今天这节口语课的主题是:免疫系统(our defense system or immune system)。今天就围绕这个主题来聊聊吧。
1、 -- To guard myself against infection and disease or to improve my immune system, I don't just take care of my physical health but my mental health as well.
2、 -- Psychological well-being helps determine our actions, behaviors, and physical responses or reactions.
--- 心里健康帮助我们决定我们的行为,身体反应。
1、--To improve my mental health, I have been doing activities that allow my brain to work or think, such as simply reading books or doing crossword puzzles.
-- 为了提高心理健康,我一直做一些让大脑工作或者思考的活动,比如读书或者做填字游戏。
2、 --Talking to others and sharing ideas also helps work up the brain.
-- 跟其他人交谈或者分享看法,也帮助大脑运转起来。
3、-- Also, emptying the brain of negative thoughts when necessary is also very important.
-- 也可以,在必要的时候清空大脑里负面的想法,这是非常重要的。