MarkDown in Swift
In Swift func, We are use MarkDown grammar write explanatorily,The MarkDown grammar is important in programer. It is all Programer must Stududy. Please nether code.
class Something {
init()n {}
- out of order list
* out of order list
+ out of order list
1. orde list
2. order list
Add codes use three “ ` ” in code cross refer, It's same to markDown, cool
Add single line code one "`" in code cross refer . eg: `aaa`

func showMultilineComments() -> String {
let text = "You can user the /** .... */ for multiline Comments"
return text
///There can write single line text.
///more '///' can more line, code can auto conbination .
func method () -> Sting {
let text = "You can user the \/\/\/ for multiline Comments"
Domain in Func(Parameters, Return, Throws)
There are a few keyowrd Xcode can recognize automatically.
- Parameter iterm1: This is item1
- Parameter iterm2: This is item2
- Parameters:
- iterm1: This is item1
- iterm2: This is item2
- Retuens: the result String.
- Throws: `MyError.BothNilError` if both item1 and item2 are nil.
func showKeywordsCommentsWithItem(item1: AnyObject?, iterm2: AnyObject?) throws -> String {
let text = "There are a few keyowrd Xcode can recognize automatically."
retuen text
Domain in Algorithm
- Preconditi on: 前置条件 The Object must contain all the information in the word
- Postcondtion: 后置条件 After the algorithm, the object will contain all the information in the universe
- Requires: 内容 all the informartion in the object should be sorted
- Invariant: 循环不变量 the object will maintain sorted
- Complexity: 空间复杂度O(n^n)
- Important: 重要信息 Please only call this algorithm once in your program
- Warning: 警告信息 very computation consuming
- Attention: 也是警告信息 same as warning
- Note: 相应的记录 I terribly doubt this algorihtm
- Remark: 评论 same as note
func mySteriousAlgorithm(object: AnyObject) {
Meta information
- Author: liuyubobobo 作者
- Authors: All the geeks in the word:) 作者们
- Copyright: liuyubobobo@2016 版权信息
- Date: 26 Jan, 2016 时间
- Since: iOS 5
- Version: 3.1415 版本号
In All compiler have pertreatment order. e.g.: FIXME、PARM、TODO,But In Xcode no have Fixme 、TODO sentence,you can in Project -> Target -> project -> Build Phaser -> add new Script Phaser in little code:/bin/sh
TAGS="TODO:|FIXME:"echo "searching ${SRCROOT} for ${TAGS}"find "${SRCROOT}" ( -name ".swift" ) -print0 | xargs -0 egrep --with-filename --line-number --only-matching "($TAGS).\$" | perl -p -e "s/($TAGS)/ warning: \$1/"