- egg如何连接mongodb
- 通过保存数据验证连接mongodb是成功的
- 1、 我们通过插件“egg-mongoose”连接mongodb数据库,我们先安装好插件:
npm i --save egg-mongoose
- 2、 添加egg-mongoose 插件:在egg工程的config/plugin.js中添加插件egg-mongoose:
'use strict';
/** @type Egg.EggPlugin */
module.exports = {
mongoose: {
enable: true,
package: 'egg-mongoose',
- 3、 添加mongodb的连接信息: 在config/config.default.js中添加mongodb的连接信息:
/* eslint valid-jsdoc: "off" */
'use strict';
* @param {Egg.EggAppInfo} appInfo app info
module.exports = appInfo => {
* built-in config
* @type {Egg.EggAppConfig}
const config = exports = {};
// use for cookie sign key, should change to your own and keep security
config.keys = + '_1564639326024_3672';
// add your middleware config here
config.middleware = [];
// 连接mongodb的配置
config.mongoose = {
client: {
url: 'mongodb://',
options: {},
// config.cluster = {
// listen: {
// port: 9999,
// },
// };
// add your user config here
const userConfig = {
// myAppName: 'egg',
return {
准备工作: 创建集合对象
'use strict';
module.exports = app => {
const { mongoose } = app;
return mongoose.model(
new mongoose.Schema({
user_id: { type: String, unique: true },
user_name: { type: String },
age: { type: Number },
description: { type: String },
status: { type: Number },
我们可以先去数据库中查看相关数据情况, 可以看到:目前仅仅只有user集合,且集合中无数据:
'use strict';
const { Controller } = require('egg');
class BaseController extends Controller {
async returnService(promise) {
const [ error, data ] = await this.wapperError(promise);
if (error) {
} else {
success(data) {
this.ctx.body = { status: 'OK', data };
error(error) {
this.ctx.body = { status: 'NG', error: error.message || error };
wapperError(promise) {
return promise
.then(data => {
return [ undefined, data ];
.catch(err => [ err ]);
module.exports = BaseController;
'use strict';
const Service = require('egg').Service;
class BaseMongooseService extends Service {
get document() {
throw Error("BaseMongooseService need override property <document>'s get method!");
* 分页返回数据
* @param {Object} option 查询参数
* @param {String} next 下一条数据的id
* @param {Number} limit 一页包含多少数据
* @param {Array} includs 返回数据包含字段数组,为空返回全部字段
async page(option, next, limit, includs, sort) {
limit = limit || 50;
const findLimit = limit + 1;
const projection = {};
if (includs && includs instanceof Array) {
includs.forEach(item => {
projection[item] = 1;
if (next) {
option._id = { $lte: next };
// const sortPrama ={ _id : -1 } ;
const sortPrama = (sort ? sort : { _id: -1 });
const data = await this.document
.find(option, projection)
if (data.length === findLimit) {
return { next: data.pop()._id, data, total: data.length };
return { data, total: data.length };
* 分页返回数据
* @param {Object} option 查询参数
* @param {number} next 下一条数据的id
* @param {Number} limit 一页包含多少数据
* @param {Object} sort 排序
* @param {Array} includs 返回数据包含字段数组,为空返回全部字段
async pageList(option, next, limit, includs, sort) {
limit = limit || 50;
next = parseInt(next) || 1;
const projection = {};
if (includs && includs instanceof Array) {
includs.forEach(item => {
projection[item] = 1;
if (!sort) { throw Error('sort is not find '); }
const data = await this.document
.find(option, projection).skip((next - 1) * limit)
return { next: (next + 1), data, total: data.length };
* 查询
* @param {Object} option 查询参数
* @param {Array} includs 返回数据包含字段数组,为空返回全部字段
* @return {Array} 查询结果
async find(option, includs) {
const projection = {};
if (includs && includs instanceof Array) {
includs.forEach(item => {
projection[item] = 1;
return await this.document.find(option, projection);
async findById(_id, includs) {
return await this.document.findOne({ _id }, includs);
async findOne(option, includs) {
const projection = {};
if (includs && includs instanceof Array) {
includs.forEach(item => {
projection[item] = 1;
return await this.document.findOne(option, projection).orFail();
async create(detail) {
// const Document = this.document;
const now = new Date().getTime();
const _create = {
create_stamp: now,
update_stamp: now,
return await new this.document(Object.assign(_create, detail)).save();
async update(option, detail) {
const now = new Date().getTime();
const _update = {
update_stamp: now,
await this.document.updateOne(option, Object.assign(_update, detail)).orFail();
async updateById(_id, detail) {
return await this.update({ _id }, detail);
module.exports = BaseMongooseService;
- 1、我们在app/controller/目录下定义UserController.js,并且包含add()接口,接收user_name, age参数信息,调用UserService完成对user数据的保存。
'use strict';
const Controller = require('../core/BaseController');
class UserController extends Controller {
async add() {
const { userService } = this.ctx.service;
const { user_name, age } = this.ctx.request.body;
console.log('Received: user_name = ' + user_name + ', age = ' + age);
await this.returnService(userService.add(user_name, age));
module.exports = UserController;
- 2、创建app/service目录,创建UserService.js,接收Controller传输过来的数据,完成对user的保存。
'use strict';
const Service = require('../core/BaseMongooseService');
const uuidv1 = require('uuid/v1');
class UserService extends Service {
get document() {
return this.ctx.model.User;
* 添加用户
* @param user_name
* @param age
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async add(user_name, age) {
const { User } = this.ctx.model;
const userMap = new User();
userMap.user_name = user_name;
userMap.age = age;
userMap.user_id = uuidv1();
userMap.description = '用户';
userMap.status = 0;;
module.exports = UserService;
- 3、定义路由:在router.js下定义add接口的路由:'/add', controller.userController.add);
这是因为egg的csrf防范的安全,我们在config.default.js中添加如下代码即可解决: = {
csrf: {
enable: false,
ignoreJSON: true,
domainWhiteList: [ '*' ],
- 6、 正常调用结果: