Reading 25 inventories
Manufacturing firms report inventory using 3 accounts:
raw materials, work-in-process,finished goods.
COGS(cost of goods sold)=COS(cost of sales) under IFRS
COGS=beginning inventory+purchases-ending inventory
25a. Distinguish between costs included in inventories and costs recognized as expenses
cost is the basis for most inventory valuation.
Main issue: determine the amounts included in cost.
product cost-on the BS
1.purchase cost less trade discounts and rebates
2.Conversion costs including labor and overhead
3.location and condition.
not all inventory costs are capitalized
还有Period costs(期间成本):
1.Abnormal waste of materials,labor,or overhead.
2.Storage costs(unless required as part of production).
3.Administrative overhead.
4.Selling costs.
25b.Describe different inventory valuation methods(cost formulas)
cost flow method(又叫cost flow assumption under GAAP/cost flow formula under IFRS)allocate the inventory cost to the income statement(COGS)and balance sheet(ending inventory)
Under IFRS,
the permissible methods:
1.specific identification
LIFO not allowed under IFRS.另外两种都可以用。
a firm can use不止一个inventory cost flow methods.
but the firm must employ the same cost flow method for inventories of similar nature and use.
1.Specific identification method:
each unit sold is matched with the unit's actual cost.
适用于inventory items ar not interchangeable/firm with a small number of costly/易分辨的物品
-appropriate for special orders pr projects outside a firm's normal course of business
2.FIFO first-in first-out method:
best approximation of current cost
3.LIFO method:
in an inflationary environment, LIFO ending inventory is less than current cost.
3.WAC(weighted average cost) is a simple and objective method.
average cost per unit of inventory=total cost of goods available for sale/total quantity available for sales
During inflationary or deflationary periods,
WAC method will produce an inventory value by FIFO and LIFO.
inventory cost flow comparison三种方法比较
25c. Calculate and compare cost of sales, gross profit, and ending inventory using different inventory valuation methods and using perpetual and periodic inventory systems.
25.2 Inventory systems
1.periodic inventory system,实地盘存制
inventory values and COGS are determined at the ending of accounting period.
2.Perpetual inventory system永续盘存制
inventory values and COGS are updated continuously.
purchases account is not necessary.
Inventory purchased and sold is recorded directly in inventory when the transactions occur.
For FIFO and specific identification methods, ending inventory values and COGS are the same 两种方式都适用。
For LIFO and WAC methods,两种方式会得出不同的结果
25d. Calculate and explain how inflation and deflation of inventory costs affect FS and ratios of companies that use different inventory valuation methods.
Ending inventory,
FIFO最有用measure of ending inventory, when price rising or falling.
These purchase costs can be viewed as a better approximation of current cost, and thus a better approximation of eco value.
Cost of goods sold,
changing price 影响COGS under LIFO and FIFO.
price rising,LIFO高于FIFO
price falling 相反
LIFO COGS is based on the most recent purchases, LIFO produces a better approximation of current cost in the IS.
When prices are changing, WAC method produce values of COGS and ending inventory 在FIFO and LIFO.
Gross profit:
25e.Explain LIFO reserve and LIFO liquidation and effects on FS and ratios
25f.Convert a company's reported FS from LIFO to FIFO for purposes of comparison.
当prices 上涨期间,4个关系如下:
- LIFO inventory小于FIFO
- LIFO net income小于
- LIFO tax 小于
- LIFO COGS 大于(唯一大于,其他小于)
must report LIFO reserve,后进先出法储备
To make Financial statement under LIFO comparable to FIFO firm,
必须要1. add LIFO reserve to LIFO inventory on BS - increase the retained earnings component of shareholders' equity by LIFO reserve
FIFO COGS= LIFO COGS-(ending LIFO reserve- beginning LIFO reserve)
Effects on Ratios
Profitability/ Liquidity/Activity/Solvency
LIFO Liquidation后进先出法清算
-occurs when a LIFO firm's inventory quantities decline
Management use a LIFO liquidation to inflate current period earnings.
25g. Describe the measurement of inventory at the lower of cost and net realizable value
Under IFRS,invneoty is reported on BS at the lower of cost or net realizable value.
NRV=expected sales price-(estimated selling costs and completion costs完成成本)
NRV小于BS value of inventory,
the inventory is "written down" to NRV and the loss is recognized in IS.
Lower of cost or market
25h.Describe implications of valuing inventory at NRV
inventory write-down存货跌价
存货跌价准备(Inventory Write down)是指在中期期末或年度终了,如由于存货遭受毁损、全部或部分陈旧过时或销售价格低于成本等原因,使存货成本不可以收回的部分,应按单个存货项目的成本高于其可变现净值的差额提取,并计入存货跌价损失。 简单的说就是由于存货的可变现净值低于原成本,而对降低部分所作的一种稳健处理。
Assuming the write-down as part of cost of sales,
these effects in the period of write-down include:
1.inventory是current asset的一部分,inventory write-down下降current and total assets
2.current ratio下降,quick ratio不影响
3.inventory overturn上升days' inventory on hand and CCC下降 asset下降debt-to-assets ratio上升
5.equity下降,debt-to-euqity ratio上升
6.cogs上升,gross margin,operaing margin, net margin下降
25i. Describe the FS presentation and disclose inventories
Inventory disclosures-found in FS footnotes
-evaluate the firm's inventory management
-useful in making adjustments to facilitate comparisons with other firms
25j.Explain issues that analysts should consider when examine a company's inventory disclosures and other sources info
25k.ratio of companies
25I. analyze and compare the FS including companies that use different inventory methods