
Vmware控制台: 为了方便管理vmware,尽量摆脱vSphere,目前实现了对虚拟机的增、删、改(硬件配置)、快照管理、Console控制台、克隆等功能,本文只详细的介绍下Console功能。先上一张效果图:


一、 环境准备



# -*- coding: utf8 -*-

from pyVmomi import vim,vmodl
from pyVim.connect import SmartConnect, Disconnect
import atexit
import sys
import time
import ssl

class VCenter:
    def __init__(self):
        self.pyVmomi = __import__("pyVmomi")
        self.vcenter_server = ''
        self.vcenter_username = 'test'
        self.vcenter_password = 'test'
        self.port = 443
        self.subnet= '',
        self.gateway= '',
        self.dns= ['company.com', 'company.com'],
        self.domain= 'esx10g.company.com'

    def add_nic(vm, network):
        spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec()

        # add Switch here
        dev_changes = []
        switch_spec                = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec()
        switch_spec.operation      = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add
        switch_spec.device         = vim.vm.device.VirtualVmxnet3()

        switch_spec.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.NetworkBackingInfo()
        switch_spec.device.backing.useAutoDetect = False
        switch_spec.device.backing.deviceName = network.name
        switch_spec.device.backing.network = network
        switch_spec.device.connectable = vim.vm.device.VirtualDevice.ConnectInfo()
        switch_spec.device.connectable.startConnected = True
        switch_spec.device.connectable.connected = True


        spec.deviceChange = dev_changes
        output = vm.ReconfigVM_Task(spec=spec)
        print output.info

    def connect_to_vcenter(self):
        context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
        context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
        self.service_instance = SmartConnect(
                                        host = self.vcenter_server,
                                        user = self.vcenter_username,
                                        pwd = self.vcenter_password,
                                        port = self.port,
                                        sslContext = context)
        self.content = self.service_instance.RetrieveContent()
        atexit.register(Disconnect, self.service_instance)

    def wait_for_task(self, task, actionName='job', hideResult=False):
         while task.info.state == (self.pyVmomi.vim.TaskInfo.State.running or self.pyVmomi.vim.TaskInfo.State.queued):
         if task.info.state == self.pyVmomi.vim.TaskInfo.State.success:
             if task.info.result is not None and not hideResult:
                 out = '%s completed successfully, result: %s' % (actionName, task.info.result)
                 print out
                 out = '%s completed successfully.' % actionName
                 print out
         elif task.info.state == self.pyVmomi.vim.TaskInfo.State.error:
             out = 'Error - %s did not complete successfully: %s' % (actionName, task.info.error)
             raise ValueError(out)
         return task.info.result

    def answer_vm_question(self,vm):
        choices = vm.runtime.question.choice.choiceInfo
        default_option = None
        choice = ""
        if vm.runtime.question.choice.defaultIndex is not None:
            ii = vm.runtime.question.choice.defaultIndex
            default_option = choices[ii]
            choice = None
        while choice not in [o.key for o in choices]:
            print "VM power on is paused by this question:\n\n"
            for option in choices:
                print "\t %s: %s " % (option.key, option.label)
            if default_option is not None:
                print "default (%s): %s\n" % (default_option.label,
            choice = raw_input("\nchoice number: ").strip()
            print "..."
        return choice

    def poweroff(self, si, vm):
        task = vm.PowerOff()
        actionName = 'job'
        while task.info.state not in [self.pyVmomi.vim.TaskInfo.State.success or self.pyVmomi.vim.TaskInfo.State.error]:
        if task.info.state == self.pyVmomi.vim.TaskInfo.State.success:
            out = '%s completed successfully.' % actionName
            print out
        elif task.info.state == self.pyVmomi.vim.TaskInfo.State.error:
            out = 'Error - %s did not complete successfully: %s' % (actionName, task.info.error)
            raise ValueError(out)

