Day 16 每日金句:Great things are done by small series of brought together.
天气终于回暖,然而早上还是缺乏爬出被窝的勇气。知道和做到之间还隔着行动和实践,也许摔倒也许失败,但邓爷爷告诉我们实践(行动)是检验真理的唯一标准。Try,try,try 每天上下班地铁上背单词打卡,下班回家做阅读和听力真题,晚上口语书练习加简书输出,工作时间也会抽出半个小时到一小时看真题解析记录生词,看起来真的非常努力了,天知道这是因为离考试只有两周多的时间了,时不我待,努力让我充实,还挺享受这种感觉的,虽然每天有很多干扰和杂事,please just keep going,周末也要加油,fighting!
自我管理之BEC higher备考口语之 Corporate Sponsorship: have a perfect match between the products to be represented and the activity that needs sponsorship. The image is right and that the product gets maximum coverage through the event. Before sponsor: the popularity of the event in go-between/potential coverage in the media/exposure opportunities for the products they wish to advertise insidious form other types of events: music festivals,arts projects and broadcasting programmes education It's a more effective way of consolidating the existing clientele base and increasing new customer potential. Considering to sponsor a sports event: target audience/media coverage:gaining positive media exposure enhance company brand,product service loyalties/other competitors and make efforts to distinguish from other sponsors/cost Companies can't always achieve their marketing objectives.