话题词汇 旅游
住:hotel/youth hostel/bed and breakfast 英['brekfəst] 提供早餐加住宿的旅馆/motor home房车/resort
玩:resort胜地/chill out放松/unwind放松
充电: recharge ones batteries/feel refreshed
很棒:unbeatable无敌的/unrivaled ['hɒst(ə)l] 无与伦比的/
其他特质:滨水waterfront/well known/
其他功能;escape the crowd/get back to nature/venture off the beaten track人迹罕至
I had once signed up for an unrivaled package holiday and had dinner in several well-known restaurants, which was totally unforgettable.
Well, when I was a student, youth hostel was my first choice. Now I'am earning money on my own, so I prefer hotels when I travel. However, if I were to go on a foreign holiday, I might choose a bed and breakfast, since I could talk to the host and learn more about the local culture. And as I am really into travelling, my dream is to purchase a motor home after retirement so that I could drive and travel anywhere I want.
话题词汇 动物
大型动物:camels giraffes chimpanzees
小型动物:lizards['lɪzəd] squirrels cats
野生动物的特点:wild/ dangerous/ fierce
Tigers are very dangerous and fierce because their teeth and claws are very sharply pointed to be able to hunt effectively.
宠物的特点:tame/ laid-back/ harmless
The Yorkshire Terrier is a small domestic dog and it is quite a laid-back breed since it is very tame and calm most of the time.
Well, I suppose there are a number of reasons. The main reason would be that cats seem so harmless and adorable. Another important reason might be that they are so laid-back and calm most of the time, which helps relieve stress and thus put their owners in a good mood.
Well, I suppose it's true to say that people have all sorts of pets nowadays, like dogs, cats, goldfish and even lizards and squirrels, but from what I see around my apartment, it seems that the most popular pets right now are little dogs. And I guess the main reason is that dogs are so harmless and tame, you know, and they are more loyal than cats,which are sometimes too independent to be good companions.
Well, I think people visit the zoo mainly because they want to see interesting and gorgeous animals. In a zoo, a variety of animals can be observed by visitors. People normally are more interested in wild animals that are potentially dangerous and fierce like tigers and lions, since the zoo might be the only place to observe them at such a close distance. Other big animals like camels and giraffes, which tend to be relatively tame and laid-back ,also attract a lot of attention because tourists think they are rather exotic.