The speaker fantasizes what if we can see wifi. Our natural eyes can see electromagnetic wavelengths ranging from 410 nanometers (violet) to 680 nanometers (red). The wavelength of wifi is greater than 10 milimeters (for wifi, data is transmitted at a frequency of 30 gigahertz). So theatrically speaking, wifi is invisible to us. If we could really see it, we'll see so many 15 cm colored bands . We will see so many waves surrounding our devices and wifi routers. We will find it hard to escape from them since wifi is everywhere from our home to outdoors. Some routers can project signals as far as around 91 meters in the wilderness. Our eyes will be overwhelmed (受不了). We will have headaches and maybe more psychological problems than what already exists when we are exposed in electromagnetic fields: depression, anxiety, nausea, and suicidal thoughts.
imperceptible 感觉不到的
I am not just saying that to be nice.说这个不是为了奉承你。/我不是在说好听的
electromagnetic wavelength anywhere from 410 nanometers (violet) to 680 nanometers (red).
spectrum 光谱
a barrage of ...一连串的
barrage (n) 连续暴击 blast
be stuck with 甩不掉了 feel stuck 感觉卡在那里了,停滞不前了
you'll be crushed by/overwhelmed with ...你会被...整崩溃的
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