r = gets(key)
if r:
val, unique = r
if unique == cas_unique:
return set(key, value)
return False
#print set('x', 1)
#>>> True
#print get('x')
#>>> 1
#print get('y')
#>>> None
#print get('x')
#>>> None
#set('x', 2)
#print gets('x')
#>>> 2, HASH
#print cas('x', 3, 0)
#>>> False
#print cas('x', 4, HASH)
#>>> True
#print get('x')
#>>> 4