哈尔滨工程大学 船舶工程学院
2020/10/20 星期二 晚 哈尔滨工程大学青岛科技园
ThinkPad E485 Windows 10 Home Edition;VS 2019;Intel Fortran 2020
欢迎留言 1325686572@qq.com
module shape_class
implicit none
!> Abtract type
type, public :: shape
!> None
procedure, public :: area => calc_area_fn
procedure, public :: perimeter => calc_perimeter_fn
procedure, public :: to_string => to_string_fn
end type
private :: calc_area_fn, calc_perimeter_fn, to_string_fn
real function calc_area_fn(this)
implicit none
class(shape) :: this
calc_area_fn = 0.0
end function
real function calc_perimeter_fn(this)
implicit none
class(shape) :: this
calc_perimeter_fn = 0.0
end function
character(50) function to_string_fn(this)
implicit none
class(shape) :: this
to_string_fn = ""
end function
end module
module circle_class
use shape_class
implicit none
type, public, extends(shape) :: circle
real :: r = 0 !> Radius
procedure, public :: inintialize => inintialize_sub
procedure, public :: area => get_area_fn
procedure, public :: perimeter => get_perimeter_fn
procedure, public :: to_string => to_string_fn
end type
real, parameter :: PI = 3.1415926
private :: inintialize_sub, get_area_fn, get_perimeter_fn
subroutine inintialize_sub(this, r)
implicit none
class(circle) :: this
real, intent(in) :: r
this % r = r
end subroutine
real function get_area_fn(this)
implicit none
class(circle) :: this
get_area_fn = PI * this % r**2
end function
real function get_perimeter_fn(this)
implicit none
class(circle) :: this
get_perimeter_fn = 2.0 * PI * this % r
end function
character(50) function to_string_fn(this)
implicit none
class(circle) :: this
write(to_string_fn, "(A,F6.2)") "Circle of radius", this % r
end function
end module
program console
use circle_class !> Import circle class
implicit none
type(circle), pointer :: cir !> Circle object
integer :: i
character(50) :: id_string
integer :: istat
type :: shape_ptr
class(shape), pointer :: p
end type
type(shape_ptr),dimension(1) :: shapes
allocate(cir, stat = istat)
call cir % inintialize(2.0)
!> Create the array of shape pointers
shapes(1) % p => cir
do i = 1, 1
id_string = shapes(i) % p % to_string()
write(6, "(/A)") id_string
write(6, "(A, F8.4)") "Area = ", shapes(i) % p % area()
write(6, "(A, F8.4)") "Perimeter = ", shapes(i) % p % perimeter()
end do
read(5, *)
end program
[1] Stephen J. Chapman. Fortran 95/2003 程序设计. 第三版. 中国电力出版社. P671.