Chapter 9 Where do we go from here?
Imagine a world in which doctors, teachers, engineers, pilots, computer programmers, and many other professionals honed their skills in the same way that violinists, chess players, and ballerinas do now. Imagine a world in which 50 percent of the people in these professions learn to perform at the level that only the top 5 percent manage today. What would that mean for our health care, our educational system, our technology?
1. 大部分运动员采用的是团体训练,而不是针对个人的量身定制的有效训练;
2. 对优秀运动员的心理表征知之甚少;
- 结论
It is clear there is great potential for improvement by focusing on individualized training and the assessment of the athletes’ mental representations.
- 问题
1. 传统教育是知识导向型,应该是技能导向型教育,即技能对知识,学知识是为了提高技能;
2. 传统教育的知识点是零散的,不能把知识相互关联,这是短期记忆造成的。如果知识内化,形成有效的心理表征,知识信息会更有效;
- 解决问题
1. 建立有效心理表征不是靠想,而是靠做,尝试,失败,不断地尝试,技能在这个不停尝试的过程中提高,同时吸收大量知识;
2. 有效的课程应该是让学生知道做什么而是学到什么
3. 当教授某项技能时,把课程拆分成一系列步骤,每次掌握一步,至到完成。
“Generally speaking, in almost any area of education the most useful learning objectives will be those that help students develop effective mental representations.”
成为“practicing man” 来掌握你的人生,挖掘你的无限可能。
1. come along for the ride 随之而来,顺便
原文: It then turns out that the knowing part comes along for the ride.