Spring Boot 2.2 版本升级说明
这是官方的Spring Boot 2.2 版本升级说明,本文将对其作出个人理解。对于配置属性变更或者不常用组件的变更,过于繁琐,我就跳过了。
Spring Framework 5.2
This release upgrades to Spring Framework 5.2. Please refer to Spring Framework’s upgrade documentation for further details.
JMX now disabled by default
As of #16090, JMX is not enabled by default anymore. This feature can be enabled with the configuration property
. If you’re using IDE features to administer your applications, you may want to enable that flag there as well.
JMX 因为用的人少,所以改为默认关闭此功能,有需要的再自行开启。
Jakarta EE dependencies
Where possible, we have moved from Java EE dependencies with a javax. group ID to the equivalent Jakarta EE dependencies with a jakarta. group ID in Spring Boot’s starters. Dependency management for the Jakarta EE API dependencies has been added alongside the existing dependency management for the Java EE API dependencies. The dependency management for the Java EE API dependencies will be removed in the future and all users are encouraged to move to the Jakarta EE API dependencies.
As part of the Java EE to Jakarta EE migration, two dependencies have changed artifact ID in their latest maintenance releases. com.sun.mail:javax.mail is now com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail and org.glassfish:javax.el is now org.glassfish:jakarta.el. In the unlikely event that you were using either of these dependencies directly, please update your pom.xml or build.gradle accordingly.
Oracle将Java EE交给开源组织,Eclipse基金会接手。但Oracle不允许开源组织使用Java名号,所以Jakarta EE名称于2018.02.26应运而生。
AssertJ 3.12
This release upgrades to AssertJ 3.12 that contains a breaking API change for assertions related to
. Please see the AssertJ release notes for details.
This release upgrades to Elasticsearch 6.7 which contains some breaking API changes. Please see the 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7 breaking changes pages for details.
Both the Elasticsearch transport and Jest clients have been deprecated in favor of other options, such asRestHighLevelClient
. The reference docs on Elasticsearch support have been updated.
Gradle requirements
The minimum requirements for Gradle have changed - Spring Boot now requires Gradle 4.10+. Please upgrade accordingly.
Tomcat’s MBean Registry
Tomcat’s MBean Registry is now disabled by default, saving approximately 2MB of heap. If you want to use Tomcat’s MBeans, for example so that they can be used to expose metrics via Micrometer, set the server.tomcat.mbeanregistry.enabled to true.
HttpHiddenMethodFilter disabled by default
The filter that handles the _method request parameter is now disabled by default as it causes early consumption of a request body if the body may contain parameters. This can be restored by setting either spring.webflux.hiddenmethod.filter.enabled or spring.mvc.hiddenmethod.filter.enabled to true.
浏览器form表单只支持GET与POST请求,而DELETE、PUT等method并不支持,spring3.0添加了一个过滤器,可以将这些请求转换为标准的http方法,使得支持GET、POST、PUT与DELETE请求,该过滤器为HiddenHttpMethodFilter。参考文章Spring MVC过滤器-HiddenHttpMethodFilter。
New and Noteworthy
Tip:Check the configuration changelog for a complete overview of the changes in configuration. |
Java 13 support
Spring Boot 2.2 adds support for Java 13. Java 8 and 11 are also supported.
Spring Boot 2.2支持jdk8、11、13。
Performance improvements
Startup time and memory usage have been reduced by making use of proxyBeanMethods=false in Spring Boot’s @Configuration classes. proxyBeanMethods is a new attribute on @Configuration introduced in Spring Framework 5.2 M1. proxyBeanMethods is also available as an attribute on @SpringBootApplication and @SpringBootConfiguration.
