Xsens MTi相关资料
MTi-1系列(包括MTi-1, MTi-2, MTi-3, MTi-7, MTi-320)需要看的手册有:
• MTi Family Reference Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/mti-family-reference-manual
• MT Manager User Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/mt-manager
• Firmware Updater User Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/firmware-updater
• Magnetic Calibration Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/magnetic-calibration-manual
• MTi 1-series Datasheet
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/datasheet
• MTi 1-series DK User Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/use-manual
• MTi 1-series Hardware Integration Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/integration-manual
• MT Low Level Communication Protocol Documentation
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/mt-low-level-communication-protocol-documentation
MTi-600系列(包括MTi-610, MTi-620, MTi-630, MTi-670, MTi-680; MTi-610R, MTi-620R, MTi-630R, MTi-670G, MTi-680G)需要看的手册有:
• MTi Family Reference Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/mti-family-reference-manual
• MT Manager User Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/mt-manager
• Firmware Updater User Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/firmware-updater
• Magnetic Calibration Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/magnetic-calibration-manual
• MTi 600-series Datasheet
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/mti-600-series-datasheet
• MTi 600-series DK User Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/dk-user-manual-2
• MTi 600-series Hardware Integration Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/hardware-integration-manual-2
• MT CAN Protocol Documentation
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/mt-can-documentation
• MT Low Level Communication Protocol Documentation
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/mt-low-level-communication-protocol-documentation
MTi-100系列(包括MTi-100, MTi-200, MTi-300, MTi-G-710; MTi-10, MTi-20, MTi-30)需要看的手册有:
• MTi Family Reference Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/mti-family-reference-manual
• MT Manager User Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/mt-manager
• Firmware Updater User Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/firmware-updater
• Magnetic Calibration Manual
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/magnetic-calibration-manual
• MTi 10/100-series
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/mti-10-100-series-user-manual
• MT Low Level Communication Protocol Documentation
o https://mtidocs.xsens.com/mt-low-level-communication-protocol-documentation
• MT Manager及Magnetic Field Mapper安装:https://content.xsens.com/mt-software-suite-download
• Linux MT Manager安装:
参考doc里的readme 安装MT Manager或参考:Ubuntu 18.04 Xsens MT Manager安装指南:https://www.jianshu.com/p/bca9cbfb31fb
• Firmware Updater安装:
C:\Program Files\Xsens\MT Software Suite 2021.4\MT SDK\Examples
• C:\Program Files\Xsens\MT Software Suite 2021.4\Documentation\MT SDK
o Xsensdeviceapi:
C:\Program Files\Xsens\MT Software Suite 2021.4\Documentation\MT SDK\xsensdeviceapi\doc\html\index.html
o Xscontroller:
C:\Program Files\Xsens\MT Software Suite 2021.4\Documentation\MT SDK\xscontroller\doc\html\index.html
o Xstypes:
C:\Program Files\Xsens\MT Software Suite 2021.4\Documentation\MT SDK\xstypes\doc\html\index.html.
下载MT Software Suite之后解压
sudo ./mtsdk_linux-x64_2021.4.sh
对于ARM架构,无法使用MT Manager, xda_cpp,可以使用xda_public_cpp
注:如果message publishers中有些rostopic中并没有自己所需要的数据,则需要自己更改代码,可以参考SDK文档、example_mti_receive_data.cpp或下面的第三方代码:
非官方,由BlueSpace AI公司提供
1. MT Manager 2019使用入门: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U44y1n79c
2. Magnetic Field Mapper(MFM)磁力校准使用介绍:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1p44y1n75S
3. MTi在汽车中做磁力校准(2D平面磁力校准):https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV11R4y1V7qc
4. MTi不同滤波算法库的介绍:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Uq4y1x795
5. MTi主动航向稳定(Active Heading Stablization)介绍:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fq4y1t7Qa
6. 手动陀螺零偏估计(Manual Gyro Bias Estimation)介绍:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV18m4y1R7Cy
7. Device Data View使用介绍:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Tm4y1R73N
8. MTi产品选型:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Z44y1n7XJ
Xsens Base Knowledge Articles知识文档
具体文档目录 :
1. MT Software Suite / SDK
1) Links to the documentation, leaflets and changelogs for the MTi series
2) Installing the correct Software Suite for different (generation) products
3) Quick start for MTi Development Kit
4) Where to find the serial number on the MTi
5) Introduction to the MT SDK programming examples for MTi devices
6) Open source XDA (Xsens Device API)
7) Recording a MTB file with XDA Processing
10) The difference between XDA Processing and Onboard Processing
11)Using the MT Manager Device Data View
12) Restoring communication with your MTi
14) MT Software Suite Log Files
16) What is the message with MID 0x98 in my MTB file?
17) Make a log file compatible with MT Manager
19) Reset not working with USB cable in MT Manager
20) My MTi-6XX is not detected / Installing the MTi USB dongle driver for Linux:
21) USB Communication on embedded Linux:
22) Legacy Mode and 3rd generation MTi no longer supported
23) Where can I download a USB or COM-port driver?
