和老外交流,除了文化隔阂,最痛苦的就是破解漫天飞的英文缩写:LOL, LAMO, WRU, IDR, NVM, IKR, NP, IDC, WTH, TTYL
这种感觉大概就像老外看中文,读到了“累觉不爱” “喜大普奔” “细思恐极”“十动然拒”,然后翻了八百遍成语大辞典,也没找到解释。
--- 十大必知网络英文缩写 ---
1. OMG = Oh my god 我滴神啊
- Did you know Anne was promoted to manager yesterday?
- OMG, that's wonderful news!
2. LOL= Laugh out loud 好好笑;真逗;哈哈哈
LMAO = Laughing my ass off 屁股笑掉了
ROTFL = Rolling on the floor laughing 笑尿了
【好笑的程度对比:LMAO > ROTFL > LOL】
- I just rushed to airport and only to find out that my flight is tomorrow night.
- LMAO!!!
3. BRB = Be right back 有事,稍等,马上回来
- Sorry, someone's calling me. BRB.
4. TL; DR =Too long, didn’t read 卧槽,这么长的信息,谁有时间读
- Here's what I think of the article: (省略1000字)
- TL; DR. Better sum up your idea in less than 20 words.
5. NSFW = Not Safe For Work 慎点,避开老板
当你发送某些不合适在办公室看的视频、图片、对话等给同事时,可以在发送前写上#NSFW 标签,提醒对方慎点。同理,SFW = Safe for work.
- Show you something funny! #NSFW
- Okie, thanks for the warning. Boss around. I will open it later.
6. LMK/Lmk = Let me know 确定后告诉我
- If you need anything, LMK.
- Okie dokie.
7. CYA = See you (later) 再见;88
同义缩写:TTYL= Talk to you later
- I just wrapped up the last bit of my work for today. Leaving work now. CYA.
8. GTG = Got to go 不行了,得走了,稍后聊
- It’s already 8. GTG. CYA.
9. OMW = On my way 在路上
同义缩写:OTW = On the way
- Where are you? It's already 10am, and you're not in office!
- Sorry, bad traffic. OMW to office. Will reach by 10.30am.
10. OIC = Oh, I see 哦,这样呐;原来如此
- New recruits will only be entitled to year-end bonus after serving at least 6 months.
- OIC.
MIA = Missing in action 最初是战术术语,后泛指未报备就不见了的人. e.g. Did you know our new receptionist went MIA on Monday?
OCD = Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 强迫症e.g. We all have a bit OCD in a sense.
WRU = Where are you? 在哪儿呢?
IDK = I don't know 不知道
NVM = Never mind 没事;没关系
NP = No problem 木问题
IDC = I don't care 不关心
IDR = Long-distance relationship 异地恋
WTH = What the hell 卧槽
DOB = Date of birth 出生日期
B3 = Blah blah blah 啰啰嗦嗦、唠唠叨叨
XOXOXO = Hugs and kisses 亲亲抱抱
TY = Thank you 谢谢
TYVM = Thank you very much 非常感谢
BFF = Best friend forever 闺蜜\基友
AMA = Ask me anything 随便问(多用于论坛,例如 “Reddit AMA 版面”)
QT = Cutie 小可爱