When launching an application at development time with bootRun in Gradle or spring-boot:run in Maven, the JVM will be configured with flags (-Xverify:none and -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1) to optimise it for reduced launch time. When running on JDK 13 -Xverify:none is not specified as it has been deprecated.
java类加载过程中的一步为校验,此阶段主要确保Class文件的字节流中包含的信息符合当前虚拟机的要求,并且不会危害虚拟机的自身安全。-Xverify:none 则会关闭此校验,谨慎使用。参考文章类加载机制与JVM -Xverify参数关系。
Several other performance improvements have also been made in this release:
- Time taken to bind large numbers of configuration properties has been significantly reduced
- As Spring Boot fully prepares a PersistenceUnit by scanning JPA entities, Hibernate’s own entity scanning has been disabled as it is redundant
- Injection points in auto-configurations have been refined to only apply when a bean has to be created
- Beans related to Actuator endpoints are now only created if the endpoint is both enabled and exposed (via JMX or HTTP)
- Conditions on codec auto-configuration have been improved so that the codecs are no longer configured when they won’t be used
- Tomcat’s MBean Registry has been disabled by default, reducing Tomcat’s memory footprint by approximately 2MB
Lazy initialization
It is now possible to enable global lazy initialization to reduce startup time via the spring.main.lazy-initialization property. Please note that using that feature comes at a cost:
- Handling of HTTP requests may take longer while any deferred initialisation occurs
- Failures that would normally occur at startup will now not occur until later
Individual beans can opt out of lazy initialization by annotating their definition with @Lazy(false). Where it is not possible to use @Lazy(false) to opt out of lazy initialization, a LazyInitializationExcludeFilter bean can be used instead. For example, to never set IntegrationFlow beans to lazy, you can use the following code:
static LazyInitializationExcludeFilter integrationLazyInitExcludeFilter() {
return LazyInitializationExcludeFilter.forBeanTypes(IntegrationFlow.class);
可以通过配置属性设置全局懒加载,然后通过@Lazy注解或者 LazyInitializationExcludeFilter 排除指定的Bean,参考文章Spring-Boot全局懒加载机制解析。
@ConfigurationProperties scanning
Classes annotated with @ConfigurationProperties can now be found via classpath scanning as an alternative to using @EnableConfigurationProperties or @Component. Add @ConfigurationPropertiesScan to your application to enable scanning.
Spring Boot 2.2.0之前,需要使用如@Component注解提醒springboot将该属性配置类注入容器,Spring Boot 2.2.0只要一个@ConfigurationProperties就行,但是Spring Boot 2.2.1开始又要配合@ConfigurationPropertiesScan注解自动注入。有点莫名其妙。
Immutable @ConfigurationProperties
Configuration properties now support constructor-based binding, which allows a
-annotated class to be immutable. Constructor-based binding can be enabled by annotating a@ConfigurationProperties
class or one of its constructors with@ConstructorBinding
. Annotations such as@DefaultValue
can now be used on constructor parameters that are provided by configuration property binding. Please see the relevant section of the reference documentation for further details.
@ConstructorBinding 注解通过构造函数而不是set方法注入配置属性,参考文章@ConstructorBinding介绍。
RSocket Support
A new Spring Boot starter has been added in this release,
. This starter brings the required dependencies for building an application that uses RSocket support. RSocket strategies are auto-configured to provide the required infrastructure for encoding and decoding RSocket payloads using CBOR and JSON. AnRSocketRequester.Builder
is auto-configured to allow you to create anRSocketRequester
to send requests to remote RSocket services. For more on that, check out the relevant section if the reference documentation.
Auto-configuration for Spring Security’s RSocket integration is now available when itsspring-security-rsocket
module is on the classpath. The auto-configuration will enable RSocket security and configure the server RSocket factory with Spring Security’s interceptor.
When testing an RSocket server application, thelocal.rsocket.server.port
property is set to the port that the RSocket server is listening on. It can be injected into test classes using@LocalRSocketServerPort
RSocket协议是由Facebook、Netifi和Privota等公司开发的一个新的通讯协议,该协议采用二进制点对点的数据传输,主要用于分布式架构中,是一种基于Reactive Streams规范标准实现的新的网络通信第七层(应用层)协议。
RSocket协议具有多路复用(Multiplexed)、双向流(Bidirectional Streaming)、流控(Flow Control)、连接恢复(Socket Resumption)、异步消息传递(Asynchronous Message Passing)、传输层解耦和(Transport independent)等特点。
ApplicationContextRunner simple bean registration
The ApplicationContextRunner test utility now allows to register bean inline, see withBean for more details.