2. 3rd Party Integrations
1) Third Party Drivers for use with the MTi
2) Interfacing an MTi GNSS/INS device with a Velodyne Lidar:
3) Interfacing an MTi GNSS/INS device with an Ouster Lidar
4) Interfacing an MTi GNSS/INS device with a HESAI Lidar
5) Best practices I2C and SPI for MTi 1-series
6) Interfacing MTi devices with the NVIDIA Jetson
7) Interfacing the MTi 1-series DK with an Arduino
8) Interfacing MTi devices with the Raspberry Pi
9) Using an NTRIP client with the Xsens ROS driver:
10) Interfacing the MTi-680G with a Racelogic VBOX NTRIP modem:
11) Using a mobile hotspot (NTRIP) to receive RTK corrections on the MTi-680-DK
12) Using the MTi series with a data logger
13) Interfacing a GNSS/INS device with the SinoGNSS K803 GNSS receiver:
14) Interfacing a GNSS/INS device with the Unicorecomm UB482 GNSS receiver:
15) Interfacing a GNSS/INS device with the Septentrio Mosaic-X5 GNSS receiver:
16) mikroBUS (transceiver) compatibility of the MTi 1-series Development Board
17) mikroBUS (GNSS) compatibility of the MTi 1/600-series Development Board
3. Knowledge (Algorithms, data and theory)
1) Filter profiles for MTi 1-series
2) Active Heading Stabilization (AHS)
3) In-run Compass Calibration (ICC) and Representative Motion:
4) Synchronization with the MTi
5) ClockSync and StartSampling:
6) Heading estimation using GNSS acceleration
7) Converting raw 16-bit ADC values to physical values
8) Estimating Yaw in magnetically disturbed environments
9) Best Practices for Automotive Applications:
10) An explanation of the MTi fixed point output formats:
11) Example: How to determine the correct alignment matrices (RotSensor/RotLocal) for your application:
12) Using different output formats for position and velocity
13) Reasons why the heading/yaw is not stable or incorrect:
14) What is the relationship between gyroscopes and accelerometers in the orientation algorithm?
15) Using an MTi to estimate ship motion (Heave, Surge, Sway):
16) Using the magnetic norm to identify magnetic distortions:
17) What is the minimal velocity for the GNSS/INS devices to estimate its yaw?
18) Which GNSS antenna to use with your GNSS/INS device
19) RMS noise of accelerometers and gyroscopes:
20) Orientation output specifications:
21) Signal processing pipeline - fidelity of 400 Hz signal
22) The GNSS lever arm (antenna offset) and its role in the GNSS/INS sensor fusion algorithm
23) Transforming MTi data from local frame (L) to sensor frame (S)
24) Understanding Sensor Bias (offset)
25) Understanding Strapdown Integration
26) Magnetic distortions caused by strong electrical currents:
27) Manual Gyro Bias Estimation (MGBE)
28) Calculating the Magnetic Norm (Mag Norm)
29) Gimbal Lock (90 deg pitch singularity)
30) How do I calculate position and/or velocity from acceleration and how about integration drift?
31) Interpreting magnetic field data represented as an arbitrary unit (a.u.):
32) MTi 10/100-series Origin of Coordinate system
33) MTi Test and Calibration values explained
34) MTi 1-series Origin of Coordinate system
36) Magnetic immunity of the MTi AHRS
37) Changing or Resetting the MTi reference co-ordinate systems
38) Delays introduced by serial communication interfaces for the MTi series
4. Firmware
1) How to determine the Firmware version of your MTi
2) Using the Firmware Updater with a beta firmware
3) Device was not in bootloader when expected error
4) Firmware Updater freezes while scanning for devices
6) How to fix Firmware Updater error "Could not write eMTS"
7) How to fix Magnetic Field Mapper Error 286 "Failed to start logging"
9) MTi Release Notes and Changelogs
10) Product Change Notifications (PCNs) and End of Life (EoL) notices
5. MTi 10/100 – series
1) AD resolution of the MTi 10-series and MTi 100-series:
2) Migration: MTi 10/100-series to MTi 600-series
3) Migration to 5th generation MTi 10/100-series
5) MTi 10/100-series Origin of Coordinate system:
6) Strength of MTi 10/100-series casing
7) STEP-files for MTi 10/100-series
8) Use of MTi with longer cables:
9) MTi 10/100-series connectors and cables
10) CA-MP2-MTi multi-purpose cable Molex connector part numbers
6. MTi 600 – series
1) Use of MTi with longer cables
2) My MTi-6XX is not detected / Installing the MTi USB dongle driver for Linux
3) STEP-files for the MTi 600-series
4) How to receive RTCM correction messages from MTi-680(G)
6) Solving USB communication issues for the RTK GNSS daughter card
7) .dbc file for MTi 600-series
7. MTi 1 – series
1) Altium library and STEP-file for MTi 1-series
2) Interfacing the MTi 1-series DK with an Arduino
3) Using the MTi 1-series module without reflow process
4) MTi 1-series Hardware Version 1.x Firmware Updates
5) MTi 1-series Origin of Coordinate system
6) mikroBUS (transceiver) compatibility of the MTi 1-series Development Board
7) Migration to Hardware Version 3 of the MTi 1-series
8) Migration to Hardware Version 2.0 of the MTi 1-series
9) Filter profiles for MTi 1-series