What Should Not Be In Your Career History?(哪些内容不应该放在职业经历中?)
Title: No need to give your CV a title other than your name.(头衔:不必将你的头衔放在简历中,只需姓名即可。)
Salary: Do not include any reference to salary as this could exclude you from being considered for an interview by being too high or too low.(薪水:不要提及你的薪资水平,因为这样你有可能会由于薪水太高或太低而失去面试机会。)
Reason for leaving: This can be difficult so save it for the interview - and only if asked directly. This gives you the chance of presenting the facts in the most positive right.(离职原因:这个问题可能有些复杂,不如留待面试时作解释——并且注意非问勿答。这有利于你用事实展现自己的正面形象。)
Photographs: Avoid unless specifically requested.(照片:除非有特别要求,否则无需提供。)
Personal: Exclude details about your physical appearance ( height, weight, etc ) and about religious/political affiliations that could be prejudicial.(个人信息:不要列出有关体格状况(身高、体重等)以及宗教信仰、政治派别等有可能令你遭偏见的信息。)
Referees: Make a note of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of your referees on a separate sheet and include only when you are asked to do so. You may wish to use different referees depending on the job you are applying for. Make sure you ask your referees if they are willing to act for you and keep them up to date on what is happening.(证明人:将证明人的姓名、地址和电话记在另一张纸上,以应不时之需。你可能需要视应聘职位来提供不同的证明人。务必事先征询你的证明人的意见,确保他们愿意为你提供证明,并且及时让他们知道你的进展情况。)
Gimmicks: Coloured paper or coloured ink may look good to you but will not bear the test of being photocopied, faxed or scanned. Binders will be ripped off and certainly do not encourage recruiters to " keep you on file " as they will take up too much space. Too many frames or shaded boxes and odd typefaces may just obscure your message.(小诀窍:使用彩色纸张或彩色打印对你而言可能感觉不错,但是这样的简历却经不起复印、传真或扫描。活页夹可能会被去掉,而且由于它们太占地方而不利于招聘者 “将你归档” 。过多使用线条框或阴影框及怪异的字体可能只会影响你的信息传达。)
Humor: Definitely to be avoided in CVs and covering letters as it can so easily backfire. Keep your sense of humor for the interview when you can guage your audience.(幽默:绝对不要在履历或申请信中尝试幽默,因为这极有可能适得其反。将你的幽默感带入面试,那时你可以看看主考官的反应如何。)