prologue: n. 序曲、序幕 【1) 反义词:epilogue n. 后记、尾声。2) 常用于 prologue to 例句:Sb's experience is a prologue to his spectacular career in computer engineering】
South Korea: n. 南韩/韩国,官方名称为 the Republic of Korea (大韩民国) 【朝鲜/北韩 的官方名称为 the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea】
mark: vt. 【英文释义:to celebrate an important event】 【例句:The invention of the computer marks the beginning of a new era in human history. 电子计算机的发明标志着人类历史新纪元的开始.】
official friendship:这里指(日韩)两国邦交 【常用于表示邦交的词还有 diplomatic relations; diplomatic ties】
Tokyo: n. 东京(日本首都)
Seoul: n. 首尔/汉城(南韩首都)
cloud: v. to make something less pleasant or more difficult than it should have been
festivities: n. things such as drinking, eating, or dancing that are done to celebrate a special occasion 【注:用作这个含义时,常见形式就是复数,不用改成单数形式,例句:The festivities started with a procession through the town. | 用作单数形式时,意义就变了,而且成了不可数名词,表示节庆的氛围,例句:There was an air of festivity in the village.】
revisionism: n. 修正主义 【英文释义:ideas which are changing away from the main beliefs of a political system, especially a Marxist system】偏离了主流政见的思潮,在我国为偏离马克思主义
conduct: n. 举动,行为
strident: adj. 强硬的、令人生厌的【英文释义:forceful and determined, especially in a way that is offensive and annoying】
call for: vt. 吁请、要求 【英文释义:a request or order for something or for someone to do something】【不过本文中 call 是个名词,不是和for连用做动词,务必注意】
contrition: n. 悔改 【英文释义: feeling guilty and sorry for something bad that you have done】
maintain: v. 宣称、坚持 【英文释义:to strongly express your belief that something is true 近义词:claim】
compensation: n. 【不可数名词】补偿 【英文释义:money paid to someone because they have suffered injury or loss, or because something they own has been damaged】
settle: v. 解决 【英文释义: to end an argument or solve a disagreement 常见搭配: settle a dispute /lawsuit /conflict /argument】
bilateral treaty: 双边条约
fete: v. (通过举行宴会等)纪念、欢迎 【英文释义:to honor someone/something by holding public celebrations for them】
Shinzo Abe: 安倍晋三(日本首相)
prime minister: 首相 【注:在新闻中,该词常和premier一词互换,但用法在不同的国家还是不一样。一般的说法有两种,一是在有议会制、内阁的国家,使用Prime Minister;而在共和国,例如中国,对“总理”的翻译使用Premier;另一种用来区别这两个词的方法是根据不同国家的国庆,例如 The chiefs of government of the provinces of Canada as well as in Australia are called premiers but the head of the country is called Prime minister】
Park Geun-hye: 朴槿惠(南韩总统)
yet to …: 尚未……
in power: 掌权;当权
still: conj. 然而
sign: n. 迹象 【近义词:indication】
thaw: n. (这里特指两国关系的)缓和;解冻 【英文释义:an improvement in relations between two countries, after a period of unfriendliness】
Yun Byung-se: 尹炳世(韩国外交部长官)
foreign minister: n. 外长;外交部长;外相
Fumio Kishida: 岸田文雄(安倍内阁的外务大臣、外相)
counterpart: n. 相对的人/物 【英文释义:someone or something that has the same job or purpose as someone or something else in a different place】
undone: adj. 毁坏;无望 【英文释义:destroyed and without hope】
nettlesome: adj: 恼人的;令人厌烦的【近义词:irritating】
anniversary: n. 纪念日
much-anticipated: adj. 备受瞩目的