1.Clinton has strongly defended those practices and blamed excesses on the money-gobbling U.S. political system, which he says is “out of whack”.
2.标题Clinton Shows Weakness Among His Own Generation
3.So far, 51 trade complaints have been lodged with WTO. That’s almost one-third the number of disputes handled by the WTO’s predecessor, The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade in its half century of existence.
4.At the other extreme will be specialists that survive by doing one thing either very cheaply or exceptionally well.
By offering lower prices or better services, specialists will discipline the financial supermarkets.
5.West Germany’s Volkswagen and other manufacturers are well entrenched and have been able to get protective barriers against possible Japanese competition.
6.The Gen. Eric Shinseke is depicted as a by-the-book and overly cautious officer during his tour in Bosnia.
7.The primary currency of the SALT negotiations became limit on the number of launchers, not limits on missiles or their characteristics.
8.Allied jets were able to destroy “few, if any, mobile launchers” of scud missiles fired by Iraq at Saudi Arabia and Israel during the conflict.
9.The most savvy companies realize that it will help them to discover new customers, writing more revenue out of existing ones, and lower financing costs.
10.So big is the capital-spending boom that Japanese Companies’ outlays in Japan topped American Companies domestic outlay by $521.4 billion to $494.8 billion in the months ended March 13 even through Japan total output of goods and services is less than two-third America’s.