    def poweron(self, si, vm):
        task = vm.PowerOn()
        actionName = 'job'
        answers = {}
        while task.info.state not in [self.pyVmomi.vim.TaskInfo.State.success or self.pyVmomi.vim.TaskInfo.State.error]:
            if vm.runtime.question is not None:
                question_id = vm.runtime.question.id
                if question_id not in answers.keys():
                    answers[question_id] = self.answer_vm_question(vm)
                    vm.AnswerVM(question_id, answers[question_id])
        if task.info.state == self.pyVmomi.vim.TaskInfo.State.success:
            out = '%s completed successfully.' % actionName
            print out
        elif task.info.state == self.pyVmomi.vim.TaskInfo.State.error:
            out = 'Error - %s did not complete successfully: %s' % (actionName, task.info.error)
            raise ValueError(out)

    def set_dvs_mtu(self, dvs, mtu):
        dvs_config_spec = self.pyVmomi.vim.VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch.ConfigSpec()
        dvs_config_spec.configVersion = dvs.config.configVersion
        dvs_config_spec.maxMtu = int(mtu)
        task = dvs.ReconfigureDvs_Task(dvs_config_spec)
        print "Successfully reconfigured DVS %s with mtu %s" %(dvs.name, mtu)
        return dvs

    def get_dvs_portgroup(self, vimtype, portgroup_name, dvs_name):
        obj = None
        container = self.content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(self.content.rootFolder, vimtype, True)
        for c in container.view:
            if c.name == portgroup_name:
                if c.config.distributedVirtualSwitch.name == dvs_name:
                    obj = c
        return obj

    def list_obj(self, vimtype):
        container = self.content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(self.content.rootFolder, vimtype, True)
        return container.view

    def get_obj(self, vimtype, name):
        obj = None
        container = self.content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(self.content.rootFolder, vimtype, True)
        for c in container.view:
            if c.name == name:
                obj = c
        return obj

    def get_folder(self, folder_name=''):
        folder_list = []
        if folder_name == '':
            listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.Folder])
            listOBJ = self.get_obj([vim.Folder],folder_name)
        for each in listOBJ:
        return folder_list

    def get_vcenters(self):
        listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.Datacenter])
        vcenters_list = []
        for each in listOBJ:
        return each

    def get_vcenters_alarm(self):
        listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.Datacenter])
        vcenters_alarm_dict = {}
        for i in listOBJ[0].triggeredAlarmState:
            vcenters_alarm_dict[i.entity.name] =  i.alarm.info.name.decode()
        return vcenters_alarm_dict

    def get_datastore(self, datastore_name=''):
        datastore_list = []
        if datastore_name == '':
            listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.Datastore])
            listOBJ = self.get_obj([vim.Datastore],datastore_name)
        for each in listOBJ:
        return datastore_list

    def get_clusters(self,clusters_name=''):
        clusters_list = []
        if clusters_name == '':
            listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.ClusterComputeResource])
            listOBJ = self.get_obj([vim.ClusterComputeResource],clusters_name)
        for each in listOBJ:
        return clusters_list

    def get_resource_pool(self,resource_pool_name=''):
        resource_pool_list = []
        if resource_pool_name == '':
            listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.ResourcePool])
            listOBJ = self.get_obj([vim.ResourcePool],resource_pool_name)
        for each in listOBJ:
        return resource_pool_list

    def get_hosts(self):
        listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.HostSystem])
        index = 0
        for each in listOBJ:
            tupleVNic=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, index, each.config.network.vnic
            for eachvnic in tupleVNic[2]:
                index = index + 1
                print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, \
                    index, \
                    each, \
                    eachvnic.portgroup, \
                    eachvnic.spec.mac, \
                    eachvnic.spec.ip.ipAddress, eachvnic.spec.ip.subnetMask

    def get_pnic(self):
        listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.HostSystem])
        index = 0
        for each in listOBJ:
            tuplePNic=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, index, each.config.network.pnic
            for eachpnic in tuplePNic[2]:
                index = index + 1
                print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, index, each, eachpnic.device

