Andy just looked at him, very calm and still. His eyes were like ice. It was as if he hadn't heard.
Like everyone else, I look after my own ass first. I have to. It's cracked already.
…and I felt my heart leap up in my chest as it never had since the truck drove me
There was an emotion dawning on his face, something that was grotesque overlying that long, ugly countenence and that receding, sunburned brow. An almost obscene emotion when seen on the features of Byron Hadley. It was hope.
The colossal prick even managed to sound magnanimous.
His eyes were fixed unwinkingly on Hadley's.
…but it was still the best I ever had in my life. We sat and drank it and felt the sun on our shoulders, and not even the expression of half amusement, half-contempt on Hadley's face--as if he was watching apes drink beer instead of men -could spoil it.