On the second row, under the Path column, click the ellipsis button. Browse to C:\SQLLog.
noun /ɪ'lɪpsɪs/
when words are deliberately left out of a sentence, though the meaning can still be understood. For example, you may say ‘He’s leaving but I’m not’ instead of saying ‘He’s leaving but I’m not leaving’.
the act of leaving out one or more words that are not necessary for a phrase to be understood
the act of leaving out a word or words from a sentence deliberately, when the meaning can be understood without them
when words are left out of a sentence but the sentence can still be understood
the practice of leaving a word or words out of a sentence when they are not necessary for understanding it
In linguistics/lɪŋ'ɡwɪstɪks/, ellipsis means leaving out words rather than repeating them unnecessarily; for example, saying `I want to go but I can't' instead of `I want to go but I can't go'.
“Begin when ready” for “Begin when you are ready” is an example of ellipsis.
An example of ellipsis is "What percentage was left?" "Twenty" (= 20 per cent).
the sign (...) used in writing to show that some words have deliberately been left out of a sentence
a sign (such as …) used in printed text to show that words have been left out
three dots (…) used to show that a word or words have been left out
three dots in a printed text, [...], which show where one or more words have been intentionally left out