1 今天用高通的QFIL 下载文件报错
There is a chance your target is in SAHARA mode!!
There is a chance your target is in SAHARA mode!!
There is a chance your target is in SAHARA mode!!
This can mean
1. You forgot to send DeviceProgrammer first (i.e. QSaharaServer.exe -s 13:prog_emmc_firehose_8994_lite.mbn)
2. OR, you did send DeviceProgrammer, but it has crashed and/or is not correct for this target
Regardless this program speaks FIREHOSE protocol and your target is speaking SAHARA protcol, so this will not work
Writing log to 'C:\Users\Anivia\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_7\port_trace.txt', might take a minute
Log is 'C:\Users\Anivia\AppData\Roaming\Qualcomm\QFIL\COMPORT_7\port_trace.txt'
Download Fail:FireHose Fail:FHLoader Fail
rocess fail
Finish Download
2 检查主板发现主板线路短接有问题
power 键一直短接,修改短接方式
3 下载前短接,打开工具
4 搞定。