73.In a large residential building, there is a rule that no pets are allowed. A group of pet lovers tried to change that rule but failed. The rule-changing procedure outlined in the building’sregulations states that only if a group of tenants can obtain the signatures of10 percent of the tenants on a petition to change a rule will the proposedchange be put to a majority vote of all the tenants in the building. It followsthat the pet lovers were voted down on their proposal by the majority of thetenants.
The argument depends on which one of thefollowing assumptions?
(A) The pet lovers succeeded in obtainingthe signatures of 10 percent of the tenants on their petition.
(B) The signatures of less than 10 percent
of the tenants were obtained on the pet lovers’petition.
(C) Ninety percent of the tenants areagainst changing the rule forbidding pets.
(D) The support of 10 percent of the tenantsfor a rule change ensures that the rule change will be adopted.
(E) The failure of the pet lovers to obtainthe signatures of 10 percent of the tenants on their petition for a rule changeensures that the rule change will be voted down by a majority of the tenants.
74.Every photograph , because it involves the light rays thatsomething emits hitting film. must in some obvious sense be true. But becauseit could always have been made to show things differently than it does.itcannot express the whole truth and in that sense is false. Therefore nothingcan ever be definitively proved with a photograph.
Which one of the following is an assumptionthat would permit the conclusion above to be properly drawn?
(A) Whatever is false in the sense that itcannot express the whole truth cannot furnish definitive proof.
(B) The whole truth cannot be known
(C) It is not ossible to determine thetruthfulness of a photograph in any sense
(D) It is possible to use a photograph ascorroborative evidence if there is additional evidence establishing the truthabout the sense photographed
(E) If something is being photographed ,thenit is possible to prove definitively the truth about it.