HannahLin的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 75 20181221

Lesson 75 SOS

When a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago, it crashed in the mountains and its pilot was killed. The only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were unhurt. It was the middle of winter. Snow lay thick on the ground. The woman knew that the nearest village was miles away. When it grew dark. she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it, covering them with all the clothes she could find. During the night, it got terribly cold. The woman kept as near as she could to the children and even tried to get into the case herself, but it was too small. Early next morning she heard planes passing overhead and wondered how she could send a signal. Then she had an idea. She stamped out the letters' SOS' in the snow. Fortunately, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town. It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.

lesson 75

1. When a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago, it crashed in the mountains and its pilot was killed.


The noun course can refer to a series of lectures, discussions, or other lessons in a particular subject. To graduate from high school, you have to take certain courses in English, social studies, math, and science. Naturally, you want to pass them!

The noun course can refer to a part of a meal. If you love chocolate, your favorite course will be dessert — it's a triple chocolate mousse! The noun course can also refer to an area laid out for a particular sport, as in a golf course or obstacle course. As a verb course can mean to move quickly over or through a certain path, especially some liquid, like when tears course down your cheeks at a sad movie. Don't confuse the spelling of course with coarse, which is an adjective meaning rough.


Boom! Bam! Pow! A crash is when two things collide, or smash, into each other. Crash and smash have similar meanings and sounds.

You can start to worry when you hear the word crash. Many people die in car and airplane crashes every year. Other crashes are less physical yet just as bad. In a stock-market crash, a lot of people lose a lot of money. You can also use crash as a verb. You'd better not crash your bike into the coffee shop window! If your computer crashes, you will probably lose all the data in it.

2. Snow lay thick on the ground.


When you don't tell the truth, you lie. You also lie down when you're sleepy and wonder what lies ahead of you.

If we leave aside the lie that is an untruth, most meanings of lie are related. If something lies ahead of us, then it's there, down the road, waiting for us. If mountains lie to the east, we can think of them as having settled down there. If something lies unused, it is just sort of left to lie on the shelf (or wherever). If you let a sleeping dog lie, you're just letting him be right where he is — in the same position.

Choose Your Words


The verbs lay and lie are total jerks. People often say lay when they mean lie, but it's wrong to lay around. You have to lay something, anything — lay an egg if you want. But you can lie around until the cows come home!

Lay is a transitive verb, meaning it needs to transport something (i.e. a direct object). When you lay the blanket down, "blanket" is the direct object. Chickens and bees often have eggs as direct objects. Here are two examples of lay in the present tense:

"The queen bee only has to mate once and will lay eggs for life." (Washington Times)

"Men, after all, relied mainly on pop culture for inspiration before; now, there lay an entire world of opportunity." (Time)

Lay is also the past tense of lie (to recline). That's not confusing at all! Today you lie on the bed. Yesterday, you lay on the itchy couch. Here's another lay in the past tense:

"For years the letter lay in a box in the attic." (New York Times)

Please lie down if that helps you understand. You lie down when you're tired, or you might tell a lie and say you're wide awake right before you lie down and fall asleep. The noun lie doesn't cause trouble, so here are examples of the other lie used correctly:

"During the day I come up here and lie in the shade." (BBC)

"A liquid ocean and a rocky core may lie beneath the icy shell." (New York Times)

The main thing to remember about lay and lie is that lay needs a direct object and lie doesn't. You have to lay something somewhere. After that, feel free to lie down.Lay is for chickens, and lie is for sleepy people.


To lay is to set something down or put it in a horizontal position. It can also mean to position or prepare something for action, or, simply, to lay eggs.

The word lay can mean a lot of different things, but one of its most common uses is as the adjective component of layperson, which refers to someone who's not a member of the clergy, or who's not a member of a particular profession and so cannot always understand that profession's technical jargon. This is why we sometimes request things to be communicated in "lay language," meaning simple, everyday terms that a layperson can understand

lay language: not having expert knowledge or professional qualifications in a particular subject. 外行的;非专业的;缺少专门知识的

layperson: 非专业人员;外行;门外汉

3.  She stamped out the letters' SOS' in the snow. 


When you stamp, you step hard, either on the ground or on some object. If you're terrified of bugs, you might be tempted to stamp on a big, weird looking beetle.

You can stamp your foot when you're angry, or stamp out a small campfire after you've finished toasting marshmallows. Another way to stamp is to apply a mark or pattern to something — you might stamp your classmates' hands with ink as they enter the school dance, or stamp your return address onto an envelope. Stamp comes from Middle English, with a Germanic root — it's closely related to the German word stampfen, or "stamp with the foot."

4. It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.

scene is where something happens or happened. How did you know that the thief would return to the scene of the crime?

Scene can also describe part of a movie or a play. Did the last scene make you laugh, cry, or fall asleep? There are lots of common phrases that use the word scene. If you “make a scene,” you draw attention to yourself with some kind of outburst. If something happens “behind the scenes,” the public doesn't know about it.

语音知识:passenger, village

CH and J




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