祝各位同学一生都是光辉岁月!God be with you!
What does goodbye mean?
英文 Goodbye 的涵义是?
Like many social phrases, it means "I care about you," or "I deem you worthy of attention and respect." We have various ways of saying that in various situations, notably during meetings and leavings. So, to be more specific, "Goodbye" means "I'm leaving, but please remember that I like you."
就如同许多社会化词语一样,Goodbye 意味着“我很关心你”或者“我觉得你指的被关注和尊重。”在不同的场景下我们会使用不同的方式来表达这些意思,特别是在见面和分别的时候。所以,更确切的说,“Goodbye”代表着“我要走了,请记得我喜欢你。”
Because we're such complex social creatures, there can be other layers of meaning--or twists of meaning--tacked onto that. "Goodbye," spoken with a sarcastic tone of voice, can mean "I hate you." But that meaning isn't created by the word alone. It's created by the word plus the tone, which is what flips the meaning.
"Goodbye" can also be meaningless. Because it's a ritual, people often say it without thinking. It's just "that thing you say when you're leaving."
It derives from the blessing "God be with you," which later became "God by you," but that's not what it means nowadays to most people who say it or hear it.
“Goodbye”起源于祝福语“God be with you(愿上帝与你同在)”,随后演变为“God by you”,但这已经不是现在人们使用这个词语时所蕴含的涵义了。