    def get_vswitchs(self):
        listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.HostSystem])
        index = 0
        for each in listOBJ:
            tupleVswitch = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, index, each.config.network.vswitch
            for eachsw in tupleVswitch[2]:
                index = index + 1
                print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, index, eachsw.name

    def get_portgroups(self):
        listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.Network])
        index = 0
        for each in listOBJ:
            index = index + 1
            print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, index, each

    def get_vns(self):
        listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.Network])
        index = 0
        for each in listOBJ:
            index = index + 1
            print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, index, each

    def get_dvswitchs(self):
        listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch])
        index = 0
        for each in listOBJ:
            index = index + 1
            print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,index,each

    def get_dvportgroups(self):
        listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch])
        index = 0
        for each in listOBJ:
            for eachportgroup in each.portgroup:
                index = index + 1
                print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,index,eachportgroup

    def get_vnic(self):
        listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.VirtualMachine])
        index = 0
        for each in listOBJ:
            index = index + 1
            vmdeviceList = each.config.hardware.device
            for eachdevice in vmdeviceList:
                index = index + 1
                if isinstance(eachdevice, vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard ):
                    if isinstance( eachdevice.backing,vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard.DistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo ):
                        print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,\
                            index, \
                            eachdevice.deviceInfo.label, \
                            eachdevice.macAddress, \
                            eachdevice.deviceInfo.summary, \
                        print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,\
                            index, \
                            eachdevice.deviceInfo.label, \
                            eachdevice.macAddress, \
                            eachdevice.backing.deviceName, \

    def get_allvms(self):
        listOBJ = self.list_obj([vim.VirtualMachine])
        index = 0
        for each in listOBJ:
            index = index + 1
            print sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,index,each.name

    def print_vm_info(self, virtual_machine, depth=1):
        maxdepth = 10
        if hasattr(virtual_machine, 'childEntity'):
            if depth > maxdepth:
            vmList = virtual_machine.childEntity
            for c in vmList:
                self.print_vm_info(c, depth + 1)
        summary = virtual_machine.summary
        print "Name       : ", summary.config.name
        print "Path       : ", summary.config.vmPathName
        print "Guest      : ", summary.config.guestFullName
        annotation = summary.config.annotation
        if annotation:
            print "Annotation : ", annotation
        print "State      : ", summary.runtime.powerState
        if summary.guest is not None:
            ip_address = summary.guest.ipAddress
            if ip_address:
                print "IP         : ", ip_address
        if summary.runtime.question is not None:
            print "Question  : ", summary.runtime.question.text
        print ""

    def get_acquireTicket(self,virtual_machine):
        acquireTickets_dict = {}
        listOBJ = self.get_obj([vim.VirtualMachine],virtual_machine)
            acquireTickets = listOBJ.AcquireTicket('webmks')
        except Exception as err:
            print 'acquireTickets_err:',err
        acquireTickets_dict['host'] = acquireTickets.host
        acquireTickets_dict['port'] = acquireTickets.port
        acquireTickets_dict['ticket'] = acquireTickets.ticket
        print acquireTickets_dict
        return acquireTickets_dict

    def get_hosts_exsi_version(self,virtual_machine):
            hosts_name = self.get_obj([vim.VirtualMachine],virtual_machine).summary.runtime.host
            for i in self.list_obj([vim.HostSystem]):
                if i == hosts_name:
                    hosts_ip = i.name
            listOBJ = self.get_obj([vim.HostSystem],hosts_ip)
                exsi_version = listOBJ.summary.config.product.fullName
            except Exception as err:
                print err
                exsi_version = ''
        except Exception as err:
            print err
            exsi_version = ''
        return exsi_version



vcenter = VCenter()
vm_exsi_version = ss.get_hosts_exsi_version(vm) //获取宿主机的Esxi版本,进行判断,目前只支持 Exsi 6.x
vm_console_info = ss.get_acquireTicket(vm) //获取一些Console授权的信息
vm_console_host = vm_console_info['host']
vm_console_port = vm_console_info['port']
vm_console_ticket = vm_console_info['ticket']


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